Everything You Should Know About Desertification

As the global population crosses 7 billion, the pressure on land has increased exponentially in recent decades. Food security, habitat and livelihood are the buzz words these days. The paradox is that despite ever-increasing demand for land, more than 10 million hectares of arable land turns into desert every year. The major factors responsible for desertification are deforestation, over-grazing, unsustainable cultivation methods and poor irrigation practices, apart from climate change. According to Mr. Luc Gnacadja, executive secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, “Land degradation is a global phenomenon, with 78 percent of the degrading land taking place in … Continue reading

Tree Service Company Left Shavings – What Should I Do With Them?

After hiring a tree service company to work on your property, don’t be surprised if they left shavings behind. Whether you’re getting a tree removed, or perhaps a tree pruned, you’ll inevitably come across lots of wood chips on your land once the job has been completed. Like many others, you’re probably wondering what you can do with all of the shavings. Of course, you can put them in the trash, but wood chips can be used for many different things, so let’s take a closer look at some of the things you can do with them. Find a tree … Continue reading

Your Best Guide to King Post Walls – Their Best Uses and Benefits

Whether you are involved in a wall retaining project for the first time or the nth time, you may have already heard of king post walls and what they can do. The proper retaining wall will make a vast difference in your property and the safety of your location, effectively preventing soil erosion and water buildup. But whilst you may have different choices regarding your retaining wall system, king post walls have more than a few qualities and characteristics that make them stand out. So if you are planning and building a retaining wall for your property, here’s your best … Continue reading