Impact of School Closure on Marginalized Children

We are seeing schools close as a protective measure of reducing the potential exposure to the coronavirus across the globe. This is due to the fact that schools could be a major source of transmission from one child to another child within a classroom, from one classroom to the whole school, to within the families and the greater community. And all at a very speedy rate of transmission of Covid-19. The action of closing schools is an acceptable move in the more developed sectors of the global community as children tend to all have access to the internet, and in … Continue reading

What Makes a Good Essay and How Can You Get Started?

Writing a great essay is not as difficult as it seems. With the right tips and guidance, anyone can create a well-crafted piece of writing that can impress any reader. This guide will provide you with essential tips on how to write an essay that will help you get started on your journey to becoming an excellent essay writer. Writing essays can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little practice and dedication, you can become a great essay writer. By understanding the basics of grammar and composition, developing strong research skills, and honing your … Continue reading

5 Student Projects To Protect The Environment From Air Pollution

Pollution is a ubiquitous problem in the present-day world, and it is rising continuously all around the globe. Amongst all other kinds of pollution, such as water, land, and sound, air pollution has a profound impact on every living organism present on the earth. We inhale many toxins and pollutants along with oxygen while breathing, which can cause severe health problems and can even lead to an untimely death. Developing countries face more pollution-related health problems as compared to developed countries. However, students alongside scientists are working hard to protect our home planet from air contamination and its hazardous effects. … Continue reading

3 Apps for Students to Maintain Well-Being in College

Nothing is more important for a student than taking care of their mental health. With a big pile of homework, terrifying exams, and a lot of other responsibilities, life for a student can get overwhelming. As a college student, you need support, and one of the ways to get it is to download an application, which is an easy task to do. However, searching for the apps yourself can give you even more stress. First, you need the exact names and then time to test the application and figure out if it’s a good solution. Luckily, other people have already … Continue reading

9 Tools You Need to Thrive on Your Exams

According to studies, roughly 16-20% of students experience high levels of exam anxiety. Another 18% have it on a moderate level. But the truth is, whether it’s moderate or high, it still interferes with your ability to do your best during the test. The good news for all students is that there are many practices that help ease the stress before a test day. Moreover, if you complement these stress-management practices with the right tools, you will be able to nail any exam like a pro. In this guide, we will give you a list of essential exam prep tools … Continue reading

أفكار لمشاريع صديقة للبيئة لطلاب المدارس

كل يوم نقوم بقتل البيئة، ويلزم ان نرعاها وان نوقف قتلها. لهذا السبب تقوم بعض المدارس بتعليم الطلاب وتوعيتهم حول كيفية حماية طبيعتنا. هنالك العديد من المشاريع البيئية المبادرة لانقاذ الطبيعة، وهنا سنذكر عشرة أفكار لمشاريع صديقة للبيئة تستهدف طلاب المدارس ومن شأنها تعزيز مشاركتهم للإتجاه نحو  ” القطاع الأخضر”، وممكن أن يستفيد المعلمون من المعلومات الموجودة هاهنا لاستنباط بعض الافكار لنشاطاتهم. بداية نود أن نلفت انتباهكم لعوامل الخطر الرئيسية التي تؤثر بشكل سلبي على البيئة لنلقي نظرة على القائمة أدناه  – تغير المناخ الكوارث الطبيعية التلوث بجميع أشكاله إبادة الغطاء النباتي والحيواني إبادة الغابات القوانين والسياسات البيئية غير الفعالة … Continue reading

أفضل البرامج للطلاب للحد من النفايات

مع إرتفاع نسبة الوعي حول حاجتنا للحد من كميات النفايات، لن يكون مفاجئاً أن الحد من النفايات أصبح في وقتنا الحالي ضرورة وليس خياراً. لذا نتوقع من الطلاب ان يشاركوا في البرامج المتنوعة في مدارسهم ومؤسساتهم التعليمية. من الواضح أن المصادر المذكورة في هذه المقالة تؤكد على إشراك الطلاب في الحملات الخضراء التي تهدف لجعل الارض مكانا امنا للجميع. لذا، هيا بنا نذكر بعض أفضل البرامج للحد من النفايات للطلاب حياة المنتج من احد الأفكار الأساسية ما يسمى “لعبة حياة المنتج”. تعتمد هذه اللعبة على اختيار منتج معين ليقوم الطلاب بتحليل كيفية إنتاجه، وهنا بإمكان الطلاب إختيار أي منتج حتى … Continue reading

How Green Campus Help Students to Save The Planet

Although some people don’t agree that there is climate change, the subject is very real. Unfortunately, people who are bearing the full brunt of this situation are underdeveloped countries that experience flash floods, rising sea levels and droughts. There are other repercussions of climate change, such as food shortage due to severe droughts or floods and that increases the prices of basic needs in stores. Some college campuses have taken a stand against damaging the ecosystem and are helping save the planet. How are these green campus students accomplishing that? Here are methods that have been employed by green campuses … Continue reading

6 Ways Tutoring Can Help Your Child’s Confidence

When it comes to helping your child succeed in school, tutoring can be a huge help. But did you know that tutoring can also help boost your child’s confidence? In this blog post, we will discuss 8 ways that tutoring can help improve your child’s confidence. We will also provide some tips on how to choose the right tutor for your child! 1. When a child is struggling in school, it can be hard for them to feel confident School can be a tough place for kids who are struggling. They may feel like they’re not as smart as their … Continue reading

Top 5 Most Environmentally Friendly Colleges in the U.S. 2023

Education is only effective when it is combined with real change that impacts the world we live in. Selecting a college to study in can be a bit challenging as there are a plethora of factors you consider before choosing the best option. Some of these factors are education quality, study-life balance, healthy competition between students, co-curricular activities, and more. One other essential factor that a lot of people fail to consider is how environmentally friendly the university is. How can a college be environmentally-conscious, you may ask? To begin with, having many plants on campus and following eco-friendly practices … Continue reading

5 Rules to Become a Zero-Waste College Student

Are you a college student who is trying to give back to the environment by going zero? Are you looking for tips on how to go waste-free? Well, you are in the right place. We will show you some ways with the help of which you can achieve a zero-waste lifestyle and low waste living. We begin by saying, Congratulations. It is highly appreciated that you are trying to play your part in the betterment of the world at such a tender age. Let’s look at a few ways that will help you answer the question of how to go … Continue reading

Top 7 Benefits of Environmental Education

Introducing environmental education to school going children is essential since it instills in them the values of conserving the environment. This enables them to make a difference both in their schools and in the communities around them. It also provides them with an opportunity to comprehensively understand the myriad of challenges facing the environment, with possible mitigation measures that could be employed to address them. There are numerous advantages of introducing environmental education into the learning systems in schools. Below are some of the key reasons why it is necessary to incorporate environmental education into the teaching curriculum: 1. Promotes … Continue reading