Digital Literacy: Empowering Sustainable Development

Digital literacy is no longer optional; it’s a vital tool for empowerment and sustainability. Older adults with digital literacy skills experience greater life satisfaction, highlighting its powerful impact. Through digital connections, they access resources that encourage sustainable living. As technology’s role expands, understanding how digital literacy fosters sustainable practices becomes crucial. It enables people to engage more effectively in sustainable actions and access information essential for environmentally conscious living. For seniors, digital know-how means staying informed, connected, and active within their communities. This article examines how digital literacy and sustainable development intersect, aiming to empower people and communities toward a … Continue reading

What to Study if You Are Interested in the Environment?

Caring for the environment is everyone’s job. Therefore, many young people have projected this desire to preserve ecosystems and protect the planet to a professional field, choosing a university career that allows them to achieve this goal. In this sense, careers related to the care of the environment covering areas such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology and botany – are crucial when it comes to training professionals capable of contributing to the market from a responsible perspective with the environment. Do you think your path lies in environmental and ecology careers? Then check out the following professional alternatives. Degrees that … Continue reading

Environmental Education: Key to a Better Future

Tomorrow’s leaders need to be equipped for tomorrow’s challenges, and we must adequately prepare our children for the future they will inherit. As climate change is being felt across the globe and its long-term catastrophic impacts have never been so scientifically clear, environmental education is the key to a better future. In an era where more and more children are disconnected from nature, we should recognize the importance of making a real investment in environmental education and outdoor learning. Studies have shown environmental education engages students in learning, raising test scores, and encouraging youth to pursue career in environmental and natural … Continue reading

The Importance of Ecological Education in Schools

How important is the environment in our everyday life and what impact we have on it and what can you do as a student? There is no need to mention how radical our lives have changed in the last decades due to the ignorance we gave to the eco-friendly aspects. How bad things are? The environmental status of each year is increasingly worrying: the forested spaces are reduced, the deserts are spreading, the agricultural soils are degraded, the degree of pollution is higher, and the ozone layer is thinner, the greenhouse effect is accentuated, and many plant and animal species … Continue reading

Waste Awareness in Qatar: A Survey

Waste awareness in Qatar has gained traction in recent years, but more efforts are required to make the masses aware about the consequences of reckless waste generation and disposal, and how sustainable living practices and recycling can help in making Qatar a truly sustainable nation. Below is the outcome of an interesting survey on waste awareness which was conducted among Qataris and non-Qataris (expatriates). Plastic is the most common waste generated in a typical household in Qatar. One-third of overall respondents say that of all products, the volume of the plastic waste generated is higher, followed by food waste (19%) … Continue reading

ROOTA and the 4 E’s – Helping a Marginalized Community in Cairo

Rising Out Of The Ashes (ROOTA) is a Canadian Registered Charity with the objective of alleviating poverty and improving education.  For the onset, ROOTA started by helping the marginalized community of the Zabaleen (which stands for Trash Collectors in slang Egyptian) of Manshayet Nasser.  Work with our boots on the ground The Association for the Protection of the Environment, we service a population of around 45,000. What is ROOTA’s goal?    Education, and Income Generating Projects We achieve this through the 4 E’s – Environment, Education, Empowerment and Employment – which are interacted and work in unison.  The Zabaleen are … Continue reading

How to Write a Paper About Saving the Environment

Today, writing a college paper on saving the environment is the task that sooner or later every student encounters on their academic journey. After all, taking into account the climate issues of the present day, writing a meaningful paper can serve as an effective tool used to raise awareness of global problems, advocate for change, as well as inspire others to take action to save the world and make it a better place. If you’re assigned the task of crafting the paper on protecting the environment, our tips and tricks given below will help you in the process of work. … Continue reading

The Concept of Environmental Education

Unlike traditional forms of education, Environmental Education is a holistic, lifelong learning process directed at creating responsible individuals who explore and identify environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action effectively to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper awareness and understanding of environmental issues and have effective skills to make informed and responsible decisions that lead to resolute the environmental challenges. Environmental Education is neither environmental advocacy nor environmental information; rather, Environmental Education is a varied and diverse field that focuses on the educational process that has to remain neutral by teaching individuals critical thinking … Continue reading

أهمية التعليم البيئي للأطفال

إن القضايا البيئية تشكل واحدة من اهم المشاكل الكبرى التي يعاني منها العالم اليوم.  فنحن نعيش في عصر حيث تتعرض الأرض للخطر على مستويات مختلفة، والجهود التي نقوم بها من أجل التغيير لا تبدو كافية.  فنحن نناضل من أجل الحفاظ على كوكبنا، ويتعين علينا معالجة هذه القضية مراراً وتكراراً.  فضلاً عن ذلك، يتعين علينا أن نكون أكثر نشاطاً وانخرطاً في تغيير سلوكياتنا حتى نكون واعين بيئيا. يبدو أن العديد من الناس ينسون أن كل شيء يبدأ بفرد واحد.  ليس من الضروري أن تكون جزءاً من حركة بيئية أو منظمة من أجل المساهمة.  وهو أمر محمود دائما ولكنه ليس ضروريا.  في … Continue reading

The Paper Bag Boy of Abu Dhabi

Abdul Muqeet, also known as the Paper Bag Boy, has risen from being just another ordinary student to an extra-ordinary environmentalist, eco-hero and eco-warrior. At just ten years old, Abdul Muqeet has demonstrated his commitment to saving the environment in United Arab Emirates and elsewhere. Inspired by the 2010 campaign “UAE Free of Plastic Bags”, Abdul Muqeet, a student of Standard V at Abu Dhabi Indian School, applied his own initiative and imagination to create 100% recycled carry bags using paper waste. He then set out to distribute these bags in Abu Dhabi, replacing single-use plastic bags that take hundreds … Continue reading

Water Awareness in Qatar: A Survey

Qatar is one of the world’s most water-scarce countries in the world. But the continuous expansion of fossil fuel-led desalination technology and associated water infrastructure evaded the shortages and led to continuous access to safe and clean water to all the citizens and residents. In recent years, Qatar witnessed the growing household water consumption adding stress to the economy, infrastructure, and the environment. New measures were proposed to curb the demand through increasing water tariffs and recycling domestic wastewater for semi-productive use. However, these measures have not reduced the domestic consumption of water. Conserving water is one of the strategic … Continue reading

Social Media as a Tool for Environment Protection

By taking advantage of social media, people can make a positive difference in the world. As far as environment protection is concerned, social media can potentially act both as bullhorn and tallying system that is needed to show that not only are people demanding change, but it is a multitude compared to just a few. The degradation of earth’s environment has become more popular to discuss in the last decade, and while individuals can alter their routines and habits to be greener, the major companies can make the most impact. While someone on their own might lack the ability to … Continue reading