Popular Sources of Biofuels

As the world seeks more and more ways to create eco-friendly energy sources, biofuels seem to be the only answer. Over the last few years, biofuels have been praised as being the best alternative to our fossil fuel crazy world. This is because they do not pollute the environment as much as the current fuel sources. Further, they are much cheaper. Biofuels are produced from the following major sources. Used cooking oil This is one of the most popular sources of biofuels. Why? Cooking oil is much easier to find. This is because it is used in a large number … Continue reading

Solar For Your Home

Light from the sun can produce energy that powers an entire home. Solar panels use the most powerful but free energy source in nature. Solar energy is a renewable source. It reduces the carbon footprint of your home. Your electricity bills can greatly reduce after installing solar panels. There can be complete riddance from them if solar energy is the sole electricity source. Once that investment is made, you can save a lot on regular expenditures. However, is this the best solution for your home? Let’s find out if it is the best option for your home among rising electricity … Continue reading

Biomass Energy in Jordan

Jordan has promising biomass energy potential in the form of municipal solid wastes, crop residues and organic industrial wastes.  Municipal solid wastes represent the best source of biomass in Jordan. In terms of quantity per capita and constituents, the waste generated in Jordan is comparable to most semi-industrialized nations. Agricultural biomass offers a low energy potential due to arid climate in most of the country. The major biomass energy resources in Jordan are: Municipal waste from big cities Organic wastes from slaughterhouse, vegetable market, hotels and restaurants. Organic waste from agro-industries Animal manure, mainly from cows and chickens. Sewage sludge … Continue reading

Cleantech Investment by AfDB

The African Development Bank, through its public and private sector departments, is currently implementing several clean energy projects and programs to address these priorities particularly in the energy and forestry sectors. The Bank’s energy portfolio currently stands at about USD2 billion. The AfDB provides two lending windows. The first is a public window, with mostly concessional funds available to governments. The second is a private window, which offers debt and equity on commercial terms.  The World Bank Group and the African Development Bank are in the process of applying to the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) Trust Fund Committee for use … Continue reading

Energy and the Climate: Perspectives for Middle East

Since energy is an absolute necessity for life on Earth, we have utilized many sources of energy to maintain and improve the lives of people around the globe. The ultimate source of energy is the Sun of course, since all living things on Earth such as plants, trees, animals and humans need the Sun’s energy. In addition to the Sun, we have utilized other sources of energy such as oil, coal and nuclear fission.  However, energy has many different forms and we use different forms of energy for different applications. For example, nuclear energy is mostly used to generate electricity, … Continue reading

Everything You Need to Know About a Biorefinery

A biorefinery is a facility that integrates biomass conversion processes and equipment to produce fuels, power, and value-added chemicals from biomass. Biorefinery is analogous to today’s petroleum refinery, which produces multiple fuels and products from petroleum. By producing several products, a biorefinery takes advantage of the various components in biomass and their intermediates, therefore maximizing the value derived from the biomass feedstock. A biorefinery could, for example, produce one or several low-volume, but high-value, chemical products and a low-value, but high-volume liquid transportation fuel such as biodiesel or bioethanol. At the same time, it can generate electricity and process heat, … Continue reading

How Can The Effects Of Climate Change Be Mitigated?

Climate change will affect us all and it’s important to consider how climate change will have wide reaching consequences for generations to come. This article investigates how the effects of climate change will affect all of us and what measures we can take to mitigate the effects of climate change. What is climate change mitigation? Climate change mitigation refers to actions taken to limit climate change by either reducing greenhouse gas emissions or removing those gases from the atmosphere. Mitigation actions can include using new technologies and renewable energies, making existing equipment more energy efficient, and ensuring carbon sinks continue … Continue reading

How Biomass Helps with Sustainability

The world is increasingly looking for ways to become more sustainable, and one of the most promising solutions is the use of biomass. Biomass is a renewable energy resource derived from organic materials such as plants, animals, and their byproducts. It is often seen as a more sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of using biomass for sustainability. What is Biomass? Biomass is a renewable energy resource derived from organic materials such as plants, animals, and their byproducts. For example, wood, paper, crop waste, … Continue reading

Renewable Energy in Palestine

High population growth, increasing living standards and rapid industrial growth has led to tremendous energy demand in the Palestinian Territories in recent years. The energy situation in Palestine is highly different compared to other countries in the Middle East due to non-availability of natural resource, financial crunch and unstable political condition. Palestine is heavily dependent on Israel for meeting its energy requirements. Almost all petroleum products are imported through Israeli companies.  Israel controls energy imports into Palestine and thus prevents open trade in electricity and petroleum products between Palestine and other countries. Current Scenario Energy is increasingly becoming unaffordable for … Continue reading

Solar Energy in Morocco

Morocco, being the largest energy importer in North Africa, is making concerted efforts to reduce its reliance on imported fossil fuels. Renewable energy is an attractive proposition as Morocco has almost complete dependence on imported energy carriers. Morocco is already spending over USD 3billion a year on fuel and electricity imports and is experiencing power demand growth of 6.5 per cent a year. The National Energy and Energy Efficiency Plan was launched in 2008 which aims to develop renewable energy to meet 15 percent of the country’s energy demand and to increase the use of energy-saving methods.  According to the Moroccan Ministry … Continue reading

الطاقة الشمسية في سلطنة عُمان: الإمكانيات والتقدم

الطاقة الشمسية هي الحل الحيوي والاستراتيجي لتوفير الطاقة الكهربائية في سلطنة عمان. وبالنظر إلى الأراضي الواسعة الغير مستغلة وموارد الطاقة الشمسية المتاحة, عمان لديها إمكانات ممتازة لتطوير الطاقة الشمسية والتوسع فيها. الطاقة الشمسية خيارا قابلا للتطبيق في عمان ولا يمكن فقط أن تلبي الحاجة المتزايدة لتنويع مصادر الطاقة ولكن أيضا من شأنه أن يساعد في التنويع الاقتصادي. مع الاعتماد الكلي على الوقود الأحفوري وزيادة عدد السكان جنبا إلى جنب مع المناطق الصناعية في المدن مثل الدقم وصحار وصلالة والبنية التحتية للطاقة والنفط والغاز احتياطيات عمان تشكل تحديا على النمو الاقتصادي. الأهمية الاستراتيجية والموقع الجغرافي لعمان يجعلها قابلة لتطبيق و لتسخير … Continue reading

How to Solar Power a Shed?

Ahh, so you want to solar power a shed? Well, that’s nothing new. A few rules to follow, a few hacks to remember, and you are golden. Solar panels are now utilized on pergolas, cabins, yachts, and RVs, in addition to roofs and RVs. Sheds are a typical component of many homes and can unquestionably benefit from renewable energy. How many solar panels will be needed to power everything, though? A 50W solar panel can power simple storage sheds, but if the shed is also used as a home office, two 250W solar panels are the absolute least needed. To … Continue reading