Carta: Creating Art-from-Trash in Jordan

Carta, a novel paper recycling initiative in Jordan, was launched when Najwan Al Masri noticed the increasing amount of paper wastes being generated at her home (especially when her son started to write and draw) and she thought “Why not to upcycle waste papers into beautiful Art and Crafts”. The thought developed to an idea which then grew into a project with careful research and study about how to make something unique and useful. Carta is trying to give paper recycling a new dimension of creativity, innovation and passion. EcoMENA talks to Najwan Al Masri, the Founder of Carta, to know … Continue reading

The Paper Bag Boy of Abu Dhabi

Abdul Muqeet, also known as the Paper Bag Boy, has risen from being just another ordinary student to an extra-ordinary environmentalist, eco-hero and eco-warrior. At just ten years old, Abdul Muqeet has demonstrated his commitment to saving the environment in United Arab Emirates and elsewhere. Inspired by the 2010 campaign “UAE Free of Plastic Bags”, Abdul Muqeet, a student of Standard V at Abu Dhabi Indian School, applied his own initiative and imagination to create 100% recycled carry bags using paper waste. He then set out to distribute these bags in Abu Dhabi, replacing single-use plastic bags that take hundreds … Continue reading

Building Businesses with Purpose: Social Entrepreneurship

Although profit margins often dominate business discussions, a new wave of entrepreneurs is emerging, driven not only by financial success but by a deeper sense of purpose. Social entrepreneurship has taken root as a powerful means of positive change, emphasizing a fusion of profit-making with social impact. In this article, we delve into the key characteristics of social entrepreneurship. So, let’s explore how the business landscape is being reshaped by enterprises built with purpose. Defining Social Entrepreneurship At its core, social entrepreneurship is about creating sustainable and scalable solutions to address pressing social and environmental challenges. Unlike traditional entrepreneurship solely … Continue reading

Finance for Green Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, and SMEs: Perspectives for Jordan

Jordan is one of the most water scarce countries in the world where resources are far below the water poverty line which is 1000 m3 per capita per year. Adding to water scarcity, energy availability is another challenge where 96% of the demand is imported from outside.  Due to climate change, both water and energy sectors are expected to be negatively impacted. Lack of water and high prices of energy will both hinder the economic growth and employment rates adding further stress on the current high unemployment percentage specially among youth. Need for Green Economy To get out of this … Continue reading

Women and the Environment: Perspectives from Arabia

Women and the environment are closely interlinked, throughout history, different nations glorified women as powerful symbols of nature, and nature has always been given the female characteristics: care, reproduction and life-giving. Nevertheless, women’s involvement in the preservation of the environment has seldom been recognized and documented in the histories of several nations. One of the most significant phenomena in the last decades is recognition of women rights to achieve sustainable development; many international agreements reflected this recognition, including Rio Declaration in 1992, which stresses the point of the centrality of the full women participation to achieve environmental sustainability. The UN … Continue reading

Buying and Trading Gems in the Middle East – A Brief Guide for Beginners

Ever felt the pull to dive into the glittering world of gem trading? If yes, you probably aim to explore this shiny universe in the Middle East. But before scaling those jewel-capped peaks, you’ll need some sherpa-level guidance. The good news is that this article will lay down a sparkling path that leads you from “huh?” to “heck yeah!” on begging and bargaining for those precious stones in the Middle East. Do Your Homework Before you dive into the sparkling pool of Middle Eastern gems, the first thing to do is to sharpen your smarts. Swipe through info on sapphires … Continue reading

Waste Management Perspectives for Egypt

Egypt occupies 7th position in the list of countries with the most mismanaged plastic waste, according to a recent report published in Science magazine. The report was based on data collected in 2010 and one must wonder whether the results of the report would have been different if the zabbaleen had been allowed to continue their work unhindered. A History of Zabbaleen The zabbaleen, or garbage collectors, are the descendants of farmers from Upper Egypt who moved to Cairo in the 1940s. Together with another migrant group, they have made a living in Cairo collecting, sorting, salvaging, and recycling the … Continue reading

نصائح سلمان ظَفَر في العمل البيئي

سلمان ظَفَر ؛ مؤسس مبادرة EcoMENA يتحدث لِباڤاني براكاش من المبادرة التطوعية ( طوق آسيا الأخضر -Green Collar Asia  ) عن توجهات الصناعة النظيفة , ويعرض نصائحاً للمحترفين الذين يحاولون دخول مجال الطاقة المتجددة و إدارة المخلفات . طوق آسيا الأخضر : كيف أصبحت مهتماً بشدّة بتقنيات الطاقة المتجددة و إدارة المخلفات ؟ سلمان ظَفَر : إنني حاصل على شهادة الهندسة الكيميائية . وبعد إنهائي لبرنامج الماجستير في عام 2004 , حصلت على فرصة العمل كزميل بحث في مشاريع طاقة الغاز الحيوي واسعة النطاق والتي ساهمت ببداية دخولي مجال إدارة المخلفات والطاقة الحيوية .  أثناء مسارعملي في الزمالة , كنت … Continue reading

A Holistic Approach to Tackling Food Waste Problem in Qatar

In a country that imports 90% of its food, discarded food accounts for about half of Qatar’s municipal garbage. These statistics point to the loss of millions of riyals each year, in the form of food wastage. The food in landfills rots to release greenhouse gases like methane which are responsible for the rise in temperatures which contributes to global warming. According to Project Drawdown, the global leader in quantifying climate change strategies, reducing food waste is the single greatest solution to reverse climate change, which could draw 87 gigatons of CO2 out of the atmosphere, way ahead of a global plant-based … Continue reading

Green SMEs in Middle East: Obstacles and Challenges

With ‘green’ being the buzzword across all industries, greening of the business sector and development of green skills has assumed greater importance all over the world, and Middle East is no exception. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in eco-design, green architecture, renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability are spearheading the transition to green economy across a wide range of industries. Green SME sector in the Middle East has been growing steadily, albeit at a slower pace than anticipated. Regulations One of the major obstacles in the progress of green SMEs in the Middle East the has been poorly-designed regulation. According … Continue reading

Ruba Al-Zu’bi – Inspiring Green Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

Ruba Al-Zu’bi is a very well-known sustainable development policy and planning expert, and a true inspiration for youngsters in Jordan and beyond. Currently she is the Adviser for Science Policy and Programme Development to HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, the President of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS). Prior to that, Ruba led the Scientific Research Department at Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation. In the past, she had been the CEO of EDAMA, a Jordanian business association that seeks innovative solutions to advance the energy, water and environment sectors. Ruba Al-Zu’bi is Global Resolutions’ Jordan Ambassador and a Plus Social Good … Continue reading

جامعات خضراء في فلسطين

بدأت الجامعات الفلسطينية بربط النظربات العلمية التي تدرس في مساقاتها وبرامجها الاكاديمية  بالواقع العملي وحيث بدأت الجانعات الفلسطينية وبتميل من مؤسسات مجلية ودولية باستغلال اللطاقة البديلة من الشمس لتوليد الكهرباء باستخدام تقنية اللوحات الكهروضوئية لانتاج الطاقة الكهربائية والتي تساعد في  توفير استهلاك الكهرباء الذي يشغل جميع أبنية وقاعات ومراكز الجامعات بالطاقة لتوفير وذلك لتوفير الجو التعليمي المناسب لطلبتها  . وتأتي هذه الخطوة الريادية من قبل الجامعات الفلسطينية لتوفير استهلاك الكهرباء بحيث تكون مبان الجامعات أكثر صداقة للبيئة وتقلل ميزانية المدفوعات التي يتم دفعها ثمناً لاستهلاك الكهرباء والوقود واستغلالها بدعم برامج وأبحاث جديدة تساعد في تنمية مهارات طلبتها . كما أن … Continue reading