About Marie Miguel

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

The Vital Role of the Environment in Inclusive Mental Health

Everyone in this world has a story. With diverse backgrounds and different privileges, we all have an abundance of factors that influence our well-being for better or for worse, and in both physical and mental wellness spaces, it’s important to keep these things in mind. One of those factors is the environment that we live in. So, how exactly does the environment play a role in inclusive mental health, and how can we bridge the gap for those disproportionately affected by environmental impacts? Defining Inclusivity First, let’s talk about inclusivity and discuss what it means for mental health. The definition … Continue reading

How Mindfulness Can Support Sustainability

Though the two may seem to lack connection, mindfulness and sustainability can actually go hand-in-hand. This may be especially true if you wish to adopt new sustainability practices or change various habits that affect the environment. So, how do they go together, and what can you do if you need help with mindfulness? About Mindfulness To understand how mindfulness can support sustainability, it may be helpful to first define mindfulness as a standalone concept. The American Psychological Association or APA dictionary describes and defines mindfulness as, “awareness of one’s internal states and surroundings.” Mindfulness is a common tool employed in … Continue reading

Looking For Love While Environmentally Conscious? Here’s How to Meet People Who Share Your Passion

Are you looking for love but having trouble finding people who share your environmental values? If so, there’s good news – there are a lot of people out there in the world, and most likely, there are others out there who want the same things you do. The question is, how do you find those people? How To Meet People Who Share Your Passion and Values Here are some steps to take to meet people who share your passion and values related to the environment, lifestyle, relationships as a whole, and more: 1. Know your needs and wants First, you’ve … Continue reading

Can Nature Be A Tool For Those With Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are more common than one might expect. While we don’t have the exact number, statistics looking at the past-year prevalence of personality disorders among adults from 2001-2003 found that 9.1% of the population experienced a personality disorder when the data was taken. But, what exactly are personality disorders? How are they treated, and can nature be used as a tool for those who are struggling with personality disorders and other concerns? What Are Personality Disorders? To start, what are personality disorders? Personality disorders are characterized by ongoing patterns of maladaptive behavior, affect, and cognition. Every personality disorder has … Continue reading

How Love for Nature is a Blessing for Mental Health Patients

A love for nature and outdoor activities is a common trait that people in the world bond over and share. We know that nature can be fun and freeing, and time spent with nature is something a lot of people look forward to, but can it support your mental health? The answer is “yes.” So, what are the mental health advantages of nature, and how can a love for nature support clients who are struggling with their mental health? Mental Health Advantages of Nature Here are some of the ways that nature can help mental health: 1. Reduced stress We … Continue reading

The Impact of Natural Environment on Your Mental Health

Many of us spend our workdays indoors under fluorescent lights with little to no contact with the natural world. As nice as it sounds to get some fresh air or take a walk after work, the thought of it can be exhausting, particularly when the couch is beckoning you home after a long day. But spending too much time indoors is not good for your health, and a growing stack of research has revealed the numerous benefits that being in nature has for your physical and mental well-being.   How your environment affects your mental health In our Western and … Continue reading

Midlife Crisis And Environmental Fears: How To Address This Common Worry

Fears that relate to the environment are common and valid, as can be many fears related to age or aging. However, if these subjects cause distress that becomes challenging to manage, it may be a sign that it’s time to approach them differently. How might a midlife crisis and environmental fears go together, and how can you address worries that connect to the present and future state of the environment? The Definition of Midlife Crisis First and foremost, what exactly is a midlife crisis? The dictionary.com definition of a midlife crisis is “a period of psychological stress occurring in middle … Continue reading

How Environment, Stress, and Loneliness Intersect

The factors that play a part in the status of our wellbeing are more vast and complex than many of us realize. So often, when we think about what it means to take care of our health or to be healthy, we think of behaviors like physical activity. While it’s true that these factors matter, and while movement and other standard health practices can promote mental health as well as physical health, they don’t always tell the full story or do the whole job when it comes to taking care of ourselves. How might the environment, stress, and loneliness impact … Continue reading

How Does The Environment Impact Memory?

Many of us know that the environment we are in can affect our health. Factors like access to clean drinking water, air quality, and whether or not we live in a food desert or a safe place to spend time outdoors influence our well-being in many capacities that relate to both the body and the mind. And, according to health.gov, 12 million people who either inhabit or attend work in an unhealthy environment die due to this fact on an annual basis. Poor heart health, breathing problems, and mental health symptoms affiliated with certain conditions are higher risks for those … Continue reading