The Problem of Plastic Pollution in the UAE and Possible Solutions

Plastic pollution is a serious global issue. The United Nations Environment programme highlights that each day, “the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans, rivers, and lakes”. Annually, this translates into some 19-23 million tons of plastic waste leaks into aquatic ecosystems and pollutes lakes, rivers and seas. According to data collected by Greenpeace, the MENA region has the world’s highest per capita plastic footprint. On average, “residents in MENA contribute more than 6 kg of plastic waste to the surrounding marine environment every year, as per World Bank report estimates, published in … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Factors To Consider When Investing In Company Stocks

In today’s investment landscape, integrating eco-friendly considerations into stock market investments is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic financial move. Investors are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability in driving long-term growth and minimizing risks associated with environmental degradation and climate change. Companies that prioritize green initiatives, resource efficiency, and sustainable business practices often exhibit resilience and innovation, making them attractive investment opportunities. By focusing on these eco-friendly factors, investors can contribute to a healthier planet while potentially securing robust returns, aligning their financial objectives with environmental stewardship. Monthly Dividend Stocks To Look Out For In the realm … Continue reading

Plastic Pollution: The Search for a Sustainable Solution

Given the present momentum of events, anthropocene may not last for long as it is engineering the apocalypse with the wonder material – Plastics. Anthropocene signifies the geological period when humans have been the dominant influence on the planet’s environment. According statistics, the world produced 322 million metric tons of plastics in 2015; and it is likely to be four times more by 2050. Plastics have become ubiquitous in our lives today. This wonder material which was invented in 1907 is thickly intertwined with every aspect of our lives today – from toothbrush to the sophisticated gadgets and equipment which … Continue reading

Building a Plastic Bottle Village From Rubbish

This is an inspiring true story that demonstrates a solution to the rubbish problem, especially discarded plastic bottles, plaguing our planet! We hope it will encourage and inspire other visionaries to take similar actions around the world! Robert Bezeau moved to the tropical paradise of Bocas del Toro, Panama, after he grew tired of the cold weather in his home country of Canada. He loved Panama, but at the same time, he was dismayed by the rubbish removal left behind by more than 100,000 tourists visiting the area every year. While he walked the beaches, he began collecting discarded plastic … Continue reading

Matthew Stone: Teysha Technologies Partners with the Kind Planet Company

In August 2020, Teysha Technologies announced that it was to enter into partnership with the Kind Planet Company, providing the skincare company with biodegradable lids for its new organic skincare range. Teysha Technologies has pioneered a second-generation bioplastic, developing patented technology as part of its mission to revolutionise the global packaging market. As Matthew Stone, Teysha Technologies’ Managing Director explained, an estimated eight million plastic items find their ways into the world’s seas and waterways every day. Teysha Technologies aims to help reduce global plastic waste, offering manufacturers biodegradable alternatives produced from sustainable materials. The Kind Planet Company supports marginalised … Continue reading

How To Save The World From Plastic Pollution

There is not one solution, we all know that. But let’s take a look back in time for a possible solution to plastic pollution. In a past-era, we had a solution that worked. Why not try that option once again. The returnable, refillable container of last century that was a sure thing introduced by Coca Cola in the 1920’s. It ensured customer satisfaction and more importantly, customer loyalty. Coca Cola sold its desirable liquid in expensive bottles that the company needed to be returned for the next drink batch, and the batch after that, and the batch after that one, … Continue reading

A Message on Earth Day

Earth Day has now grown into a global environmental tradition making it the largest civic observance in the world and is widely celebrated event in which over one billion people from over 190 countries will participate by taking suitable actions for saving our mother Earth. The Earth Day was first organized in 1970 to promote respect for life on the planet and to encourage awareness on air, water and soil pollution. Each year a different theme or topic is selected. The theme of Earth Day 2018 is ‘End Plastic Pollution’. Plastic pollution is poisoning our oceans and lands, injuring marine life … Continue reading