إجعل رمضانك أخضر

في شهر رمضان نشهد إختلافاً كبيراً في العادات والأنشطة اليومية سواء من عادات الأكل أو الصلاة . وتأتي الدعوة لعدم الأكل والشرب من شروق الشمس إلى غروبها في هذا الشهر لتعزيز قدرات التحمل البدني والعقلي، وفهم الصعوبات التي يواجهها المحرومين ممن ليس لديهم ما يكفي من الموارد لتلبية حاجاتهم الأساسية. ويتجلى المعنى الحقيقي لشهر رمضان بتنقية أنفسنا مع الحرص على صحة الجسم، والروح، وعلاقاتنا الانسانية  بالإضافة إلى علاقتنا مع النظم البيئية التي تدعم وجودنا على هذه الارض. شهر رمضان هو فرصة ذهبية للتفكير في إمكانية التحول نحو “نمط الحياة الخضراء” الذي يتمثل بأسلوب حياة صديقة للبيئة، تتجنب التلوث والإسراف، وتهدف … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Ways to Manage Food Wastes

Food waste is one of the most prominent waste streams across Middle East.  The mushrooming of hotels, restaurants, fast-food joints and cafeterias in the region has resulted in the generation of huge quantities of food wastes. The proportion of food waste in municipal waste stream is gradually increasing and hence a proper food waste management strategy needs to be devised to ensure its eco-friendly and sustainable disposal. Food waste is an untapped energy source that mostly ends up rotting in landfills, thereby releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Food waste includes organic wastes generated in hotels, restaurants, canteens, cafeterias, shopping malls … Continue reading

Innovative Eco-Friendly Meal Solutions Inspired by Global Cuisines

Imagine savoring dishes from around the globe while making choices that benefit both your health and the planet. From vibrant Mediterranean mezze platters to hearty Moroccan tagines, global cuisines offer an array of delicious, eco-friendly meal solutions. These diverse recipes not only tantalize your taste buds but also embrace sustainable practices like using locally sourced ingredients and reducing food waste. Dive into these ten innovative meal ideas inspired by international flavors that prove you can enjoy mouth-watering meals while maintaining a commitment to environmental stewardship. 10 Eco-Friendly Meal Solutions Inspired by Global Cuisines 1. Japanese Bento Boxes Japanese bento boxes … Continue reading

How Low-Calorie Meal Planning Supports Sustainability

You probably have never considered how the type of food you eat can impact the environment. Yet, your meal choices make waves. If you are sustainability conscious, then low-calorie meal planning could be one way of minimizing the impact your food choices have on the environment. Mindful eating reduces waste and resource use, acting like a smart thermostat for your pantry and planet. Plant-based meals and ethical sourcing also add layers to this eco-friendly puzzle. Imagine taking small steps that ripple into global change – it is possible with the right plan on your plate. Let us dive deeper into … Continue reading

السلامة الإحيائية في تونس .. في انتظار صدور القانون

تخطط وزارة الزراعة الأمريكية، وفق تقرير صدر في نهاية فبراير 2017، إلى زيادة صادراتها من فول الصويا إلى تونس “لتلبية الطلب المتزايد منه في قطاع الصناعة”، وهو منتج في غالبيته العظمى معدل وراثيا. ونظرا لافتقاد تونس في الوقت الحالي لأي تشريع وطني بشأن الكائنات المعدلة وراثيا، فمن المتوقع أن تزداد واردات هذا المحصول حتى أفق عام 2025. وفي خضم النقاش الحاصل حول الهندسة الجينية لا يعلم التونسيون الكثير حولها، فقد كشفت دراسة شملت عينة من 2000 شخص من بينهم 16 شركة صناعية و94 فلاحا و100 شخصية فاعلة في عدة قطاعات و18 جمعية، وعرضت نتائجها خلال أيام التنوع البيولوجي سنة 2015 … Continue reading

أهم 7 فوائد لإعادة تدوير بقايا القهوة

نحن كعشاق للقهوة نقوم باستخدام أجهزة ووسائل متعددة حتى نحصل على القهوة التي نرغب و نستلذ بها، هذه الأجهزة والأدوات مثل آلة صنع القهوة أو وعاء الموكا وصولاً للكوب أو حتى ماكينة الباريستا، كلها تؤدي بالمحصلة إلى إنتاج كميات كبيرة من بقايا القهوة والتي بالعادة تكون نهايتها القمامة. وبالرغم من ذلك، يمكننا الاستفادة من بقايا القهوة المطحونة بطرق متعددة، مثلاً كاستخدامها كسماد طبيعي أو مُنّظف، وهنالك عدة خيارات أخرى أيضاً. لذلك، فيمايلي وددنا أن نشارك بعض الطرق الرائعة والسهلة لإعادة تدوير بقايا القهوة لنحافظ على البيئة. سماد ذو نوعية جيدة للحديقة للعلم فإن القهوة المطحونة تعتبر من مصادر النيتروجين المفيد … Continue reading

Health Monitoring With a Vegetarian Diet: Key Blood Tests

A vegan diet can become a great contributor to your overall health condition. Eating too much meat can raise your cholesterol and lead to obesity. While a vegan diet can have a lot of health benefits. Studies show that a plant-based diet full of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals can lower your risk of chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and some cancers. This type of diet usually has less saturated fat and cholesterol, and more fiber, which helps with healthy digestion and weight management. However, there are some risks associated with a vegan diet. Humans are used to … Continue reading

Easy Ways to Avoid Wastage of Food

Food waste has environmental, economic as well as social impacts. The rising per capita income and expenditure, living standards, affordability and our careless behavior towards food is taking a significant toll on our finite resources. In shopping malls, restaurants and eateries, it is common to see plates piled up with uneaten or partially eaten food. Unfortunately, affordability is leading to rampant increase in food waste generation all over the Middle East, especially GCC.   The gravity of the situation can be gauged from the fact that over 300 tons per day of food waste is being generated in Bahrain which constitutes around … Continue reading

Towards a Waste-Free Ramadan Iftar

In the holy month of Ramadan, Iftar or breaking of fast becomes our main attention. The Iftars are either taken at home alone or with the family and relatives or at Iftar buffets at hotels and restaurants. The other option usually for the bachelors and less privileged people are to open the fast at mosques and at community centers whereby the iftar and dinner is provided for free organized by the rich, philanthropists, charitable organizations and mosque committees. Disrespect to Food It is a common sight that at Iftar, people do not respect the food and drinks that are provided … Continue reading

5 Cheap, Easy Vegan Recipes for College Students

Veganism is gaining popularity as a food preference and a lifestyle choice. There are many ways in which veganism can prove to be healthier for our bodies, environmentally beneficial, and less cruel to animals. Many nutritionists have designed diet plans that cater specially to vegan lifestyles. Students can look into any of these diet plans if they wish to try eating vegan food at any time. However, students who want to eat healthier often have many things on their plates, and they don’t have the time to cook. We can offer a solution to this issue. In this article, we … Continue reading

Top 7 Benefits of Recycling Used Coffee Grounds

As coffee lovers, we use multiple devices and brewing methods to get coffee in the way we desire. These machines and tools such as a moka pot, a bean to cup machine, or even a prosumer barista model coffee machine. All these methods result in large amounts of used coffee grounds that will usually end in the garbage. However, you can benefit from used coffee grounds in more ways than one. From using it as a compost or a natural cleaner, the options are endless. Here are remarkable and easy ways for recycling used coffee grounds and save the environment. … Continue reading

Know About Zero Waste Kitchens and Energy-Efficient Cooking

Food is the single largest source of waste. Worldwide, we throw away about a third of our food. More food ends up in landfills than plastic or paper. The enormous amount of wasted food depends on our cooking and eating habits. Generally, it is easy to be sitting at home, in front of your television, consuming whatever you want then throwing every‑thing in the trash. But have we ever thought, where does the garbage go? Zero Waste Kitchens Given that most of the domestic waste originates in the kitchen, a green home should definitely include a zero waste kitchen. Zero … Continue reading