Why We Need to Use Technology to Fight Climate Change

Climate change is a colossal challenge, and it can seem like individual actions won’t be enough to tackle it, or that we don’t have the resources necessary. But neither of those are true. There are many individual actions we can all take that will help change the course of climate change. Many technologies available at both consumer and industrial levels can play a role, from simple things like switching to LED lights to complex processes such as building wind farms for renewable energy. With so many people consuming our valuable resources, science says humans are a main cause of climate … Continue reading

10 Tips for Using Solar Power Effectively

Solar power is an effective way to reduce your electricity bill and your carbon footprint. This renewable energy resource can readily provide more than suitable power for your home’s requirements. Solar power is reliant on the sun, so there are going to be days where you will need to use your solar as effectively as possible. Use your solar power wisely to make sure that you can keep your household running smoothly with as few interruptions as possible. Solar power is incredibly impressive in its use of sunlight, but it is still not a miracle worker, the most effective use … Continue reading