Rubbish Removal Sydney – What to Expect?

If you live in a huge and vibrant city like Sydney, then you probably know how easy rubbish can start piling up and messing up your life! So, managing this waste efficiently is not only essential for maintaining a clean and healthy living environment but also for ensuring the sustainability of the city’s ecosystems. This is where professional rubbish removal services come into play, offering a vital solution to the city’s waste management needs. Understanding what these services entail and recognizing the importance of enlisting their help is crucial for residents and business owners alike. What Are Professional Rubbish Removal … Continue reading

Earth Hour – Making of a Movement

Earth Hour is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Earth Hour engages a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues. The event is held worldwide and held towards the end of March annually, encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour as a symbol for their commitment to the planet Making of a Movement Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia and was conceived by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). On the occasion, 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off … Continue reading

Introduction to Trigeneration

  Trigeneration refers to the simultaneous generation of electricity and useful heating and cooling from the combustion of a biomass fuel or a solar heat collector. Conventional coal or nuclear-powered power stations convert only about 33% of their input heat to electricity. The remaining 67% emerges from the turbines as low-grade waste heat with no significant local uses so it is usually rejected to the environment. What is Trigeneration In a trigeneration system, the supply of high-temperature heat first drives a gas or steam turbine powered generator and the resulting low-temperature waste heat is then used for water or space heating. Such systems can attain … Continue reading