The Problem of Used Lead-Acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries are widely used on a mass-scale in all parts of the world.  They act as power sources in a wide-range of equipment and appliances used by households, commerce and industry. Lead-acid batteries finds wide application in all modes of modern transport including cars, trucks, buses, boats, trains, rapid mass-transit systems, recreational vehicles etc. During power-cuts, lead-acid batteries provide emergency power for critical operations such as air-traffic control towers, hospitals, railroad crossings, military installations, submarines, and weapons systems. All automotive batteries and 95 percent of industrial batteries are lead-acid secondary cells. Harmful Impacts of Batteries Lead-acid batteries contain sulphuric acid … Continue reading

How to Avoid Drinking Heavy Metals?

Heavy metals naturally occur in our environment. Even so, they aren’t the kind of substances you’ll want in your body. Each of the common heavy metals produces different reactions within the body. In some cases, metals of this nature may contribute to heavy metal poisoning or certain diseases and illnesses. Here’s what you need to know about heavy metals and how to avoid drinking them.   Signs You Have Issues with Heavy Metals It’s not always easy to tell if you have heavy metals in your drinking water. The symptoms related to heavy metal ingestion can range from mild to … Continue reading