The Environmental Impacts of Car Accidents

Car accidents are increasing all over the world. Although many people may not be aware of it, accidents can have a large negative impact on the environment. Car accidents affect people’s health and finances as well as the structure of the roads. Cars have long been known to have an environmental impact as a result of their emissions and the gas they use, which affects the planet negatively. The recent findings now prove that even in cases of accidents, cars can still negatively impact the planet in different ways whether  directly or indirectly. 1. Gas Leaks One of the main … Continue reading

جودة الهواء في الأردن – المخاوف الرئيسية

يعد تلوث الهواء مصدر قلق كبير للسكان في كل أنحاء العالم، لما له من تأثير سلبي مباشر وغير مباشر على صحة الإنسان والحيوان وباقي مكونات البيئة المحيطة، ويزداد القلق من تلوث الهواء مع تعدد المصادر المساهمة بهذا التلوث وتنوعها وانتشارها الواسع. حيث بدأت مشاكل تلوث الهواء في المدن الصناعية ولم يقتصر على المدن الصناعية فحسب ولكنه انتشر ليشمل المدن ذات الكثافة السكانية العالية نظرًا لتعدد وتنوع وشدة الأنشطة البشرية فيها. وقد أظهرت دراسات قامت بها منظمة ال WHO أن ملوثات الهواء تسبب أمراض القلب والرئتين والأوعية الدموية  وبعض الأمراض الجلدية مثل سرطانات الجلد وذلك بسبب التعرض للأشعة فوق البنفسجية الناتج … Continue reading

Morocco Aims To Double Electric Vehicle Production In Two Years

Morocco aims to double its electric car production by 2024, Morocco World News reports. According to Ryad Mezzour, the Moroccan minister for trade and industry, the country is on track to start manufacturing as many as 100,000 electric cars per year within the next two to three years. Fortunately, Morocco’s existing industrial facilities alone are capable of reaching this lofty goal, although helpful international investment may also be on the table in coming years. The need for electric vehicle production Ramping up electric car production is becoming increasingly essential to maintain a competitive edge in a global market. Net zero carbon emission commitments, a … Continue reading

How Vacuum Technology is Used to Create Core Energy Storage Devices for e-Mobility: Lithium-ion Batteries

You’ve got one in your pocket right now. Indeed, lithium-ion batteries are found in small portable electronics such as smartphones and laptops, in addition to being the heart of electric automobiles and vehicles. They are also used extensively in spatial and aeronautical applications. But what exactly are lithium batteries, and why are they so hotly debated today? What role does vacuum technology play with lithium batteries? What exactly are lithium batteries, and why are they so important today? Modern lithium-ion batteries have lately become the focus of today’s key conversations and debates, owing to their popularity as the preferred technology … Continue reading

Why Electric Vehicles Are the Future of the Automotive Industry

Electric vehicles have come a long way since their invention in the 1830s. What was once a novelty for the Chicago World’s Fair is now a common sight on major highways. With Tesla now modernizing the industry, EVs are more attainable than ever in the world’s market. Still, high price tags and a lack of charging stations at pit stops keep many car users from making the switch. Of the over 280 million cars in the U.S, only 2 million are fully electric or hybrid vehicles. So why are so many predictions pointing to EVs in the automotive industry? Read … Continue reading

Benefits of Owning a Hybrid Vehicle

Hybrid vehicles are not new; however, their popularity has increased over time. Even though hybrid cars may seem hard to produce, the exact opposite is true. Hybrids are just cars with both gasoline or diesel engine and a battery-powered electric motor. A hybrid vehicle, such as the Toyota Prius and the 2022 Toyota Corolla, conserves fuel and emits less CO2 emissions. The purpose of two engines is to reduce fuel consumption and, therefore, to save energy. How Hybrid Cars Work Any vehicle with two separate power sources can be classified as a hybrid car. Due to the high expense of … Continue reading

The Surprising Environmental Impact of Electric Vehicles

March 2022 has seen the highest capacity of electric vehicle (EV) registrations than any other month in history – in fact, more were registered in that single month than over the entirety of the year 2019. As interest in EVs continues to rise at a rapid pace, questions about the long-term environmental impact of electric vehicles are coming forward. More Resources, Reduced Carbon Emissions One of the most notable and attractive features of the modern EV is its “zero emission” component. But while these streamlined vehicles can significantly decrease the volume of carbon emissions released into the environment, the resources needed … Continue reading

What Are the Environmental Benefits of Electric Cars

People are moving away from driving gas-powered vehicles at a tremendous rate for financial and environmental reasons. We have looked at a few key areas where using electric cars will benefit us in the areas we live in and in our wallets. Considering the first Tesla to hit the road was less than twenty years ago (2003), we have seen a dramatic shift towards electric vehicles from small manufacturers all the way through to major car producing companies. This shift has enormous environmental benefits for all of us and will continue to do so for generations to come. 1. Clean … Continue reading

How to Claim Car Insurance Post an Accident

When you hold a comprehensive car insurance policy, you may make a claim after you have had an accident. How to claim car insurance is not a puzzle, but does involve some groundwork on your part. How to Get Insurance Benefits You can undergo a car insurance claim process if your car insurance plan covers costs that result due to your car being involved in an accident. If you want to get the benefits that a car insurance policy offers you, you must make a claim with your insurer immediately following the accident. If the insurance company discovers that your … Continue reading

How To Extend Your Car Tires’ Lifespan?

Every driver wants to extend the life of their car tires so that they can save up a huge amount of money. Besides implementing driving practices and maintenance as well as buying high quality tires like the selection of bfgoodrich tires for sale, you can apply some tips to preserve the tires. This article will show you 5 great ways to help your car tires last longer. But before that, let’s see how long each type of tire can last. How long can tires last? 1. Winter tires The lifespan of winter tires is different from the others. As its name can say … Continue reading

Why We Need to Stop Using Fossil Fuels? Understanding the True Impact

Fossil fuels have a wide range of applications including generation of electricity, transport fuels, making products like plastics, cosmetics, and even certain medicines. But why scientists and environmentalist are fighting to end the use of fossil fuels and promoting solar and wind energy instead? The damage that fossil fuel cause to the environment is affecting the entire ecosystem. The impact is disastrous and haunting for the health of our planet. These damages are in some cases easy to see and evaluate such as pollution and land degradation. However, the damage can take various forms and be hidden and difficult to measure such … Continue reading

Why Eco-Friendly Cars Are Important?

The transport sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions for many countries. The biggest reason why is because of the conventional car, as vehicles account for over half of the emissions from the transportation sector. Your typical car emits carbon dioxide and many other harmful chemicals that are hurting the environment and human health. This makes driving the right vehicle more important than ever.   Driving an eco-friendly vehicle is a great way to help human health and the environment. A green vehicle releases less harmful chemicals into the air, as it emits low carbon compounds when running. … Continue reading