Why We Need to Use Technology to Fight Climate Change

Climate change is a colossal challenge, and it can seem like individual actions won’t be enough to tackle it, or that we don’t have the resources necessary. But neither of those are true. There are many individual actions we can all take that will help change the course of climate change. Many technologies available at both consumer and industrial levels can play a role, from simple things like switching to LED lights to complex processes such as building wind farms for renewable energy. With so many people consuming our valuable resources, science says humans are a main cause of climate … Continue reading

The Impact of IoT on Sustainable Development

The Internet of Things (IoT) is currently trending with its ever expanding eco-system of digital sensors, appliances and wearable smart devices. Like other sectors, the role of IoT in sustainable development and environment protection will be crucial in the coming years. Environmental degradation is occurring all over the world. Land degradation, deforestation and desertification pose a growing threat to food security and water availability. Widespread loss of biological diversity is undermining the productive capacity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This reduces access to essential environmental goods and services, including vital ecological processes such as water purification, nutrient cycling, control of … Continue reading

5 Benefits of Remote Monitoring Systems

Remote monitoring systems are fueling the proliferation of industrial revolution 4.0, partly thanks to the advancement in the Internet of Things (IoT) and data logger technologies. These systems allow organizations to have a clear, continuous, and holistic view of their processes, personnel, and equipment, as well as monitor environmental conditions that may impact their products and occupational safety. In today’s highly competitive and regulated business environment, organizations must efficiently and consistently monitor conditions, assets and proactively detect problems. The ability to know when conditions are about to go out of range or to have early warning of a potential equipment … Continue reading