Sustaining the Planet: How Solar Energy is Contributing to a Greener Future

As we are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impacts of our current energy sources, the adoption of renewable alternatives is becoming more critical. Harnessing the power of the sun through solar energy is a leading aspect of this movement. Concentrating on this, we delve into how solar energy is contributing to a greener future and a more sustainable planet. Learn more about it here! The Dire Need for Renewable Energy With increasing populations and industrialization, our dependency on energy is higher than ever. This growing necessity fuels the growth of an industry centered around renewable energy solutions, such as … Continue reading

Renewable Energy in Algeria

Algeria plays a key role in world energy markets as a leading producer and exporter of natural gas and liquefied natural gas. Algeria’s energy mix in 2010 was almost exclusively based on fossil fuels, especially natural gas (93%). However, Algeria has enormous renewable energy potential, mainly solar, which the government is trying to harness by launching an ambitious Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program. “Everywhere there is someone or something trying to make a difference. In this case, Algeria is playing an important role in producing and exporting natural gas and liquefied natural gas. But, sometimes it’s just about understanding … Continue reading

Solar Panels for Large-Scale Manufacturing Facilities

As we shift towards more sustainable energy solutions, commercial solar panels have become a frontrunner in the movement. For large-scale manufacturing facilities, a commercial solar system will be both a responsible and strategic step forward. This article dives deep into the benefits and details of commercial solar panels, specifically tailored for the massive power needs of manufacturing establishments. Why Should Manufacturing Facilities Consider Commercial Solar Panels? Cost Savings Over time, the return on investment for solar panels commercial setups can be staggering. Once the initial cost is covered, these facilities can often generate their power at a fraction of the … Continue reading

البرك الشمسية في البحر الميت – حين يجد الشباب الأردني الحل لتوفير الطاقة

توالت الاقتراحات و الحلول لمشاكل توفير الطاقة عبر السنين العشر الماضية في الأردن , و كان العديد من المهتمين بهذا الموضوع في وضعية بحث غير منقطعة عن حلول جدية و احيانا جذرية , لكن كما يعلم الجميع ما زال موضوع ” البدائل البيئية ” و كيفية الحفاظ على البيئة و توفير الطاقة موضوعا يصنف تحت قائمة ” الرفاهيات ” و أن هناك ما هو أهم لتسليط الضوء عليه رغم وجود حوال 70 جمعية لحماية البيئة في الأردن . لكن ليس من الضروري أحيانا  أن تصل التوعية لأعداد ضخمة أو مجتمعات كبيرة , ربما وصولها لأفراد سينعشها و يضخ الحياة فيها … Continue reading

Introduction to Solar Pond

A solar pond is a three-dimensional, open-air pit, filled with water endowed with special properties. It receives solar energy through insulation, then the trapped heat is extracted from it from the water lying at the bottom of the pond. When solar energy falls onto the pond, it heats the water, splitting it into three sections: the first section is the uppermost layer, or Surface Zone, containing fresh water with a low level of salinity. This owes to the fact that salts gather at the bottom. The second layer is the middle layer, called the insulating layer or Insulation Zone, whose … Continue reading

الطاقه المتجددة بالمغرب العربي

المغرب، كونها أكبر مستورد للطاقة في شمال أفريقيا، تبذل جهودا مركزة للحد من اعتمادها على الوقود الأحفوري المستورد. وتعتبر الطاقة المتجددة  مصدر موثوق في بلد مثل المغرب العربي التي لديها الاعتماد الكامل تقريبا على شركات الطاقة المستوردة.والمغرب تنفق سنويا  أكثر من 3 مليارات دولار على واردات الوقود والكهرباء في حين انها تشهد نمو الطلب على الطاقة بمعدل 6.5 في المئة سنويا. وفقا لتقرير الوزارة المغربية للطاقة والتعدين، الطاقة الإجمالية المركبة للطاقة المتجددة (باستثناء الطاقة المائية) ما يقرب من 300ميجا وات في عام 2011. وقد حققت الحكومة المغربية بالفعل هدفها المتمثل في توفير حوالي 8٪ من إجمالي الطاقة الأولية من مصادر … Continue reading

Unleashing Solar Power in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is the largest consumer of petroleum in the Middle East, with domestic consumption reaching 4 million barrels per day in 2012 out of daily production of 10 million barrels. Saudi Arabia’s primary energy consumption per capita is four times higher than the world average. Strong industrial growth, subsidized oil prices, increasing energy demand for electricity and transportation is leading to a growing clamor for oil in the country. The total energy consumption in the Kingdom is rapidly rising at an average rate of about 6 percent per annum. Solar Energy Prospects in KSA To meet the rising local … Continue reading

Solar Energy Prospects in Tunisia

Tunisia is an energy-dependent country with modest oil and gas reserves. Around 97 percent of the total energy is produced by natural gas and oil, while renewables contribute merely 3% of the energy mix. The installed electricity capacity at the end of 2015 was 5,695 MW which is expected to sharply increase to 7,500 MW by 2021 to meet the rising power demands of the industrial and domestic sectors. Needless to say, Tunisia is building additional conventional power plants and developing its solar and wind capacities to sustain economic development. Wind Energy in Tunisia Wind power represents the main source of renewable energy in … Continue reading

Desertec: What Went Wrong?

A plan to power Europe from solar power plants in Sahara desert, popularly known as Desertec, seems to have stalled, but several large North African solar projects are still going ahead despite local concerns. Where did the Desertec project go wrong, and can desert solar power yet play a role in a democratic and sustainable future? If you use social media, you may well have seen a graphic going around, showing a tiny square in the Sahara desert with the caption: ‘This much solar power in the Sahara would provide enough energy for the whole world!’ Can this really be true? It is … Continue reading

مشاريع الطاقة المتجددة في الأردن لعام 2013 – بين التخطيط و التطبيق

أصبح البحث عن مصادر الطاقة المتجددة في الأردن هو الشغل الشاغل لجميع مسؤولين و باحثين كثر في هذا المجال , و رغم بطء التنفيذ و صعوبته أحيانا إلا أنه من الصعب التغاضي عن إيجاد طاقة بديلة عن النفط و الغاز في المملكة .حسب الإحصائيات الواردة في ندوة ( واقع الطاقة بين الاستهلاك والترشيد في الوطن العربي ) والتي عقدت في جامعة عمّان الأهلية ما بين أيلول و سبتمبر العام الحالي , فإن الأردن يستورد اكثر من 97% من مجمل احتياجاته من الطاقة، وان كلفة الطاقة المستوردة العام الماضي بلغت حوالي 4.6 مليار دينار، مشكلة 21% من الناتج المحلي الاجمالي . … Continue reading

Solar For Your Home

Light from the sun can produce energy that powers an entire home. Solar panels use the most powerful but free energy source in nature. Solar energy is a renewable source. It reduces the carbon footprint of your home. Your electricity bills can greatly reduce after installing solar panels. There can be complete riddance from them if solar energy is the sole electricity source. Once that investment is made, you can save a lot on regular expenditures. However, is this the best solution for your home? Let’s find out if it is the best option for your home among rising electricity … Continue reading

Renewable Energy in Palestine

High population growth, increasing living standards and rapid industrial growth has led to tremendous energy demand in the Palestinian Territories in recent years. The energy situation in Palestine is highly different compared to other countries in the Middle East due to non-availability of natural resource, financial crunch and unstable political condition. Palestine is heavily dependent on Israel for meeting its energy requirements. Almost all petroleum products are imported through Israeli companies.  Israel controls energy imports into Palestine and thus prevents open trade in electricity and petroleum products between Palestine and other countries. Current Scenario Energy is increasingly becoming unaffordable for … Continue reading