How Park Signages Improve Visitor Experience

Imagine wandering through a sprawling park, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sounds of nature. You’re eager to explore, but a wave of uncertainty washes over you. Where’s the trailhead for that scenic hike you read about? Which path leads to the hidden waterfall? And is there a restroom nearby? Do you feel this way sometimes? Did you know that Americans visit their local parks an average of 29 times a year? That’s a lot of potential for getting lost or missing out on hidden gems! Thankfully, park signage is the trusty guide that silently leads through these unfamiliar … Continue reading

The Vital Role of the Environment in Inclusive Mental Health

Everyone in this world has a story. With diverse backgrounds and different privileges, we all have an abundance of factors that influence our well-being for better or for worse, and in both physical and mental wellness spaces, it’s important to keep these things in mind. One of those factors is the environment that we live in. So, how exactly does the environment play a role in inclusive mental health, and how can we bridge the gap for those disproportionately affected by environmental impacts? Defining Inclusivity First, let’s talk about inclusivity and discuss what it means for mental health. The definition … Continue reading