About Hend Khader

Hend Khader is a Palestinian/Australian currently living and working in Doha, Qatar. She holds a dual degree in Environmental and Chemical Engineering, and hopes to change the views of young people in the region through awareness and education. She is currently working at Doha Film Institute and aims to use film as a method of knowledge dissemination.

Mangroves in Qatar: Perspectives

Mangroves are trees and shrubs that have adapted to life in a saltwater environment, usually found in the intertidal zone of a coastal or estuarine area. The halophyte characteristics of a mangrove tree allows it to grow in saline environments where no other tree can, thereby making significant contributions to the local ecosystem. Yet these reservoirs of “blue carbon” are seriously threatened. Across the globe, coastal ecosystems are currently being lost at a rate of about 2% a year – a staggering number when the carbon storage potential is considered. In a harsh desert environment such as Qatar, mangroves are one … Continue reading