How to Avoid the Common Debt Traps

Common sense tells us it’s better to be debt-free than to incur debt. However, if you’re going to have a comfortable life — and have yet to obtain an immense personal fortune — some debt is generally unavoidable. After all, few people are in a position to purchase a home, or a car or pay for a college education outright. However, there are right ways to go about taking on these debts and wrong ways. In far too many cases, people who recognize we need those things willingly engage in deception to take unfair advantage of us. With this mind, … Continue reading

A Glance at Carbon Finance

The main objective of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is to promote sustainable development in developing countries and to allow industrialized countries to earn emissions credits from their investments in emission-reducing projects in developing countries. A particular CDM project cycle involves a wide range of transaction costs which may include the following: Project identification and selection: Costs incurred by project developers and potential investors in identifying prospective projects. Project development and baseline determination: Information costs related to the preparation of a project concept note providing relevant information on project baseline, expected additional emission reductions and corresponding costs. Project validation: The process of independent … Continue reading