The Need for Sustainability Communication in the Middle East

Environmental and sustainability awareness has been around in the society for quite some time now; and buzzwords like ‘ecofriendly’, ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’ seem to be omnipresent. In spite of the proliferation of these eco-buzzwords, the state of sustainability communications remains poor and lacking in authenticity. This poor state of sustainable communication, aided by insufficient focus on authenticity, further allows unscrupulous organizations to ‘green wash’ their business or products. The ‘greenwashing’, coupled with a lack of environmental knowledge on the consumer side engenders confused consumers who either despise any of the green eco-buzzwords or blindly accept green-washing as true sustainability. Currently, sustainability … Continue reading

Jordan’s Journey Towards Climate Action

Jordan has the distinction of being the third Arab country to submit its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) prior to Paris COP21, in addition to being the first Arab country to address climate change and its implications on vital sectors through a national policy (2013 – 2020). Moreover, Jordan is taking serious steps to mainstream climate change into development policies and strategies starting with the National Women Strategy (2012) and the National Poverty Reduction strategy (2013), the Jordan Vision 2025 which is considered to be the overall developmental blueprint for the country (2015) to the recently launched National Water Strategy … Continue reading

Greenwashing Unveiled: Deception in the Name of Sustainability

Greenwashing, the practice of misleading consumers through deceptive environmental claims, has become alarmingly prevalent in today’s marketplace. With companies eager to capitalise on the growing demand for sustainable products and services, they often resort to misleading tactics that undermine genuine sustainability efforts. As companies continue to employ vague and misleading labels, it is essential for the media to maintain its commitment to investigative reporting and consumer education. By providing accurate and reliable information, media outlets can empower consumers to make informed choices and encourage companies to adopt genuine sustainable practices. Continued media efforts are crucial in ensuring that greenwashing is … Continue reading