Are Toxic Chemicals Harming Me At Work?

Toxins found at work are poisoning us and ending lives on a global scale. A 2018 United Nations report stated that “one worker dies at least every 30 seconds from exposure to toxic industrial chemicals, pesticides, dust, radiation, and other hazardous substances.” In addition, workplace-related diseases, such as lung cancer linked to inhaling carcinogens on the job, “account for around 86% of all premature death.” Toxins in the workplace can cause “debilitating and fatal lung diseases, neurological disabilities, and reproductive impairments such as infertility and inability to carry a pregnancy to term,” the UN report said. Given the deadly nature of toxic chemicals, minerals and … Continue reading

How to Avoid Drinking Heavy Metals?

Heavy metals naturally occur in our environment. Even so, they aren’t the kind of substances you’ll want in your body. Each of the common heavy metals produces different reactions within the body. In some cases, metals of this nature may contribute to heavy metal poisoning or certain diseases and illnesses. Here’s what you need to know about heavy metals and how to avoid drinking them.   Signs You Have Issues with Heavy Metals It’s not always easy to tell if you have heavy metals in your drinking water. The symptoms related to heavy metal ingestion can range from mild to … Continue reading