Sickness of Buildings – Causes, Risks and Solutions

Environment is not only important for its own sake, but also as a resource for healthier living conditions and well-being. Poor environmental quality and its current and future impact on human health is a significant concern worldwide. Air pollution causes significant health problems. In fact, knowledge about the links between health and air quality has considerably improved in the last few decades. According to a WHO report, more than 30% of new and renovated buildings worldwide may generate severe complaints related to indoor air quality. Here’s everything you need to know about sickness of buildings: What is Sick Building Syndrome? … Continue reading

Are Air Filters Eco-Friendly?

We all want the air in our homes to be clean but we also want our environment to be clean as well. Even though most people want both of those things, they never stop to wonder if they might conflict with each other. In other words, they never stop to wonder if the air filters they use to keep the air in their home clean are also bad for the environment. As with most questions regarding environmental friendliness, the answer is complicated. However, that should not discourage you from using air filters. They are very important in keeping the air … Continue reading

Climate Change Impacts on Public Health: Perspectives for Arab World

Climate change is not only affecting the economies of Arab world but also having detrimental impacts on the very fabric of society, through threats to public health and livelihoods. Climate change in the Arab world is also exacerbating social inequalities, hitting the rural poor the hardest. This is not a reason for complacency amongst the wealthy urban classes. Basic humanitarianism aside, history suggests that physical hardships can breed wider unrest: a body of evidence suggests that poor harvests caused by a major Icelandic volcanic ash cloud in 1783 triggered no less an event that the French Revolution. Extreme weather events … Continue reading