Stepwells for Secure Water Supplies – Rediscover an Ancient Technology

Stepwells are a remarkable and well-proven traditional water management practice, used in the Indian sub-continent and the Middle East, that deserves wider recognition and use. In this article, we will discuss the history and evolution of stepwells. Stepwells and steptanks have stairs leading from ground level to the bottom of a pool of water.[1] Stepwells cut into the rock or with a masonry or impermeable construction might better be known as steptanks or cisterns. The more important stepwells are porous and linked to the groundwater (aquifer). To build this kind of system the soil or rock type, depth to groundwater, … Continue reading

Qanats: A Sustainable Water Management Tool For Arid Lands

Qanats are a remarkable system for managing water without pumps and with minimal evaporation even when water is transferred over considerable distances. A mother well starts the qanat and then an underground canal set at a minimal pitch carries the water for many kilometers until it comes to the surface. Some qanats were 70 km or longer.[i]  The sizes of the tunnel and wells vary widely from narrow, barely large enough to fit a person, to substantial. In less consolidated materials the access shafts may need to be much larger. The spacing of the access shafts may be 20-150 m … Continue reading

النفايات البحرية

بدأت قضية النفايات البحرية في وقتنا الحالي بإكتساب بعض الإهتمام بعد أن كانت قضية مهملة لفترة طويلة من الزمن. تتكون النفايات البحرية من خليط متنوع من المواد ذات المصادر المختلفة وعليه فإن استخدام طريقة واحدة للتعامل معها لا يوفر حلول فعالة لهذه القضية.من أبرز الأمثلة للمخلفات البحرية الأكثر شيوعاً: معدات الصيد سواء المتروكة أو المراد التخلص منها أو الضائعة من أصحابها، ومواد التعبئة والتغليف البلاستيكية (من زجاجات واغطية واكياس تسوق… الخ) بالإضافة لمواد التصنيع الأولية للبلاستك. إن تقيم الجدوى الاقتصادية للتعامل مع هذه القضية من خلال جمع هذه المواد من البحار للتخلص منها، مقارنة بكلفة منع إلقاء المخلفات في المقام … Continue reading

Water Scarcity in Bahrain

Bahrain is listed among the top ten countries that are likely to suffer from a water crisis in the next 25 years. The World Resources Institute (WRI) have estimated that 33 countries, half of which are in the Middle East, would suffer from a severe water crisis by 2040. According to the study that included 167 countries, the top ten countries that would face water crisis by 2040 are Bahrain, Kuwait, Palestine, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Oman. The finding shows that the Middle East is already probably the least water-secure region in the world as it … Continue reading

The Unending Benefits of Wetlands

Wetlands are wonderful for numerous reasons but these wonders weren’t always known to man and it was often common to overlook the importance of this distinct ecosystem. The mention of a wetland used to bring to mind images of murky, mosquito-riddled swamps or unused lands that needed to be developed into a space which would be more useful to humankind. Wetlands were grossly undervalued which led to loss of many and provoked the Convention on Wetlands to be signed in Ramsar, Iran in 1971. The Ramsar Convention still serves as an international wetland conservation movement and currently holds over 160 nation … Continue reading

فوائد لا تحصى للأراضي الرطبة

لطالما أغفلنا روعة وأهمية الأراضي الرطبة بسبب جهلنا للميزات العديدة لهذا النظام البيئي. و لطالما استخدم مصطلح الأراضي الرطبة   للتعبير عن المستنقعات العكرة  المليئة بالبعوض أو الأراضي غير المستغلة التي تحتاج إلى بعض التحسينات لتكون أكثر إفادة للإنسان. و قد أدى هذا التقليل من شأن وأهمية الأراضي الرطبة إلى فقدان الكثير منها، الأمر الذي استلزم التوقيع على معاهدة الأراضي الرطبة في رامسار، في إيران عام 1971. ولا تزال تلك المعاهدة تعد بمثابة الحركة الدولية للمحافظة على الأراضي الرطبة، حيث تضم أكثر من 160 دولة موقعة. لقد وضح الراحل نيلسون مانديلا روعة التنوع البيولوجي الموجود في الأراضي الرطبة عندما ذكر منطقة … Continue reading

Solar Water Disinfection For Times of Crisis

One of the most critical health problems during natural and human induced disasters is finding safe drinking water. Disease and illnesses result from contaminated water supplies, poor hygiene, lack of safe water for washing, and/or environmental conditions that support water borne diseases. What is Solar Water Disinfection There is no simple solution for these problems in the midst of crisis; but there is a little known but effective water treatment process that has enormous potential. Solar disinfection (SODIS) is economical, requires no exotic or expensive chemicals, and does not require expensive and limited fuels for boiling water (Lawand et al., … Continue reading

Everything You Should Know About Atmospheric Rivers

Atmospheric rivers actually mean rivers of water in our skies. But what is the science behind this phenomena that can become a very serious threat across regions of the globe. An atmospheric river (also known as AR) is a long and narrow flowing stream of water, actually condensed water vapour, in the atmosphere. It is capable of producing significant levels of rain and snow. When the atmospheric river moves across land and over mountainous terrain, the water vapour rises and cools to create very heavy precipitation or snowfall. Many atmospheric rivers are of moderate size but some are exceptionally powerful … Continue reading

An Urgent Call to Save the Dead Sea from Extinction

The news headlines read that the Dead Sea is dying so fast that it could totally disappear by the middle of this century. With the waters dying up, the exposed land is cracked and salt encrusted. Sinkholes are appearing as well and adding to the level of natural destruction. The rate of this process is being monitored by measuring the rate at which the water line is retreating. It is presently receding at the rate of one meter each year. The Dead Sea region is of great importance to three main religious groups: Jews, Muslims and Christians. The Dead Sea … Continue reading

Middle East Water Week Conference and Exhibition – December 9th –12th, Al Khobar, KSA

A premier forum for discussing important issues in Produced Water and Industrial Water management will take place at the Middle East Water Week Conference & Exhibition in 2024, which will be held at the Kempinski Al Othman- Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This event, which aims to promote sustainable practices in water treatment, reuse and management, is slated from December 9th –12th and is hosted by Produced Water Society and organised by Energyte – Energy Technical Exchange. The conference will feature eminent speakers and experts delving into the opportunities, challenges and technological advancements in water management. It will be … Continue reading

La crise de l’eau en Égypte et la dégradation du Nil

L’Égypte peine à gérer les pénuries d’eau et la production alimentaire. D’ici 2025, l’approvisionnement en eau de l’Égypte par habitant et par an devrait chuter de 600 m3 à 500 m3, ce qui correspond au seuil absolu de pénurie d’eau selon l’ONU. L’Égypte ne dispose que de 20 m3 de ressources intérieures en eau douce renouvelables par personne, ce qui entraîne la forte dépendance du pays vis-à-vis du Nil en tant que source d’eau principale. La pénurie d’eau s’est tellement aggravée qu’on observe plusieurs jours sans eau dans certaines zones du pays, avec un retour des pressions ne durant parfois que quelques heures par … Continue reading

Le rôle du savoir et de l’innovation autochtones dans la gestion de l’eau

Nos ancêtres sont à l’origine d’impressionnants systèmes et applications de gestion de l’eau qui leur ont permis de faire face à la rudesse du climat et à la rareté des ressources naturelles dans bien d’endroits dans le monde. Découvrez comment les anciennes civilisations appliquaient les savoirs autochtones à la gestion de l’eau, ainsi que le rôle de l’innovation et de l’entrepreneuriat dans la lutte contre la crise de l’eau qui menace toute la région MENA. Le passé d’or Dans la région MENA et depuis le IVe siècle av. J.-C., les civilisations les plus puissantes ont surmonté des conditions arides et semi-arides … Continue reading