5 Ways You Can Get Comfortable While Eco-Camping

Do you love the great outdoors? If you do, eco-camping is a great way to connect with Mother Nature. For you to enjoy the sights, smells, sounds and textures of the outdoors, you need to camp comfortably. There are tips, tricks and even accessories which you can use to this effect. They help you to cook, relax and sleep comfortably. Here are 5 ways that you can get supremely comfortable while eco-Camping. Establish a great camping ground The first step to enjoying a comfortable camping experience is to create a superb foundation. Begin by arriving during the daytime. This allows … Continue reading

Energy Efficiency Initiatives at the Hashemite University

The Hashemite University environmental sustainability policy is focused on achieving sufficiency and sustainability through energy reduction practices, along with energy efficient approaches, building techniques, and electromechanical devices. These measures were employed in all of the new building expansion on campus (with more than 70,000 m2) of newly added building area. These practices are divided into categories: passive and active. Passive Measures Passive energy efficiency measures focus on harnessing the natural resources in the campus area to create comfortable conditions for the campus users, especially indoors, including the following techniques used throughout the campus: Building envelope and materials: The choice of building … Continue reading

4 Ways to Make Your Garage More Nature-friendly?

Becoming environmentally aware and going green is important in your home, for the sake of your family, your community, and the planet as a whole. While doing so, however, it is easy to overlook the garage. The garage takes up a considerable space, and there are several ways to improve energy efficiency and reduce your environmental impact, even there. Below are some ways to make your garage eco-friendly. 1. Lighting You may think that a garage doesn’t need windows, but in reality, installing them can help make your garage eco-friendlier. Windows allow for natural sunlight to help you consume less … Continue reading

Preparing Your Home for Living with Disability

Preparing a home for living with a disability is not as easy as you think. It requires various considerations to ensure mobility and safety. It is always important to consider the condition of your loved one before setting up your home. Experts recommend different tips for preparing your home for living with a disability. It is also worth investing a little bit on some features of your home such as lighting, doors, acoustic, floor and aesthetics. These features need specific refinement to make your home more accessible and friendly for people with disabilities. These are a few ways to prepare … Continue reading

Energy Conservation in Mosques: A Guide

A mosque (or masjid) is a place where Muslims worship and offer prayers round the year. In addition, a mosque plays a pivotal role in Islamic communities worldwide. Mosques have a unique operating schedule and are occupied five different times daily for a period of around 30 – 60 minutes for each prayer (this may differ from one mosque to another). For special occasions like Friday Prayers, Eid Prayers and Ramadan nights, people may stay for longer periods in mosques. In recent years, mosques have become big consumers of electricity due to widespread use of air conditioning, hot water systems, … Continue reading

All About Building a Net Zero Home

It doesn’t matter where in the world you live, the time has come to realize the importance of building homes that use zero energy. You don’t even have to believe in catastrophic global warming to realize the financial, comfort, and environmental benefits of net-zero homes. But first, you need to have an understanding of net-zero and zero-carbon buildings and their implications for us all, as well as the elements and features that need to be incorporated into a net-zero home. Net-Zero Homes and Energy Efficiency You could say that a net-zero or zero-energy home represents the best in energy efficiency. … Continue reading

Green Building Sector in the Middle East: Sustainability Perspectives

Green buildings are no longer a marginal concept but are becoming the standard for sustainable building construction and modernization in the Middle East. Forward thinking organizations can realize the benefits of being environmentally aware of the impact of each and every action undertaken in the present world of development. It is no longer about the financial bottom line and whether we are eco-friendly, it is a fundamental component of sustainability. Institutes and organizations in the Middle East can embrace green building initiatives as a mandate, while educational institutes can embrace it as a good citizen initiative developing the minds of … Continue reading

Why You Should Consider Switching to LED Christmas Lights

The number one decor that creates a festive atmosphere are Christmas lights. And even though no other decorations are included, these lights are going to make you imagine about Christmas. They are usually installed on Christmas trees but there are various techniques on how to use them as indoor decorations. They can be hung above your windows, hallways, doors and can even be installed on your stairways. These will surely fill your space with shimmering lights! Source: https://www.pinterest.ph/pin/647673990141529588/ Furthermore, you can make absolutely fabulous-looking wreaths and lanterns for indoors easier especially when you make use of LED lights. With exceptional … Continue reading

Living Room Furniture Options That Are Environmentally-Friendly

As of October 2017, the United States Green Building Council reported there were more than 370,000 green homes in the United States. Although green homes made up just five percent of all homes in 2005, the percentage significantly rose to 23% of all American residences in 2017. We’ve come a long way in going green in a short time. However, there is much more that we can do to make our home more environmentally friendly. While green activists focus on issues such as solar energy and recycled plastic, we have an often overlooked additional opportunity to make our homes green. … Continue reading

Energy Efficiency Implementation in GCC’s Residential Sector: Actions and Technical Requirements

The huge existing stock of residential units in the GCC region, and the expected growth in residential construction projects, convey different challenges at the time of energy efficiency implementation. New developments require the definition and the enforcement of standards to be included at the design process; while owners and users of existing units require motivation and financial strategies to implement different levels of energy efficiency actions. A set of actions and requirements have been identified to improve energy efficiency in residential buildings, these include core management actions and specific technical requirements; and are defined for new developments and for already … Continue reading

Effective Energy Management for Businesses

Middle East has been witnessing a rapid increase in energy consumption due to high degree of industrialization, high standards of living and exponential increase in population. Infact, the level of primary energy consumption in the Middle East is among the highest worldwide.  These factors have made businesses in Middle East to realize that effective energy management is not only good for the businesses but also an essential requirement. In recent years, many businesses in the Middle East have come up with dynamic strategies to achieve immediate reduction in energy consumption. This trend towards effective energy management is expected to continue … Continue reading

5 Reasons How Home Lighting Affects Your Daily Life

In the days to come, all aspects of our lives will be optimized and digitized, including light and the manner in which we relate to it. Both artificial and natural light has an effect on all life on earth. It does more than act as a source of vitamin D for humans. It enables sight, affects mood and improves overall well-being. If you experiment with light, you can change the manner in which you experience your home. The following are five ways on how home lighting can affect your daily life. 1. Regulating the circadian rhythm Light plays a significant … Continue reading