E-Waste Management: Perspectives from Egypt

As the person in charge of reducing my company’s environmental impact and maintaining our ISO 14K certification, I had to find a solution for the ever growing number of discarded mobile phones from our employees, partners and 30+ million customers! I explored almost every initiative related to e-waste management in Egypt. I participated in forums addressing the problem, attended meetings full of great ideas and intentions, met local and expat experts, participated in student competitions offering solutions and contacted overseas entities with great track record like Close The Gap, Umicore and Greencyc. Despite all of these resources, I couldn’t find … Continue reading

How is Crumb Rubber Produced and What are Its Uses

More than 1 billion tires are discarded around the world every year. Disposal of waste tires is a challenging task because tires have a long life and are non-biodegradable. The traditional method of tire waste management is stockpiling or illegally dumping or landfilling, all of which are short-term solution. Crumb rubber is a term used for recycled rubber from automotive and truck scrap tires. The two major technologies for producing crumb rubber are ambient mechanical grinding and cryogenic grinding. Of the two processes, cryogenic process is more expensive but it produces smoother and smaller crumbs. Ambient Mechanical Grinding In ambient … Continue reading

Everything You Should Know About E-Waste Recycling Process

E-waste has been on a dramatic rise after the introduction of smartphones, tablets, headphones, virtual reality gear and other consumable electronic devices. With that in mind, e-waste recycling is now more important than ever before. What is e-waste recycling? E-waste is the process of recycling electronic products at or near the end of their “useful life.” These electronic products include computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, smartphones, tables and many more common Android and Apple electronic products. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled. Moving forward, I believe that e-waste will also be needed for emerging … Continue reading

Green Career Tips by Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar, Founder of EcoMENA, talks to Bhavani Prakash of Green Collar Asia about cleantech industry trends, and offers tips for professionals trying to enter renewable energy and waste management sectors.   Green Collar Asia: How did you become so interested in renewable energy and waste management technologies? Salman Zafar: I am a chemical engineer by education. After completing my Master’s degree program in 2004, I got the opportunity to work as a Research Fellow on large-scale biogas power projects which initiated me into waste management/bioenergy sector. During the course of my fellowship, I was involved in the design, operation and troubleshooting of waste-to-energy plants and biomass energy … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Ways to Manage Food Wastes

Food waste is one of the most prominent waste streams across Middle East.  The mushrooming of hotels, restaurants, fast-food joints and cafeterias in the region has resulted in the generation of huge quantities of food wastes. The proportion of food waste in municipal waste stream is gradually increasing and hence a proper food waste management strategy needs to be devised to ensure its eco-friendly and sustainable disposal. Food waste is an untapped energy source that mostly ends up rotting in landfills, thereby releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Food waste includes organic wastes generated in hotels, restaurants, canteens, cafeterias, shopping malls … Continue reading

5 Smart Ways To Manage Waste at Home

Our streets are full of uncollected waste spilling over from bin bags wheelie bins and, plastic recycling containers. Removing waste from our homes can be complicated at times, so it helps to know the greatest way to dispose of it.  Waste clearance can be a timewasting and costly affair if not done right and apart from that is important to end this process in an eco-friendly manner. There are some ways to take this stress out of your life so we’re here to highpoint some of the best options available for waste disposal. 1. Try to produce less waste The … Continue reading

مشاكل بطاريات الرصاص الحمضية المستعملة

تستخدم بطاريات الرصاص الحمضية بشكل كبير في جميع أنحاء العالم . إذ تعد بمثابة مصدر للطاقة لمجموعة واسعة من المعدات والأجهزة المستخدمة في المنزل، و في التجارة والصناعة. وتستخدم على نطاق واسع في جميع وسائل النقل الحديثة بما في ذلك السيارات والشاحنات والحافلات والقوارب والقطارات وأنظمة النقل الجماعي السريع والمركبات الترفيهية الخ. كما أنها توفر، في حالات انقطاع الطاقة الكهربائية، طاقة الطوارئ  للعمليات الحرجة مثل تلك المتعلقة بأبراج مراقبة حركة الطيران والمستشفيات ونقاط عبور السكك الحديدية والمنشآت العسكرية، والغواصات، وأنظمة الأسلحة. وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن جميع بطاريات السيارات و 95 في المئة من البطاريات الصناعية هي خلايا رصاص ثانوية حمضية. … Continue reading

Organic Industrial Wastes in the Middle East

Organic industrial waste includes a wide range of organic materials obtained from industrial and commercial operation. Industries in Middle East countries produces a large number of organic residues and by-products whose disposal is a major problem for stake-holders. In recent decades, the fast-growing food and beverage processing industry has remarkably increased in importance in major countries of the Middle East. Since the early 1990s, the increased agricultural output stimulated an increase in fruit and vegetable canning as well as juice, beverage, and oil processing in countries like Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. There are many technologically-advanced dairy products, bakery … Continue reading

Recycled Clothing: 6 Creative Ways To Upcycle Fabric

Whether you’re an avid recycler or not, chances are you’d have quite a lot of fabrics from old clothing with you. For the clothing pieces which are still wearable to re-sell or donate, you may have given those away already. Although, for those that can’t be worn as shirts anymore, that’s where fabric scraps come into play. Fabric scraps can still have a brand-new life to them, so don’t throw them away. With a few crafty tricks here and there, you can make better use out of those fabric pieces. Hence, read more for some of the best ideas for … Continue reading

إدارة النفايات في المغرب

تعد إدارة النفايات الصلبة واحدة من المشكلات البيئية الرئيسية التي تهدد المملكة  المغربية. إذ تنتج هذه الأخيرة أكثر من 5 ملايين طن من النفايات الصلبة بمعدل نمو توليد النفايات السنوي وصل إلى 3 في المئة. و يعاني التخلص السليم من النفايات الصلبة البلدية في المغرب من أوجه قصور رئيسية  تتمثل في عدم وجود البنية التحتية المناسبة والتمويل المناسب في المناطق خارج المدن الرئيسية. وقد أبان تقرير البنك الدولي،  على أنه في عام 2008، قبل الإصلاح الأخير  “لم يتم  جمع إلا 70 من المئة فقط من النفايات الصلبة البلدية في المدن وأن فقط  أقل من 10 من المئة من النفايات التي … Continue reading

Sustainable Waste Management: What Every Homeowner Should Know

Waste management is often the most overlooked process in homes. Most homeowners in urban areas typically rely on rubbish removal services because of the convenience they bring. Sustainable waste management is everyone’s responsibility. As the human population rapidly grows, the consumption of various goods increases, producing more waste. Although some organizations and government institutions develop solutions, they still require active individual participation. Here are some solutions to sustainable waste management every homeowner should know: 1. Intentional Waste Reduction Most types of waste are produced and, therefore, can be reduced. These are plastic bags, food packaging, packets, straws, and other disposable … Continue reading

Things You Should Know About The Disposal of Waste Tires

Tens of millions of tires are discarded across the Middle East every year. Disposal of  waste tires is a challenging task because tires have a long life and are non-biodegradable. The traditional method of disposal of waste tires have been stockpiling or illegally dumping or landfilling, all of which are short-term solution. The Menace of Waste Tires Stockpiled tires provide perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes, vermin and snakes. Accidental fires caused in tire dumps can rage for months releasing toxic fumes. For example, a massive fire broke out at Jahra dumpsite in Kuwait in April 2012 where more than 5 … Continue reading