Preventive Air Conditioning Maintenance: Why It Matters?

The lack of maintenance and cleaning in the air conditioner can cause a lot of problems. These can affect since the operation of the equipment and imply in a greater consumption of energy, and even favor the occurrence of health problems like migraines and irritation in the mucous membranes. Preventive maintenance and proper AC cleaning helps reduce the emission of pollutants in the environment, decreases the energy consumption of the appliance, increasing its life. Why Preventive AC Maintenance is Important? In order to have a good functioning of the air conditioning system, it is important to carry out a regular … Continue reading

5 Eco-friendly Projects You Can Do At Home

The planet is our home and hence we need all hands on deck to maintain it. One of those ways is to carry out projects in our homes that are considered green and eco-friendly. To do that, we would also need instruments like the band saw. If you don’t have this piece of equipment yet, there’s hundreds of band saw reviews online that you can read. Now, if you’re ready to create your woodworking projects, here are 5 eco-friendly project ideas you should consider. 1. Kitchen Facelift – Adding a Jar Herb Garden Are you worried that your kitchen cabinet … Continue reading

My Little Paper Recycling Project

Paper industry is considered as one of the world’s largest consumers of fossil fuels and biggest industrial polluter. The industry is criticized by environmental groups for being responsible for massive deforestation around the world. With the use of modern technology such as the printing press and the highly mechanised harvesting of wood, paper has become a cheap commodity. This has led to a high level of consumption and waste. Worldwide consumption of paper has risen by 400% in the past 40 years, with 35% of harvested trees being used for paper manufacture. Paper wastes constitute as much as one-fourth of … Continue reading

السماد من المخلفات الغذائية في المنزل

يضيف البستانيون والمزارعون السماد بشكل عام إلى التربة لتحسين خصائصه الفيزيائية، فالسماد ببساطة هو مادة عضوية متحللة – يمكن أن يكون غُصين مادة عضوية، ويمكن كذلك أن يكون قشر الموز والبيض. سنتعرف في هذه المقالة على كيفية الاستفادة من المخلفات العضوية في منازلنا وتحويلها لسماد عضوي. مؤخراً ساهم انتشار الوعي البيئي والاهتمام بالصحة في نمو الطلب على الأطعمة العضوية والطبيعية خصوصاً تلك المزروعة في المنزل. وبات الناس مهتمين أكثر بتبني الممارسات المستدامة في منازلهم؛ ومن ذلك إنتاج السماد الطبيعي في المنزل من خلال إعادة تدوير النفايات العضوية بداءً بالمخلفات الغذائية إلى أوراق الشجر المتساقط في الحديقة. لماذا (الكومبوست) يفيد البيئة؟ … Continue reading

How to Minimise Environmental Damage When Updating Your Flooring

In a changing world where climate change and protecting the environment is constantly making headlines, we want to do the best we can to vote with our money and make options that help the planet. Home renovations can be tricky to navigate when we want to live in an environmentally conscious way. Regarding flooring, in particular, there are numerous things to consider. In this article, we explore the best flooring surfaces and how to dispose of your old flooring. Is Solid Wood Flooring an Environmental Choice? Solid wood flooring is an excellent choice when looking to make environmentally conscious renovation … Continue reading

Build Your Tiny Home From Recycled Materials

People are turning to tiny living in order to save money. Living simply is about getting back to the earth, leaving a smaller footprint on the planet, and also, for many people, about being frugal. Why create a mountain of debt when you can build a home from recycled materials that can be found for free? Building your tiny home from recycled materials is not as difficult as you may think. In fact, when you learn what to look for, it’s actually not hard to find the materials and put your imagination to work. Image Source: What Materials Do … Continue reading

6 Top Green Ways for Tidying Your Home

Home cleaning is a routine that you should perform regularly so that you can always live in a comfortable environment. However, some methods used for cleaning homes can negatively impact the environment in different ways. To prevent this, you can consider green cleaning methods. As such, you can double-check the 6 green ways for tidying your home below: 1. DIY cleaning products Homemade cleaning products with natural ingredients such as lemon juice, white vinegar, baking soda, and olive oil are perfect for cleaning your home since they do not negatively impact the environment. These products are safe, and you can … Continue reading

Practical Ways to Repurpose Your Mattress

With the increased focus on going green to help save the planet, more people are looking for mattress recycling options, and while recycling your mattress is an excellent idea, why not consider repurposing your mattress instead? Repurposing your mattress is another way to save it from the landfill and, if you use one of these practical ways to repurpose it, you’ll have a new item to enjoy in your home as well. Make a Comfortable Pet Bed Turning your old memory foam mattress into a comfortable pet bed is a great way to get more use out of your mattress … Continue reading

أفكار لمشاريع صديقة للبيئة لطلاب المدارس

كل يوم نقوم بقتل البيئة، ويلزم ان نرعاها وان نوقف قتلها. لهذا السبب تقوم بعض المدارس بتعليم الطلاب وتوعيتهم حول كيفية حماية طبيعتنا. هنالك العديد من المشاريع البيئية المبادرة لانقاذ الطبيعة، وهنا سنذكر عشرة أفكار لمشاريع صديقة للبيئة تستهدف طلاب المدارس ومن شأنها تعزيز مشاركتهم للإتجاه نحو  ” القطاع الأخضر”، وممكن أن يستفيد المعلمون من المعلومات الموجودة هاهنا لاستنباط بعض الافكار لنشاطاتهم. بداية نود أن نلفت انتباهكم لعوامل الخطر الرئيسية التي تؤثر بشكل سلبي على البيئة لنلقي نظرة على القائمة أدناه  – تغير المناخ الكوارث الطبيعية التلوث بجميع أشكاله إبادة الغطاء النباتي والحيواني إبادة الغابات القوانين والسياسات البيئية غير الفعالة … Continue reading

How to Solar Power a Shed?

Ahh, so you want to solar power a shed? Well, that’s nothing new. A few rules to follow, a few hacks to remember, and you are golden. Solar panels are now utilized on pergolas, cabins, yachts, and RVs, in addition to roofs and RVs. Sheds are a typical component of many homes and can unquestionably benefit from renewable energy. How many solar panels will be needed to power everything, though? A 50W solar panel can power simple storage sheds, but if the shed is also used as a home office, two 250W solar panels are the absolute least needed. To … Continue reading

4 Ways For Students To Save The Environment

One of your jobs as a student is to be informed and updated with what’s happening in the world. One of the biggest issues the world has in the 21st century is pollution. Oceans are full of plastic. Because of global warming forests in Siberia and the Amazon are burning to ash. These are just a few signs that prove that the status of the environment is not a good one. The young generation has to protect what others could not. Fighting for a cleaner planet and a better world has never been so urgent like nowadays. If you’ve ever … Continue reading

Best Waste Reduction Programs for Students

It wouldn’t be a big of a surprise to tell that the waste reduction nowadays is more of a necessity rather than a voluntary facility. With a continuous rise of awareness over the need to reduce the amount of waste, students are expected to participate in the programs designed at their educational institutions. What’s clearly seen is that essay sources clearly underline the need in engaging students to become the parts of those green campaigns, aimed to make our plant a safer place for everyone. So, let’s review the following waste reduction programs for students, which have proven of being … Continue reading