What to Look For in a Used Car Before Making a Purchase

What to look for in a used car? Reliability, cost-effectiveness, and a clean history are just the start. Avoid the common pitfalls of buying pre-owned vehicles with our thorough guide. Covering mechanical checks, history reports, and financial considerations, we’ll equip you with the necessary tools to select a used car that meets your needs and budget without any unpleasant surprises. Key Takeaways Set a comprehensive budget considering not just the purchase price, but also additional costs such as stamp duty, running costs, and financing options, and align your vehicle choice with your lifestyle and practical needs. Perform thorough vehicle research … Continue reading

Will Fully Electric Cars Survive in Rural Areas?

Electric cars are predicted to account for 81% of all the EVs sold by 2030. This is about 25.3 million cars which is far beyond their counterparts – PHEVs. With a third of all these EVs expected to find their ways to the remote areas and even permanently be assigned for use in such areas, shall they survive? Driving the newest Ford Everest model- All-New Jazz 1.5 Luxe Hybrid ECVT down the dusty paths in your rural area may is good. It adapts to every region as it uses a motor to charge its battery. But thinking of Volkswagen e-Up … Continue reading

Are Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles Really Environmentally Friendly?

There has been a great conflict between fuel efficiency and eco-friendliness in cars. Even though plug-in hybrid vehicles have for long been thought of as environmentally friendly because they use electricity, in the real world they are the opposite. As countries grapple with the issue of carbon emissions, the PHEVs global market growth shall be a shock if all indications are correct. Comparing carbon emission rates between eco-friendly cars like Honda Jazz that rely on petrol and plug-in hybrid vehicles, Greenpeace was correct by terming PHEVs as “Wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Contrary to automakers official tests figures of 44g of … Continue reading

Why Automakers Should Be Cautious Of Future EU Policies On PHEV?

Suppose the EURO ambitions of attaining zero emission for all new cars by 2035 become a reality? Shall all the big auto brands trying to position themselves as leaders in PHEV stand the CO2 and nitrogen dioxide emission tests? It’s very simple for any automaker to rivet a PHEV emblem at the rear of their new models. But with the roadmap already drafted for up to 2040, the leading automakers planning for mass production of plug-in hybrid vehicles should be cautious. EU policies on emission rates are real. When time for the enforcement of these policies shall come knocking, just … Continue reading

5 Compelling Reasons To Switch To Biofuel

Biofuel is created from plant-based materials. Several studies prove that it can deliver performance that can rival the performance produced by fossil fuels such as diesel and petroleum. As a result, it’s no surprise that the use of biofuels has increased in popularity substantially in recent years as a leading petroleum alternative. However, if you are still a bit sceptical about making the switch, we have listed some compelling reasons to finally switch to the eco-friendly choice and start using HVO fuel. 1. Help Enhance Air Quality Diesel and other fossil fuels are undeniably bad for the environment as they … Continue reading

10 Basic Things Every Car Owner Should Know

Owning a car is so exciting. The first days are just so thrilling when the car is still new. Wait until you run into mechanical issues and you will know that maintaining a car and owning one are two very different things. In fact, buying a car is cheaper than maintaining one when you do not arm yourself with knowledge on how to maintaining it. Read through these 10 basic things that every car owner should know. It will save you lots of cash, time and give you peace of mind. 1. Regular Car Maintenance For a first-time car owner, … Continue reading

Strategies for Vehicle Protection: Choosing the Right Insurance

No matter how good of a driver you are, you can easily get into an accident even if you did nothing wrong because, when you’re driving, you also depend on other motorists. That is why hitting the road requires you to always be prepared for the worst-case scenario. And this is where vehicle insurance enters the picture. But it takes more than just picking the first insurance plan you see that you are sufficiently covered. It all comes down to knowing your particular needs, weighing your options, and coming to wise judgments. However, not everyone knows the right strategies to … Continue reading

ما هي الفوائد البيئية للسيارات الكهربائية؟

يبتعد الناس عن قيادة المركبات التي تعمل بالغاز بمعدل هائل لأسباب مالية وبيئية. لقد نظرنا في بعض المجالات الرئيسية حيث سيفيدنا استخدام السيارات الكهربائية في المناطق التي نعيش فيها ومن ناحية مادية. بالنظر إلى أن أول سيارة تسلا توفرت على الطريق قبل أقل من عشرين عامًا (2003)، فقد شهدنا تحولًا جذريًا نحو السيارات الكهربائية من الشركات المصنعة الصغيرة وصولًا إلى كبرى شركات إنتاج السيارات. هذا التحول له فوائد بيئية هائلة لنا جميعًا وسيستمر في القيام بذلك للأجيال القادمة. الهواء النقي في أحيائنا إذا كنت قد عشت أو زرت مدينة أو بلدة رئيسية، فستلاحظ نوعية الهواء الرديئة التي تسببها السيارات والشاحنات … Continue reading

لماذا السيارات الصديقة للبيئة مهمة؟

يعد قطاع النقل أكبر مصدر لانبعاثات غازات الدفيئة في العديد من البلدان، يرجع السبب الأكبر إلى السيارة التقليدية، حيث تمثل المركبات أكثر من نصف الانبعاثات من قطاع النقل. السيارة النموذجية ينبعث منها غاز ثاني أكسيد الكربون والعديد من المواد الكيميائية الضارة الأخرى التي تضر بالبيئة وصحة الإنسان. وهذا يجعل من قيادة السيارة المناسبة ضرورة ملحّة الآن أكثر من أي وقت مضى. تعد قيادة سيارة صديقة للبيئة وسيلة رائعة لمساعدة صحة الإنسان والبيئة. حيث تطلق السيارات الخضراء مواد كيميائية أقل ضرراً في الهواء، حيث أنه تنبعث منها مركبات كربونية منخفضة عند التشغيل. الفقرة التالة تساعد في معرفة الأسباب المختلفة التي تجعل السيارات الصديقة … Continue reading

Ways to Improve EV Performance and Charging for Road Trips

Electric vehicles (EVs) are relatively new innovations that have taken off in the short time they’ve been around. They’re also having a major and ever-changing impact. They give off virtually no carbon emissions and offer a path for environmentalists and anyone concerned about energy policy and emissions to opt into. The battery of the vehicle is what makes these innovations possible. However, it’s important to properly address the charging and battery of the vehicle when driving long distances. Road trips, for instance, require the best planning to get the most out of an EV. The Right EV Performance When consumers … Continue reading

8 Eco-Friendly Ways to Wash Your Car

How do you normally wash your car? Most of us will answer “the driveway” as the place where we normally wash our car. Washing our car in the free driveway might be one of the most harmful things we do to our environment. Like the other wastewater from our home, the car wash wastewater doesn’t go into the septic to get into treatment. The car wash wastewater from the driveway goes straight into the sewer or drains and gets mixed with the river or local pond without any wastewater treatment. This chemical car wash water pollutes the aquatic life and … Continue reading

The International Road Safety Report: Road Tolls by Country

We compare the number of road fatalities per 100,000 population between the USA and other English Speaking Countries – the UK, NZ, Canada, Australia and Ireland USA road fatalities are 11.78 people per 100,000 population – highest of English-speaking countries New Zealand is second highest, with a rate of 6.01 deaths per 100,000 people Canada is third behind the USA and NZ with 4.59 road fatalities per 100,000 population Australia is fourth highest in terms of road fatalities with a rate of 4.26 Ireland’s road fatality rate per 100,000 is 2.96 UK has lowest fatalities per 100,000 population, of 2.26 … Continue reading