Water Leakage Control: Effective Tool for Water Conservation

Water is a basic need of our life and is amply provided by the Governmental agencies. However, we as consumers do not prioritize on water wastage and leakages issue due to the subsidized water cost. The leakages from taps, valves and appurtenant are often noticed but the invisible leakages under the sink often goes un-noticed and drips occurring are not taken seriously and addressed till the leakage get larger and leak get worse. The Menace of Water Leaks Water leaks from pipes, plumbing fixtures, faucets, valves and fittings are a common sight in buildings and structures and is a significant … Continue reading

How to Avoid Drinking Heavy Metals?

Heavy metals naturally occur in our environment. Even so, they aren’t the kind of substances you’ll want in your body. Each of the common heavy metals produces different reactions within the body. In some cases, metals of this nature may contribute to heavy metal poisoning or certain diseases and illnesses. Here’s what you need to know about heavy metals and how to avoid drinking them.   Signs You Have Issues with Heavy Metals It’s not always easy to tell if you have heavy metals in your drinking water. The symptoms related to heavy metal ingestion can range from mild to … Continue reading

The Impact of Plumbing Materials on the Environment

When buying a home you may be interested in having a sustainable home, and one of the most important aspects that you should not overlook the plumbing systems. With water contamination getting more and more common lately, it’s important to understand how plumbing systems work and their impact on the environment. Drinking water is carried through these pipes everyday and when choosing plumbing materials we must consider ecological toxicity, air pollution, fossil fuel depletion, and global warming. Low Cost When buying a home you may be looking for the cheapest way to be sustainable. Although some environmentally-friendly products may be … Continue reading