District Cooling in the Middle East: Potential and Challenges

District cooling produces chilled water in a centralized location for distribution to buildings like offices and factories through a network of insulated underground pipes. The chilled water travels to different buildings, where the water circulates through refrigeration coils or uses absorption technology to enter the air-conditioning system. During winter, the source for the cooling can often be seawater, so it is a cheaper resource than using electricity to run compressors for cooling. What is District Cooling District cooling provides effective control over internal temperature of a building, requires less maintenance than a standalone air-conditioning system, consumes lesser space and reduces … Continue reading

5 Reasons How Home Lighting Affects Your Daily Life

In the days to come, all aspects of our lives will be optimized and digitized, including light and the manner in which we relate to it. Both artificial and natural light has an effect on all life on earth. It does more than act as a source of vitamin D for humans. It enables sight, affects mood and improves overall well-being. If you experiment with light, you can change the manner in which you experience your home. The following are five ways on how home lighting can affect your daily life. 1. Regulating the circadian rhythm Light plays a significant … Continue reading