4 Myths About Solar Power, Debunked

Solar power is more than just a trend—with the rising cost of living and climate change being two very real problems in today’s world, affordable, sustainable energy solutions are only becoming more popular. As with anything in life, solar power has its advantages and its disadvantages. But it’s important to separate the genuine setbacks of solar power from the false myths about this form of energy. This article debunks 4 of the most common myths you might hear about solar power. 1. Solar Panels Don’t Work in Winter This comes from black-or-white thinking: believing that solar panels will do a … Continue reading

The Wisest Green Decisions You Can Make For Your Home

When you own a home, it’s up to you to make decisions about everything from maintenance to furniture. With so many competing issues, it can be difficult to figure out how where to focus your energy — not to mention your dollars. By making thoughtful and wise green decisions for your home, you can keep it in top shape for decades besides protecting the environment and conserving natural resources. Environmental psychology may also play a key role in strengthening the relationship between between you and your surroundings. Read on for the wisest green decision you can make for your home: … Continue reading

Working Towards a Greener Eid Al-Adha Qurbani

In Islam, there are many basic acts that are expected by devout Muslims, also known as the Five Pillars of Islam. These include declaring your faith (Shahadah), performing daily ritual prayers (Salat), paying forward charity to those in need (Zakat), fasting during the month of Ramadan (Sawm) and undertaking the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). With each of these responsibilities, Muslims can feel closer to Allah and feel satisfied that they are living a responsible and good life according to the expectations of Islam. By taking part in these acts and showing their generosity, there are certain special occasions that Muslims … Continue reading

أهم 7 فوائد لإعادة تدوير بقايا القهوة

نحن كعشاق للقهوة نقوم باستخدام أجهزة ووسائل متعددة حتى نحصل على القهوة التي نرغب و نستلذ بها، هذه الأجهزة والأدوات مثل آلة صنع القهوة أو وعاء الموكا وصولاً للكوب أو حتى ماكينة الباريستا، كلها تؤدي بالمحصلة إلى إنتاج كميات كبيرة من بقايا القهوة والتي بالعادة تكون نهايتها القمامة. وبالرغم من ذلك، يمكننا الاستفادة من بقايا القهوة المطحونة بطرق متعددة، مثلاً كاستخدامها كسماد طبيعي أو مُنّظف، وهنالك عدة خيارات أخرى أيضاً. لذلك، فيمايلي وددنا أن نشارك بعض الطرق الرائعة والسهلة لإعادة تدوير بقايا القهوة لنحافظ على البيئة. سماد ذو نوعية جيدة للحديقة للعلم فإن القهوة المطحونة تعتبر من مصادر النيتروجين المفيد … Continue reading

Algae-Powered Buildings: A Futuristic Invention

In an environment where the carbon footprint is becoming increasingly large, we need to start developing sustainable solutions which can keep greenhouse gases at bay. It is estimated that the building industry contributes to almost 40% of all of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions! To put this into perspective, this consists to a whopping 90 megatons of emissions that are emitted annually in constructing new buildings and maintaining the infrastructure of pre-developed ones. It is time for us to take action! At EcoMENA, we believe in creating a sustainable future so that the building industry can thrive and support our future … Continue reading

Paper Bag Boy’s Message to the World

Abdul Muqeet, also known as the Paper Bag Boy, has risen from being just another ordinary student to an extra-ordinary environmentalist. Ten-year old Abdul Muqeet has demonstrated remarkable commitment to saving the environment in the United Arab Emirates and elsewhere, and has been a poster-boy for environmental campaigns in the Middle East. Here he shares his views on environment, recycling and public awareness. It is said that you should break your goals down into small steps which you can accomplish each day. Set a goal, and approach it in a simple and basic manner. When I started my environmental campaign couple of years … Continue reading

5 Simple Ways You Can Help Stop Wildlife Poaching

Poaching is defined as the unlawful capture, shooting, and killing of wildlife. It has already been performed for a variety of purposes, including seizing the territory for human benefit, but more frequently, this has been done for a variety of ludicrous reasons, such as the desire for rare species items like ivory, wool, body parts, leather, skeleton, or teeth. However, many wildlife organizations around the globe are creating Anti poaching laws and techniques, to help to save rare species. Many creatures are added to the brink of extinction list each year as a result of poaching and international wildlife violations. … Continue reading

The Rapid Degradation of Wadi Gaza

In recent years, environmental crisis has worsened in the Palestine, Gaza Strip in particular, with solid waste, sewage and air pollution being the major issues. The key reason for environmental degradation in the Gaza Strip has been the difficult economic situation and an unending Israeli blockade. Wadi Gaza (or the Gaza Valley) which is located in the middle of Gaza Strip has been transformed from being the most substantial natural ecosystems in Palestine to the most deteriorated regions. Wadi Gaza can be described as one of the largest natural wetlands in Palestine with a length of 105 km. This area has … Continue reading

What is the Best Temperature for an Air Conditioner During Summer?

Finding the ideal air conditioner temperature during summer can be challenging, yet it significantly impacts comfort and energy efficiency. The most cost-effective setting for your thermostat in summer is often 78 degrees Fahrenheit, according to recommendations by ENERGY STAR, a division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Setting your thermostat to this temperature can help balance comfort and efficiency, ensuring your home stays cool without causing a spike in your energy bills. Depending on personal preferences or specific conditions, slight adjustments can be made to find the perfect balance. The experts at https://www.housepro.net/ac-repair/ also tell us that by utilizing fans … Continue reading

Health Monitoring With a Vegetarian Diet: Key Blood Tests

A vegan diet can become a great contributor to your overall health condition. Eating too much meat can raise your cholesterol and lead to obesity. While a vegan diet can have a lot of health benefits. Studies show that a plant-based diet full of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals can lower your risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and some cancers. This type of diet usually has less saturated fat and cholesterol, and more fiber, which helps with healthy digestion and weight management. However, there are some risks associated with a vegan diet. Humans are used to … Continue reading

Towards a Waste-Free Ramadan Iftar

In the holy month of Ramadan, Iftar or breaking of fast becomes our main attention. The Iftars are either taken at home alone or with the family and relatives or at Iftar buffets at hotels and restaurants. The other option usually for the bachelors and less privileged people are to open the fast at mosques and at community centers whereby the iftar and dinner is provided for free organized by the rich, philanthropists, charitable organizations and mosque committees. Disrespect to Food It is a common sight that at Iftar, people do not respect the food and drinks that are provided … Continue reading

الوقود الأحفوري يجب أن يصبح جزء من الماضي

يشهد العالم منذ أواخر القرن العشرين وبداية القرن الحادي والعشرين تفاقم التحديات البيئية العالمية، لعل من أبرزها ظواهر الاحتباس الحراري  والتغير المناخي وفقدان التنوّع الإيكولوجي وندرة بعض الموارد الطبيعية وغيرها.في هذا الإطار ، تجمع مختلف التقارير على دور مصادر الطاقة التقليديّة في هذه المؤشرات الخطيرة التي تنبئ بالأسوأ إذا لم يقع اتخاذ إجراءات هيكلية لتغيير المنوال الطاقيّ خصوصا في الدول النّامية. في هذا السياق ، دعت الهيئة الحكومية الدولية المعنية بتغير المناخ إلى إنهاء طريقة استخدام الوقود الأحفوري بلا أي قيود في أسرع وقت ممكن “إذا كان العالم يريد أن يتجنب تغيرا خطيرا في المناخ.” وطالبت الهيئة، التي تدعمها الأمم … Continue reading