The Environmental Impact of Guitars

Since the guitar was invented in the 16th Century, Spain, it has been enjoyed by people all around the globe – with an estimate of at least 900 million guitars existing today. Although, many musicians do worry about the carbon footprint that their instruments leave behind. Guitars are made from rare woods and old growths. Over the years the manufacturing industry has had its fair share of issues, from illegal logging, scarcity in souring, and environmental regulations. In this article, we are going to be speaking in more detail about the impact guitars have on the environment. Do guitar factories … Continue reading

6 Easy Ideas to Teach Sustainable Living to Your Kids

Talking about the environment with children is one of the best things we can do to encourage ‘green’ habits for a sustainable world. Developing the habit of thinking about the impact of their actions on the earth is as important as learning about other aspects of faith and growing spiritually – they are interlinked. To make sustainable living a way of life, we can make small daily changes. Here are a few ideas to teach sustainable living to your kids: 1. Getting serious about waste Consider the waste your household generates – what can you buy less of? Is there … Continue reading

The Importance of Ecological Education in Schools

How important is the environment in our everyday life and what impact we have on it and what can you do as a student? There is no need to mention how radical our lives have changed in the last decades due to the ignorance we gave to the eco-friendly aspects. How bad things are? The environmental status of each year is increasingly worrying: the forested spaces are reduced, the deserts are spreading, the agricultural soils are degraded, the degree of pollution is higher, and the ozone layer is thinner, the greenhouse effect is accentuated, and many plant and animal species … Continue reading

Waste Awareness in Qatar: A Survey

Waste awareness in Qatar has gained traction in recent years, but more efforts are required to make the masses aware about the consequences of reckless waste generation and disposal, and how sustainable living practices and recycling can help in making Qatar a truly sustainable nation. Below is the outcome of an interesting survey on waste awareness which was conducted among Qataris and non-Qataris (expatriates). Plastic is the most common waste generated in a typical household in Qatar. One-third of overall respondents say that of all products, the volume of the plastic waste generated is higher, followed by food waste (19%) … Continue reading

What Football Clubs Can Do To Be More Eco-Friendly

It’s common knowledge in the modern-day that our environment is in serious trouble. Everyone in every corner of the globe needs to make a conscious effort to live a greener and more eco-friendly life. You may be thinking since it’s such common knowledge, why doesn’t everyone do it? You think it would be that simple, but unfortunately, it is not. But what can football clubs do? After all, they are a major part of a lot of communities. They host dozens of people on a weekly basis and can be one of the stand out parts of a community. The … Continue reading

Knowledge and Youth-Led Climate Action in the Arab Region: A Regional Survey

UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science in the Arab Region – Cairo Office is leading the development of a regional report entitled Knowledge and Youth-Led Climate Action in the Arab Region. This report will analyze the knowledge dimension of youth-led climate action in the Arab region including the sources youth rely on, the knowledge they generate, and the avenues they utilize to disseminate information and knowledge in order to make an impact in their societies and with policy and decision makers. More information about the report is provided in the abovementioned link. An integral part of this report is a regional survey that contributes … Continue reading