How Can You Make Your Summerhouse Eco-Friendly?

Many of us have had a rising concern for our environment, opting to do what we can to make our world a better place to live in. Thus, most people are gearing towards eco-friendly homes, while corporate buildings continue to improve their structures or create business establishments using sustainable design methods to protect the ecosystem. We all know that our home environment impacts our health and quality of life. For several years now, designers have worked hard to lessen the negative impact on the environment by developing sustainable architecture. Interior designs focus more on improving light sources, ergonomic elements, and … Continue reading

How to Reduce Ecological Footprint Using Traditional Materials on Home Renovation

Environmental responsibility has become a huge market over the last decade or so. Businesses, homes, products and practices are all being affected by the desire to produce environmentally friendly policy, which is ultimately a good thing for everyone. Not only are we creating better practices to show consumers, competition, and collaborators that we care for the environment, but we are also doing a good deed for our planet. The end goal is a way to shift our actions towards sustainable, or less wasteful lifestyle in every area of life. This is surprisingly evident in how we use materials in home … Continue reading

Advantages of Using an Organic and Eco-Friendly Mattress

With the number of options available in the market today, choosing which mattress to buy can be challenging. This is especially true if you don’t have any experience in buying one. If you’re looking for a mattress that can provide more than just comfort, consider buying an eco-friendly and organic mattress. Although new to some, you’ll be surprised how this type of mattress can improve the quality of your life in the long run. All mattresses can be used for sleeping. However, there are some advantages that are only unique to an organic and eco-friendly mattress. Here are some of … Continue reading

Why Do You Need Eco-friendly Cleaning?

We’ve settled into a lot of different amenities over the years. From cars to washing machines to even the mighty toaster. Of course, just because we’ve built something doesn’t mean we’ve given up on trying to improve it in just about any way, shape, or form we can muster up. One of the newest ways to improve something that exists is to make it more friendly for the environment. One of the newest industries to get hit by the green wave would be the housekeeping industry. What’s to gain from eco-friendly cleaning services? Lucky for you, I got to the … Continue reading

The Environmental Benefits of a Smart Home

Smart home systems, with their extensive automation, sensing, and remote control capabilities, offer a lot of environmental benefits. If you’re not yet sure why this matters, consider that making your home more efficient will save you money as well as affect your carbon footprint. There are many ways to go about reducing your carbon footprint, and implementing smart tech in your home is a good place to start. Here are some of the ways you can use smart home devices to conserve energy and natural resources.   Temperature regulation Smart thermostats are programmable, but the most advanced ones go beyond … Continue reading

Why You Should Consider Switching to LED Christmas Lights

The number one decor that creates a festive atmosphere are Christmas lights. And even though no other decorations are included, these lights are going to make you imagine about Christmas. They are usually installed on Christmas trees but there are various techniques on how to use them as indoor decorations. They can be hung above your windows, hallways, doors and can even be installed on your stairways. These will surely fill your space with shimmering lights! Source: Furthermore, you can make absolutely fabulous-looking wreaths and lanterns for indoors easier especially when you make use of LED lights. With exceptional … Continue reading

سبع طرق لتقليل تكاليف التدفئة والتبريد في منزلك

هل تعلم بأنه يمكن لمكيف الهواء  المنزلي أن يزيد استهلاك الطاقة بنحو 50٪؟ وهل تعلم بأنك تستطيع تقليل تأثير المكيف عن طريق إجراء بعض التغييرات الرئيسية أو الطفيفة في المكان وحوله؟ يمكنك تقليل نفقات التدفئة والتبريد في منزلك باتباع الخطوات السبع التالية: 1. استثمر في منظم حرارة قابل للبرمجة ستسفيد  أكثر من الاستثمار في منظم حرارة قابل للبرمجة عندما يتعلق الأمر بتوفير المال، عند محاولة تدفئة منزلك وتبريده، حيث أنه من الممكنأن تنسى إيقاف تشغيل النظام أو ضبط درجة الحرارة إلى درجة معينة وهذا هو السبب في استخدام منظم الحرارة الذي ممكن اضافته او تضمينه في نظام التكييف الهواء لديك. … Continue reading

7 Ways Of Reducing Heating And Cooling Costs At Your Home

Did you know that your AC can increase your home’s energy consumption by nearly 50%? And are you aware that you can lessen the impact of the air conditioner by doing some major or minor changes in and around the home? You can achieve reduce heating and cooling expenses at your home by following these seven steps: 1. Invest in a Programmable Thermostat When it comes to saving money when trying to heat and cool your home, you will benefit more from investing in a programmable thermostat. It is not uncommon to forget turning off the system or set the … Continue reading

Water Conservation at Home: An Easy Guide

There is no doubt that we are spoilt in the developed world: We use far too much water, and we really should be doing something about it. The problem is that we live in houses that are already predisposed to wasting water. Granted, these days, if you buy a new home, it should be environmentally sound with the latest domestic water conservation strategies in place. However, what if you live in an older house or in a more modern one that has been poorly maintained? This article sheds light on where you are using the most water and how you … Continue reading

Living Room Furniture Options That Are Environmentally-Friendly

As of October 2017, the United States Green Building Council reported there were more than 370,000 green homes in the United States. Although green homes made up just five percent of all homes in 2005, the percentage significantly rose to 23% of all American residences in 2017. We’ve come a long way in going green in a short time. However, there is much more that we can do to make our home more environmentally friendly. While green activists focus on issues such as solar energy and recycled plastic, we have an often overlooked additional opportunity to make our homes green. … Continue reading

Eco-friendly Features Of Tankless Water Heaters

If you want to save on energy costs and help in efforts geared towards environmental conservation, then think about installing a tankless eco-friendly water heater. As gas and electricity costs continue to rise, most homeowners are looking for cost-effective alternative sources of energy savings. Tankless water heaters have become increasingly popular because of their energy efficiency. These heaters work by heating and delivering hot water on demand. As such, energy is only used to heat not to store and keep the water hot. Eco-friendly tankless heaters should possess the following features: 1. Efficiency One of the main benefits of a … Continue reading

Impact of HVAC Systems on the Environment

When compared to the many other forms of technological advancements humanity has made over the past decades, air conditioning and electric heating have some of the smallest negative impact on the environment as a whole. Keeping your home cold in the summer and warm in the winter does not produce huge amounts of greenhouse gasses or kill off marine life. The impact of HVAC systems on the environment however, is not completely nonexistent. While comparably small, the carbon emissions of non-electric systems are still a contributor to the global issue of pollution, and even if your system is electric then … Continue reading