Current Renewable Energy Potential in Egypt – An Overview

Egypt aims to increase the share of renewable energy in electricity generation to 42% by 2035, compared to 20% in 2022. This strategy is based on Egypt’s desire to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. The Egyptian government aims to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and increase the overall share of renewable energy sources in electricity generation to meet the growing demand for energy. This shift aims to reduce the negative effects resulting from dependence on fossil fuels, such as high carbon emissions, higher energy intensity, and increased subsidies for fossil fuels. According to NREA (2023), the total electricity generation  from … Continue reading

Beating the Texas Heat: The Role of Weatherization in Enhancing Solar Panel Performance

Texas is known for its scorching summers and intense heatwaves, making it a challenging environment for solar panel performance. However, with the right weatherization techniques, you can maximize the efficiency and longevity of Metro Express solar panels even in the face of extreme temperatures. How Heat Impacts Solar Panel Performance One of the key factors that affect solar panel performance in hot climates is heat. When solar panels get too hot, their efficiency decreases, which can lead to a drop in power output. This is known as the “temperature coefficient,” which measures how much the panel’s efficiency decreases as the … Continue reading

How Agricultural Sector Can Help the Renewable Energy Sector?

The continuous rise in fossil energy prices, combined with climate change concerns and progress in renewable energy sector, has catalyzed interest in clean energy systems across the MENA region, especially in the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean region has abundant renewable resources, such as wind, solar, and biomass, which makes it a fertile zone for renewable energy developments. The agricultural sector has played a key role in the progress of renewable energy sector around the world as it provides large areas where renewable energy projects are built and is also the predominant feedstock source for biomass energy projects. For example, agricultural sector … Continue reading

مسقبل الطاقة المتجددة في دول الخليج العربي

تتجه الأنظار حاليآ إلى مشاريع الطاقة المتجددة في أنحاء العالم, و ذلك نظرآ لأهميتها في تقليل الإنبعاثات الغازية الضارة بالبيئة. إنطلاقآ من ذلك, تسعى دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي جاهدة في الإستثمار والتطوير في هذا المجال. فمن المؤكد أن هذا التوجه سيحد بشكل رئيسي من إرتفاع نسب الإستهلاك المحلي للطاقة من جهة, و لضمان الإستقرار الإقتصادي و الذي سيدفع بعجلة التطور في قطاع الطاقة النظيفة ودعمها بالتقنية اللازمة و الأبحاث المبتكرة من جهة أخرى. فمن المتوقع أن تشهد منطقة الخليج من مدينة أبوظبي إلى مدينة الرياض مشاريع ذات جودة عالية في تنويع مصادر الطاقة بشكل عام. لمحة عن المشاريع الحالية تبوأت … Continue reading

8 Top Reasons You Should Start Using Solar Lights

Most people are looking for new ways to cut their power bills in today’s age of energy awareness. The advancements in technology come with its advantages, as there are now more and more gadgets that make life easier. Appliances are getting more high tech, but this also means increasing power bills, because of more energy consumption. Appliances can make lives more convenient and comfortable, but not doing anything with the electric bills can also result in financial stress. This is especially true if your home is equipped with a lot of appliances. With that in mind, there’s no better way … Continue reading

Everything You Need to Know About Jatropha

Jatropha is a genus of nearly 175 species of shrubs, low-growing plants, and trees.  However, discussions of Jatropha as a biodiesel feedstock are actually means a particular species of the plant, Jatropha curcas. The plant is indigenous to parts of Central America, however it has spread to other tropical and subtropical regions in Africa and Asia. What is Jatropha? Jatropha curcas is a perennial shrub that, on average, grows approximately three to five meters in height. It has smooth grey bark with large and pale green leaves. The plant produces flowers and fruits are produced in winter or throughout the … Continue reading

What is a Solar Power Generator?

As the global climate worsens, governments and people have shifted to renewable energy sources, making solar power generators a viable option to consider. Solar power generators harvest the sun’s energy and transform it into electricity. They require no fuel and produce no emissions, adding to their feasibility and environmental friendliness. Let’s explore them further: How Solar Power Generators Work? A solar power generator generates electricity by converting sunlight into direct current (DC) power via solar panels. The charge controller receives this electricity and controls the power flow to the battery, which also helps avoid overcharging. The energy is stored in … Continue reading

Sustainability in the Middle East: Complications and Opportunities

The Middle East region is facing a unique set of natural, operational, political, economic and social challenges in efforts to adopt sustainability. The rapid development and increasing population in these countries have led to an increased consumption of fossil fuels, water, and other non-renewable natural resources, taking a toll on the environment. Though the Middle East countries have significantly contributed to the carbon emissions, over the past decade they have taken positive steps towards addressing the core environmental issues and improving sustainability situation in their respective countries. This article aims at sharing the common challenges and opportunities faced by the … Continue reading

Renewable Energy Initiatives at The Hashemite University

The Hashemite University, located in Zarqa (Jordan), has adopted a comprehensive environmental management strategy directed towards a green campus and climate action. The Hashemite University is currently the leader among public and private sectors’ institutions (especially in photovoltaics) in Jordan, and has transferred its expertise to several projects in Jordan and in the MENA region. Key Projects On June 5, 2016, the Hashemite University (abbreviated as HU) has implemented a 5 MWp photovoltaic (PV) renewable energy project that achieved 100% energy independence for the university. The project is implemented in two parts: Grid-Connected Project with 1,018 kWp realized as Pedestrian … Continue reading

Why Eco-Energy is Important?

Nowadays, eco-friendly energy solutions have boosted in a world where following sustainable practices has become more critical. As our planet faces environmental challenges, adopting eco-energy has risen to global discussions. If you know this, it is time to understand why it matters and its consequences. This article speaks about the significance of eco-energy, examining its impact on the climate, human well-being, and the future of our shared home.  Awareness of these changes is essential, as it is not just a trend anymore. It is Important To Get Environmental Education In this world of environmental challenges, achieving ecological education has never … Continue reading

The Risks of Renewable Energy Business: Managing Your Business

The demand for renewable energy businesses is on the rise, making it an attractive sector for many entrepreneurs. However, if you want to start a business in this field, you need to consider some basic risks and navigate them at an early stage. In this guide, we will take a closer look at the risks you can face and discuss approaches for addressing them. Differentiate Yourself From Competitors Probably the first and foremost thing you need to do is overcome fear of failure in business. Starting a new business can be overwhelming, as it presents various risks, but with the … Continue reading

Why You Need Logistics Services for the Solar Business

In today’s innovative world, the demand for sustainable energy solutions is constantly growing. Investing in this business can be highly beneficial. However, before starting your journey toward implementing a successful sustainable energy project, there are some vital steps you need to consider. One of them is the procurement of skilled project logistics services. In this article, we will delve into the significance of logistics services within the solar industry. Additionally, we will explore some steps to improve them. Pivotal Role of Logistics Services in Solar Business Logistics services serve as bridges between businesses and their customers. They assist with the … Continue reading