How to Write a Paper About Saving the Environment

Today, writing a college paper on saving the environment is the task that sooner or later every student encounters on their academic journey. After all, taking into account the climate issues of the present day, writing a meaningful paper can serve as an effective tool used to raise awareness of global problems, advocate for change, as well as inspire others to take action to save the world and make it a better place. If you’re assigned the task of crafting the paper on protecting the environment, our tips and tricks given below will help you in the process of work. … Continue reading

The Concept of Environmental Education

Unlike traditional forms of education, Environmental Education is a holistic, lifelong learning process directed at creating responsible individuals who explore and identify environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action effectively to improve the environment. As a result, individuals develop a deeper awareness and understanding of environmental issues and have effective skills to make informed and responsible decisions that lead to resolute the environmental challenges. Environmental Education is neither environmental advocacy nor environmental information; rather, Environmental Education is a varied and diverse field that focuses on the educational process that has to remain neutral by teaching individuals critical thinking … Continue reading

The Paper Bag Boy of Abu Dhabi

Abdul Muqeet, also known as the Paper Bag Boy, has risen from being just another ordinary student to an extra-ordinary environmentalist, eco-hero and eco-warrior. At just ten years old, Abdul Muqeet has demonstrated his commitment to saving the environment in United Arab Emirates and elsewhere. Inspired by the 2010 campaign “UAE Free of Plastic Bags”, Abdul Muqeet, a student of Standard V at Abu Dhabi Indian School, applied his own initiative and imagination to create 100% recycled carry bags using paper waste. He then set out to distribute these bags in Abu Dhabi, replacing single-use plastic bags that take hundreds … Continue reading

EcoMENA – Vision and Mission

The MENA region is plagued by a host of issues including water scarcity, waste disposal, food security, industrial pollution and desertification. Providing free access to quality information and knowledge-based resources motivates youngsters in a big way. EcoMENA provides encouragement to masses in tackling major environmental challenges by empowering them with knowledge and by providing them a solid platform to share their views with the outside world. Salman Zafar, Founder of EcoMENA, talks to the Florentine Association of International Relations (FAIR) about the vision, aims, objectives and rationale behind the creation of EcoMENA.  FAIR: What is EcoMENA and what is its primary … Continue reading

Environmental Awareness in Arab Countries: A Survey

A public opinion survey carried out by the Arab Forum for Environment and Development in 22 Arab countries revealed that a vast majority, exceeding 60 percent, believes that the environment has deteriorated in their countries over the last 10 years. An even bigger majority of 95 percent thinks that their country is not doing enough to tackle environmental challenges. The questionnaire, circulated via internet in cooperation with Arab media outlets and conducted on a self-completion basis, attracted 20,460 responses from across the Arab region. Respondents who thought that the environmental situation has worsened comprised 60 percent, reflecting findings of a … Continue reading

A Green Message for the World

These are strange times indeed. Children today are bombarded with phrases such as global warming, carbon footprint and deforestation. These scary terms were totally alien a hundred years ago, but we only have ourselves to blame for their importance now. I ask you a simple question “What kind of future are you leaving for children and youth like me?” Every day, every minute we are writing an epitaph for a lake, or a wetland or a forest. The mighty river Ganges which once flowed, pristine and pure, from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal, is now a cesspool of filth. … Continue reading

Ruba Al-Zu’bi – Inspiring Green Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

Ruba Al-Zu’bi is a very well-known sustainable development policy and planning expert, and a true inspiration for youngsters in Jordan and beyond. Currently she is the Adviser for Science Policy and Programme Development to HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, the President of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS). Prior to that, Ruba led the Scientific Research Department at Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation. In the past, she had been the CEO of EDAMA, a Jordanian business association that seeks innovative solutions to advance the energy, water and environment sectors. Ruba Al-Zu’bi is Global Resolutions’ Jordan Ambassador and a Plus Social Good … Continue reading

A Message on International Youth Day 2016

The theme of International Youth Day 2016 is ‘The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production’. Globally the governments and organizations are making efforts in involving the youth in environmental conservation and preservation and assisting them in improving the environmental situation and public health in their own areas, cities and countries. The International Youth Day is also meant to recognize efforts of the world’s youth in enhancing global society. It also aims to promote ways to engage them in becoming more actively involved in making positive contributions to their communities. The involvement in environmental conservation and … Continue reading

An Interview with Paper Bag Boy of Abu Dhabi

Abdul Muqeet, also known as the Paper Bag Boy, has risen from being just another ordinary boy to an extraordinary environmentalist spearheading the fight against climate change in United Arab Emirates. Ten-year old Abdul Muqeet has demonstrated remarkable commitment to saving the environment and has won numerous awards including the prestigious Abu Dhabi Award. Here the Paper Bag Boy (PBB) talks to Salman Zafar, Founder of EcoMENA, about various aspects of waste management scenario in UAE: SZ: You are considered as the ‘recycling face’ of Abu Dhabi because of your wonderful achievements. Can you give an idea of the prevalent waste management … Continue reading

5 Student Projects To Protect The Environment From Air Pollution

Pollution is a ubiquitous problem in the present-day world, and it is rising continuously all around the globe. Amongst all other kinds of pollution, such as water, land, and sound, air pollution has a profound impact on every living organism present on the earth. We inhale many toxins and pollutants along with oxygen while breathing, which can cause severe health problems and can even lead to an untimely death. Developing countries face more pollution-related health problems as compared to developed countries. However, students alongside scientists are working hard to protect our home planet from air contamination and its hazardous effects. … Continue reading

أفضل البرامج للطلاب للحد من النفايات

مع إرتفاع نسبة الوعي حول حاجتنا للحد من كميات النفايات، لن يكون مفاجئاً أن الحد من النفايات أصبح في وقتنا الحالي ضرورة وليس خياراً. لذا نتوقع من الطلاب ان يشاركوا في البرامج المتنوعة في مدارسهم ومؤسساتهم التعليمية. من الواضح أن المصادر المذكورة في هذه المقالة تؤكد على إشراك الطلاب في الحملات الخضراء التي تهدف لجعل الارض مكانا امنا للجميع. لذا، هيا بنا نذكر بعض أفضل البرامج للحد من النفايات للطلاب حياة المنتج من احد الأفكار الأساسية ما يسمى “لعبة حياة المنتج”. تعتمد هذه اللعبة على اختيار منتج معين ليقوم الطلاب بتحليل كيفية إنتاجه، وهنا بإمكان الطلاب إختيار أي منتج حتى … Continue reading

How Green Campus Help Students to Save The Planet

Although some people don’t agree that there is climate change, the subject is very real. Unfortunately, people who are bearing the full brunt of this situation are underdeveloped countries that experience flash floods, rising sea levels and droughts. There are other repercussions of climate change, such as food shortage due to severe droughts or floods and that increases the prices of basic needs in stores. Some college campuses have taken a stand against damaging the ecosystem and are helping save the planet. How are these green campus students accomplishing that? Here are methods that have been employed by green campuses … Continue reading