Renewable Energy in GCC: Need for a Holistic Approach

The importance of renewable energy sources in the energy portfolio of any country is well known, especially in the context of energy security and impacts on climate change. The growing quest for renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries has been seen by many as both – a compulsion to complement the rising energy demand, and as an economic strength that helps them in carrying forward the clean energy initiatives from technology development to large scale deployment of projects from Abu Dhabi to Riyadh. Current Scenario The promotion of renewable energy (RE) is becoming an … Continue reading

الطاقة المتجددة عالميا والعربية

كثيرا ما نسمع عن انجازات غربية كتشغيل إحدى المدن على الطاقة المتجددة لمدة يوم كامل. كما نسمع عن قيام دول آسيوية كالهند والصين بإنجاز مشاريع ضخمة لتوليد الكهرباء من الطاقة الشمسية. علما ان هذان البلدان أقاما ثورتهما الصناعية على الوقود الأحفوري وانهما سابقا حاولوا الترويج لفوائد الوقود الأحفوري،  وان هذا التغير من الممكن ان يسبب نزاعات جيوسياسية بين البلدين. إن الطاقة المتجددة هي مصدر نظيف للطاقة يتم فيها استعمال الموارد الطبيعية من مياه ورياح  وأشعة شمسية لتوليد الطاقة. هي مقارنة بغيرها من مصادر الوقود الأحفوري تعتبر الأقل تلويثا للبيئة ،الأوفر اقتصاديا على المدى الطويل. ان استخدام هذه المصادر جذب العديد … Continue reading

Renewables Overtake Coal as the Main Energy Source in Germany

Germany, Europe’s largest economy, is aiming to generate 65 percent of its energy from renewable sources by 2030. Additionally, Germany is currently in the process of abandoning nuclear power by 2022 and is making plans for a long-term exit from the use of coal. This change signifies progress for Europe as a whole. According to research from the Fraunhofer Organization of Applied Science, output of hydroelectric, solar, wind, and biomass generation units increased 4.3 percent last year, generating a total 219 terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity. The total national power production was 542 TWh. This national power production was derived … Continue reading

استخدامات مختلفة للطاقة الشمسية في جميع أنحاء المنزل

هل تعلم أنه يمكن استخدام الطاقة الشمسية بعدة طرق مختلفة في المنزل؟ في هذا المقال، سنناقش ١٠ طرق مختلفة يمكن من خلالها استخدام الطاقة الشمسية لجعل حياتك أسهل. من تزويد منزلك بالطاقة إلى تسخين المياه، إن الطاقة الشمسية لديها الكثير لتقدمه! استمر في القراءة للحصول على المزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية استخدام الطاقة الشمسية في حياتك اليومية. ١. توفير الكهرباء من أشهر استخدامات الطاقة الشمسية في المنزل هو توفير الكهرباء. في الواقع، وفقًا لجمعية صناعات الطاقة الشمسية، تعد الطاقة الشمسية الآن مصدر الطاقة الأسرع نموًا في الولايات المتحدة، وهذا يرجع إلى التقدم التكنولوجي، الذي جعل الألواح الشمسية أكثر كفاءة وأقل … Continue reading

Renewable Energy in Morocco

Morocco, being one of largest energy importer in MENA, is making concerted efforts to reduce its reliance on imported fossil fuels. Renewable energy is an attractive proposition as Morocco has almost complete dependence on imported energy carriers. In 2012, Morocco spent around US$10 billion on all energy imports (crude oil and oil products, coal, natural gas and electricity). Annual electricity consumption in Morocco was 33.5 TWh in 2014, and is steadily increasing at a rate of around 7 percent each year.  The major sources of alternative energy in Morocco are solar and wind. Wind energy potential is excellent in vast parts in the northern … Continue reading

10 Different Solar Uses Around The Home

Did you know that solar energy can be used in a variety of ways around the home? In this blog post, we will discuss 10 different ways that solar energy can be used to make your life easier. From powering your home to heating your water, solar energy has a lot to offer! Keep reading for more information on how you can use solar power in your everyday life. 1. Provide electricity One of the most popular solar uses around the home is to provide electricity. In fact, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association, solar energy is now the … Continue reading

Advantages of Incorporating Solar Energy Technology In Construction

The greenhouse gases (GHGs) generated by buildings alone accounted for 13% of all carbon emissions the past couple of years. In order to meet the new ambitious targets to halve the GHG levels recorded in early 2005, the implementation of sustainable and renewable energy sources has now become a crucial element of construction design and management. Whether they are integrated in new homes or retrofitted to older buildings, solar panels are an efficient and accessible source of energy that are becoming more and more common in both commercial and residential buildings (in the U.S., and worldwide). New building codes, incentives for … Continue reading

Solar Energy in Oman: Potential and Progress

Solar energy is a vital and strategic solution for the provision of electric power in the Sultanate of Oman. Given the vast unused land and available solar energy resources, Oman has an excellent potential for solar energy development and deployment. Solar energy is a viable option in Oman and could not only cater to the growing need for energy diversification but also would help in economic diversification. With a total dependence on fossil fuels and increasing population combined with rapid industrialization in cities such as Duqm, Sohar and Salalah, Oman’s power infrastructure and hydrocarbon reserves pose a challenge on the economic … Continue reading

What is a Solar Power Bank?

The introduction of solar power bank has been among the top energy storage solutions in recent years. Thanks to it, people no longer have to experience the horror of running out of power at a critical point or worry about their devices going off at an impromptu moment. Read on to find out what a solar power bank is and why you should consider getting one. What is a Solar Power Bank? A solar power bank is an energy storage device that obtains energy from the sun and uses it to charge/power various electronic gadgets, like phones, tablets, laptops, torches, … Continue reading

Solar Energy in Saudi Arabia: Perspectives

Saudi Arabia, the epicenter of global oil industry, has been showing keen interest in solar energy in recent years. Saudi Arabia has one of the world’s highest solar irradiation in the world, estimated at approximately 2,200 thermal kWh of solar radiation per m2. The country is strategically located near the Sun Belt, in addition to plentiful availability of empty stretches of desert that may accommodate infrastructure for solar power projects. Vast deposits of sand can be used in the manufacture of silicon PV cells which makes Saudi Arabia an attractive location for solar industry. “The resource is stunning; land is … Continue reading

Solar Inverter 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Inverters

In recent years, climate change and environmental degradation have called for a large-scale shift to clean and renewable energy sources, particularly solar power, across India. As a result, today, solar power systems are being installed in industries, factories, workplaces, households, and public places. If you’re also planning to switch to solar energy, first, it is important to understand all the essential elements of solar power systems. And one such key component is a solar inverter which this comprehensive guide will discuss, so keep reading to know more! What is a Solar Inverter? As we discussed, a solar inverter is a … Continue reading

What are the Advantages of Solar Lighting?

Large companies and homeowners alike enjoy the many benefits that only solar lighting can provide. Solar lights are ideal for areas that are off-the-grid, where energy is costly or if the company is looking to showcase their eco-friendly approach to energy. Installing solar lighting is considered one of the most cost effective projects to date as they do not require trenched grid power and the actual costs of installation are minimal. There are many ways to take advantage of solar lighting solutions. Some are as small or simple as a singular LED bulb or a solar lantern, while others are … Continue reading