Tips for Re-entering and Maintaining a Safe Workplace Post Covid-19

The pandemic disrupted the global workforce and accelerated the adoption of new ways of working. And as mass vaccinations roll out, business leaders are pivoting from the response to recovery phases and are now focusing on how to reopen offices effectively, efficiently, and most importantly, safely. Leaders are now faced with the challenge of designing the future of work. But with an abundance of “unknown unknowns,” re-entering the workplace is not as simple as opening the offices and re-installing the 9 to 5 workday. Everything from local and federal health ordinances and fears of a repopulated workplace to individual employee … Continue reading

12 Ways To Make Your E-commerce Business More Green

Embracing eco-friendly practices in ecommerce is not just a moral imperative in today’s world; it’s also a smart business decision! There’s a growing trend of consumers seeking out eco-friendly products and services. Many shoppers are now more conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases and actively seek out businesses that align with their values. By embracing eco-friendly practices, your ecommerce store can attract these environmentally-conscious consumers and gain a competitive edge in the market. Adopting eco-friendly practices can enhance your brand’s reputation and perception among consumers. When customers see that your business is committed to sustainability, they are more … Continue reading

Why You Should Consider Sustainable Merchandise For Your Next Corporate Event

Imagine your company’s next corporate event. You’re shaking hands, exchanging ideas – and gifts. But what if those gifts did more than just break the ice? What if they stood for something bigger? Sustainability isn’t a buzzword anymore; it’s a business imperative. Companies weaving eco-friendly practices into their fabric are not only benefiting our planet but also scoring big with consumers and stakeholders who value environmental responsibility. Now, let’s dive into why embracing sustainable merchandise is more than a mere nod to current trends – it’s an investment in your brand’s future and the world we share. Let’s have a … Continue reading

Finance for Green Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, and SMEs: Perspectives for Jordan

Jordan is one of the most water scarce countries in the world where resources are far below the water poverty line which is 1000 m3 per capita per year. Adding to water scarcity, energy availability is another challenge where 96% of the demand is imported from outside.  Due to climate change, both water and energy sectors are expected to be negatively impacted. Lack of water and high prices of energy will both hinder the economic growth and employment rates adding further stress on the current high unemployment percentage specially among youth. Need for Green Economy To get out of this … Continue reading

6 Tools And Products For Your Industrial Business

Commercial businesses sell tangible goods such as airplanes, vehicles, roofing materials, and more. Their price usually depends on their quality. Industrial businesses work differently. Instead of selling the final product, an industrial business supplies other companies with the goods necessary for production, such as raw materials, manufacturing parts, etc. What makes a commercial business unique is their take on innovation, but when it comes to industrial businesses, the company that supplies the highest-quality materials at the fastest rate will stand out while others are left behind. Unfortunately, production isn’t a joke, and it’s difficult to improve your current production efficiency … Continue reading

Corporate Shared Value: Trends in the Corporate World

What if businesses could both make money and do good through the same actions? Businesses leaders who subscribe to the idea of corporate shared value believe they can. Many proponents even say it redefines and revitalizes capitalism. Michael Porter, a professor at Harvard Business School, and Mark Kramer, managing director of the global social impact consulting firm FSG, kicked off the corporate shared value trend in 2011 with an article in Harvard Business Review. Corporate Shared Value (or Shared Value) is a new generation business thinking which enhances the competitive position of the company while at the same time advances … Continue reading

6 Ways Natural Disasters Can Affect Businesses

Natural disasters are catastrophic events that result from processes that occur without human intervention. These adverse events include avalanches, landslides, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Floods, tsunamis, blizzards, and wildfires belong to this category as well. It is worth noting that the occurrence and intensity of natural disasters vary from country to country. Natural disasters have a significant impact on the economy and the businesses in more ways than one. Read on to know more about the impact of natural disasters on businesses: 1. Supply Chain Disruptions Efficient and reliable supply chains are critical to the success of a company. For … Continue reading

Top Sustainability Trends in Europe

Sustainability is a global issue, but ecosystems, economies and other factors vary from place to place. While trends that prove successful in one area will likely eventually spread to others, different regions may be at different places at different times. In this post, we’ll focus on Europe. What trends are taking hold there? And which will spread to the Middle East? Sustainability Driving Revenue Growth While sustainability was at first often seen as a corporate responsibility and PR move, today it’s an integral part of business plans. It serves as a major competitive advantage and drives increases in revenue. In … Continue reading

3 Financial Benefits of Running a Green Operation

While it’s true that the first goal of going green with a business should be to make a positive impact on the environment, we would be lying to ourselves if we didn’t admit that there’s a major financial component to it. Many people will simply refuse to buy from a company that’s environmentally irresponsible. On the other hand, being eco-friendly can never be a bad thing. This is why all businesses should consider going green if they want to increase their bottom line. Here are some of the main financial benefits of running a green operation. 1. Lower Utility Costs … Continue reading

Buying and Trading Gems in the Middle East – A Brief Guide for Beginners

Ever felt the pull to dive into the glittering world of gem trading? If yes, you probably aim to explore this shiny universe in the Middle East. But before scaling those jewel-capped peaks, you’ll need some sherpa-level guidance. The good news is that this article will lay down a sparkling path that leads you from “huh?” to “heck yeah!” on begging and bargaining for those precious stones in the Middle East. Do Your Homework Before you dive into the sparkling pool of Middle Eastern gems, the first thing to do is to sharpen your smarts. Swipe through info on sapphires … Continue reading

التوصيل الأخضر والتسوق المستدام: دراسة حالة في الإمارات العربية المتحدة

في عصر يتصدر فيه الوعي البيئي قائمة القضايا العالمية، يتساءل المستهلكون بشكل متزايد عن استدامة توصيل المنتجات ويبحثون عن طرق لجعل عادات التسوق لديهم أكثر مسؤولية بيئيًا. يتناول هذا المقال مختلف جوانب استدامة توصيل المنتجات ويقدم رؤى حول كيف يمكن للأفراد المساهمة في جعل كوكب الأرض أخضرًا أكثر من خلال اختياراتهم في التسوق. التأثير البيئي لوسائل توصيل المنتجات التقليدية تعتمد وسائل توصيل المنتجات التقليدية، التي تعتمد غالبًا على مركبات تعمل بالوقود الأحفوري وتعتمد بشكل كبير على التعبئة والتغليف الزائد، بشكل كبير على تدهور البيئة. يعتبر قطاع النقل مساهمًا رئيسيًا في انبعاثات غازات الاحتباس الحراري، حيث تنبعث شاحنات وفانات التوصيل ملوثات … Continue reading

Sustainability in the Middle East: Complications and Opportunities

The Middle East region is facing a unique set of natural, operational, political, economic and social challenges in efforts to adopt sustainability. The rapid development and increasing population in these countries have led to an increased consumption of fossil fuels, water, and other non-renewable natural resources, taking a toll on the environment. Though the Middle East countries have significantly contributed to the carbon emissions, over the past decade they have taken positive steps towards addressing the core environmental issues and improving sustainability situation in their respective countries. This article aims at sharing the common challenges and opportunities faced by the … Continue reading