تونس: التهديد المناخي على الأبواب

ألقت التغيرات المناخية بظلالها على تونس التي تعرف منذ منتصف شهر يونيو موجة حر غير مسبوقة وصلت خلالها درجات الحرارة إلى مستويات قياسية. تبدو ولاية تطاوين في أقصى الجنوب إحدى أكثر المناطق تضررا من ارتفاع  معدلات الحرارة، إذ تصل نسبة الصحراء فيها إلى أكثر من تسعين بالمائة وتتميز بمناخ قاحل يكاد أن يكون الغطاء النباتي فيها معدوماً، باستثناء بعض النباتات الصحراوية القليلة مثل النباتات التي تنتمي لعائلة الصباريات، والشيح، والقيصوم، وبعض النباتات الحوليّة الصحراوية  وهو ما يجعل تأثير الحرارة في هذه المنطقة الجافة أشد وطأة . في هذا الإطار، نشرت جمعية حماية البيئة بذهيبة صورا مفزعة لنفوق عدد من الغزلان … Continue reading

Storm Alexa – Positive Aspects for MENA

The year 2013 saw history being made when Storm Alexa swept across the Middle East and North Africa bringing blizzards, torrential rain and icy winds to a region that hasn’t experienced such a storm in over 100 years. Storm Alexa caused devastating floods in Arab cities, such as Gaza, and power cuts in certain areas of Jordan. Heavy snowfall in Jordan covered the streets, hindering mobility and forcing people into their homes for several days. The storm has also brought hardship and misery upon the Syrian refugees enduring the bitter cold in fragile tents and makeshift shelters. Positive Aspects However, … Continue reading

الفكر البيئي

قبل ان يعي الإنسان ضرورة حماية الموارد الطبيعية، ويدرك أهمية صونها للحفاظ على بقائه، تركت الظروف الطبيعية أثرها على الإنسان، وحفزته في التفكر والتأمل في واقع الظروف البيئية، وبدأ الانسان في مرحلة ما عرف بالعصر البدائي، يمعن التفكير في توفير متطلبات البقاء، وأدرك في سياق ذلك أهمية الموارد في تأمين إستمراية بقائه، ما يتحتم عليه ضرورة العمل على صون الموارد الطبيعية، وإعتبارها ثروة معيشية وحياتية، وإبتكار الوسائل التي تحكم علاقة الجماعات البشرية التي كانت تعيش ضمن محيط بيئي واحد، ومنطقة جغرافية محددة التي تقطنها تلك الجماعات، في تنظيم عملية إستغلال الموارد لضمان بقائها، هنا بدأت البوادر الأولية في تكون مرتكزات … Continue reading

Artisanal Fishing in Morocco – Enormous Resources and Pressing Constraints

In Morocco, artisanal fishing is a traditional activity based on canoes, generally made of wood, generally equipped with an outboard engine and a small crew of three people on average, fishing for benthic and surface species. Fishing is mostly based on the coastline and in estuaries and lakes. Morocco overlooks the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean with coastlines extending over more than three thousand five hundred kilometers, opening its shields to tens of thousands of fishermen. Artisanal fishing in the Moroccan Mediterranean Sea occupies a great place, due to the advantages it offers, especially the large mass of labor … Continue reading

Hima: Integration of Religion and Conservation

Revisiting the earliest days of rural, pastoral- and agriculture-based societies offers thought-provoking answers to solve today’s crises. At the highest levels of international concern, Islam’s formalized system of “Hima,” or Nature Conservation, is receiving optimistic attention. One of the reasons why Hima is an interesting solution for today’s conservation needs is because it developed under a similar set of crises. Relatively speaking, the ratio of human population to accessible natural resources in the days of Moses was just as dire as today’s challenges. It is possible to recognize the development of Hima by following the early days of Prophet Moses, … Continue reading

All You Need to Know About Ocean Acidification and its Impacts

The relentless rise in the percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide since the Industrial Revolution is a well-known fact. Carbon dioxide is considered as one of the key players among the greenhouse gases that has contributed the most towards global warming, the current hot topic among environmentalists, scientists and even politicians. Another key issue is increasing being discussed nowadays is Ocean Acidification. Ocean acidification is an ongoing change in the chemistry of the ocean caused primarily by the ocean’s absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. What is Ocean Acidification Around 1/4th of the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere via … Continue reading

Water Leakage Control: Effective Tool for Water Conservation

Water is a basic need of our life and is amply provided by the Governmental agencies. However, we as consumers do not prioritize on water wastage and leakages issue due to the subsidized water cost. The leakages from taps, valves and appurtenant are often noticed but the invisible leakages under the sink often goes un-noticed and drips occurring are not taken seriously and addressed till the leakage get larger and leak get worse. The Menace of Water Leaks Water leaks from pipes, plumbing fixtures, faucets, valves and fittings are a common sight in buildings and structures and is a significant … Continue reading

مقدمة لمحاكاة الطبيعة

البشر أذكياء ، ولكن دون قصد ، خلقنا مشاكل استدامة هائلة للأجيال القادمة. ولحسن الحظ ، فإن الحلول لهذه التحديات العالمية تحيط بنا من كل جانب. التقليد الحيوي هو نهج للابتكار يسعى إلى إيجاد حلول مستدامة للتحديات البشرية من خلال محاكاة أنماط واستراتيجيات الطبيعة التي تم اختبارها عبر الأزمنة. الهدف هو إنشاء منتجات وعمليات وسياسات – طرق جديدة للحياة – تتكيف بشكل جيد مع الحياة على الأرض على المدى الطويل. الفكرة الأساسية هي أن الطبيعة قد حلت بالفعل العديد من المشاكل التي نواجهها. الحيوانات والنباتات والميكروبات هي بمثابة مهندسين بارعين. بعد مليارات السنين من البحث والتطوير ، والفشل المتمثل في … Continue reading

Top Sustainability Trends in Europe

Sustainability is a global issue, but ecosystems, economies and other factors vary from place to place. While trends that prove successful in one area will likely eventually spread to others, different regions may be at different places at different times. In this post, we’ll focus on Europe. What trends are taking hold there? And which will spread to the Middle East? Sustainability Driving Revenue Growth While sustainability was at first often seen as a corporate responsibility and PR move, today it’s an integral part of business plans. It serves as a major competitive advantage and drives increases in revenue. In … Continue reading

Freshwater Management Outlook for UAE

Per capita water consumption of freshwater in the United Arab Emirates is the highest in the world. Over the last several decades, the demand on municipal water supply has increased significantly in the UAE. This is mainly due to increase in population growth, economic development and changes in lifestyle of the people. Though water is used by many sectors such as manufacturing industries, agriculture and domestic purposes, residential  and commercial uses of water during the operational phase of the building is one of the biggest contributing factors that puts a strain on freshwater supply in the country. Desalination and Sustainability … Continue reading

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Environmental Sustainability

In recent years, the environmental issues have triggered debates, discussions, awareness programs and public outrage that have catapulted interest in new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence finds application in a wide array of environmental sectors, including natural resource conservation, wildlife protection, energy management, clean energy, waste management, pollution control and agriculture. Artificial Intelligence (also known as AI) is considered to be the biggest game-changer in the global economy. With its gradual increase in scope and application, it is estimated that by 2030, AI will contribute up to 15.7 trillion of the global economy which is more than the … Continue reading

The Significance of Groundwater Atlas in Water Management

Groundwater atlases are becoming a necessary resource for identifying natural reservoirs of our most precious natural resource – water.  A groundwater atlas for the USA was published was published by regions i.e. several states in the 1990s culminating in the 2000 release of the Groundwater Atlas for the U.S.A. It describes the location, extent as well as the geological and hydrological characteristics of aquifers across the United States. An African Groundwater Atlas, a project undertaken by the British Geological Survey, released the atlas in 2014 making groundwater information and data available across the globe. Abu Dhabi released its groundwater atlas … Continue reading