About Zeke Iddon

Zeke Iddon is a British writer and advocate of improving global thinking on climate change, sustainability and the green energy industry. In his capacity as a writer for Poly2Petro, he also hopes to help improve our collective knowledge on plastic recycling (and its current failures), if only in a small way.

Energy Answers for the Middle East

The economy of Middle East is practically synonymous with crude oil for the average Western observer, but what most people aren’t aware of is the Middle East hasn’t been doing so well out of its crude oil reserves in recent years. So much so, that it may be the first time in history that we can justifiably declare an imminent state of Peak Oil in these regions. It is an understandably bold statement, and one that will come as a surprise to many… especially those who have been blindsided by the more general, global statistics. Besides a slight dip over … Continue reading