The Concept of Environmental Education

Unlike traditional forms of education, Environmental Education is a holistic, lifelong learning process directed at creating responsible individuals who explore and identify environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action effectively to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper awareness and understanding of environmental issues and have effective skills to make informed and responsible decisions that lead to resolute the environmental challenges. Environmental Education is neither environmental advocacy nor environmental information; rather, Environmental Education is a varied and diverse field that focuses on the educational process that has to remain neutral by teaching individuals critical thinking … Continue reading

The Importance of Environmental Education for Children

Environmental issues are one of the major problems of today’s world. We’re living in an era where the Earth is jeopardized on different levels, and the efforts we’re putting in to change that don’t seem to be enough. We’re struggling with preserving our planet, and we need to address that issue over and over again. In addition, we need to be more active and involved in changing our behaviors in order to be environmentally conscious. Many people seem to forget that everything starts with an individual. You don’t have to be part of an environmental movement or organization in order … Continue reading

5 Reasons to Teach Children the Importance of Recycling

When you give children everything they want and need, it doesn’t take long for them to think resources are limitless. That the fuel for your car will always be available to take them to sports practice, and that even all those plastic containers they use don’t end up in the rubbish collection then the environment. Without education on finite resources and a suffering planet, children won’t make an effort to be more conscientious with how they live their life on this earth. As early as possible, it’s critical to start teaching children about the importance of recycling and living an … Continue reading

How To Lessen Your Contribution To Noise Pollution

If you are constantly bugged by disturbing or unwanted noise to the point that it interferes with your normal daily activities, then you are categorically experiencing noise pollution. This is a disruptive type of sound that can be annoying and life-altering because it can affect your mood, responses, relationships or socialization, and performance. Extreme noise pollution can greatly affect an individual’s quality of life. It can also cause chronic stress which impacts overall health. Noise pollution would usually come from different sources such as industrial noise or those coming from construction, electrical machinery, or from traffic noise such as sounds … Continue reading

The Need for Effective Environmental Education

Children are the Future Generation and their engagement in environmental conservation is an absolute must. Education is the key to fostering this engagement and hence, all efforts must be made in this regard. One of the main reasons for the current state of environmental degradation is the general apathy of civil society and the only way to address this issue is through intrinsic involvement of all stakeholders, in particular, children, since it is their future that is at stake. Involvement of children in environmental conservation initiatives will also ensure that the movement becomes “bottom-up” rather than something that is mandated … Continue reading

6 Easy Ideas to Teach Sustainable Living to Your Kids

Talking about the environment with children is one of the best things we can do to encourage ‘green’ habits for a sustainable world. Developing the habit of thinking about the impact of their actions on the earth is as important as learning about other aspects of faith and growing spiritually – they are interlinked. To make sustainable living a way of life, we can make small daily changes. Here are a few ideas to teach sustainable living to your kids: 1. Getting serious about waste Consider the waste your household generates – what can you buy less of? Is there … Continue reading