All You Need to Know About Sustainability in the Supply Chain

The sustainability industry, in recent years, has evolved to include almost all areas of business processes. Due to the dramatic strides sustainability has made and its holistic nature, it is understandable that the two most apparent areas, the environment and society, would receive much of our attention.  There has been a lack of concern for the area of the economy and alignment with business needs.  Moreover, it has not been used enough as a mechanism to enhance the supply chain or product value. Lately, business leaders are learning to see substantial benefits and profitability beyond “green initiatives” by giving back time … Continue reading

How To Score Deals When Shopping For Eco-Friendly Essentials

Shopping for green and sustainable products is a great initiative you can do to be a more responsible citizen. With so many products on the market today that harm the environment and deplete natural resources, the damage done to the planet is getting worse. However, while many individuals would want to do their part to minimize this damage, they might find it challenging to use green products. Organic materials and other natural products usually have higher price tags. This could be why many industries use unnatural ingredients, chemical compounds, and other more affordable materials that are unfriendly to the environment … Continue reading