About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder of EcoMENA, and an international consultant, advisor, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise in waste management, waste-to-energy, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. His geographical areas of focus include Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. Salman is the Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA, and is a professional environmental writer with more than 300 popular articles to his credit. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability in different parts of the world. Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org or salman@bioenergyconsult.com

Waste-to-Energy Outlook for the Middle East

High-income Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait are counted as world’s largest waste producers in terms of per capita waste generation which is more than 2kg per day in some countries. The urban waste generation from the region has now crossed 150 million tons per year which has forced policy-makers and urban planners to seriously look for sustainable waste management solutions, including recycling and waste-to-energy. Let us take a look at solid waste generation in major countries across the Middle East region: Country MSW Generation (million tons per annum) Saudi Arabia 15 United Arab Emirates … Continue reading

Biomass Energy in Middle East

The major biomass producing countries in the Middle East are Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Jordan. Traditionally, biomass energy has been widely used in rural areas for domestic energy purposes in the Middle East region, especially in Egypt, Yemen and Jordan. Since most of the region is arid or semi-arid, the biomass energy potential is mainly contributed by municipal solid wastes, agricultural residues and industrial wastes. According to conservative estimates, the potential of biomass energy in the MENA region is about 400TWh per year. Municipal solid wastes represent the best source of biomass in Middle East countries. Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, … Continue reading

#InspireMENA Story 2: Ruba Al-Zu’bi – Inspiring Green Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship

Ruba Al-Zu’bi is a very well-known sustainable development policy and planning expert, and a true inspiration for youngsters in Jordan and beyond. Currently she is the Adviser for Science Policy and Programme Development to HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, the President of the Royal Scientific Society (RSS). Prior to that, Ruba led the Scientific Research Department at Abdul Hameed Shoman Foundation. In the past, she had been the CEO of EDAMA, a Jordanian business association that seeks innovative solutions to advance the energy, water and environment sectors. Ruba Al-Zu’bi is Global Resolutions’ Jordan Ambassador and a Plus Social Good … Continue reading

A Quick Glance at Composting Methods

The composting process is a complex interaction between the waste and the microorganisms within the waste. The microorganisms that carry out this process fall into three groups: bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes. Actinomycetes are a form of fungi-like bacteria that break down organic matter. The first stage of the biological activity is the consumption of easily available sugars by bacteria, which causes a fast rise in temperature. The second stage involves bacteria and actinomycetes that cause cellulose breakdown. The last stage is concerned with the breakdown of the tougher lignin by fungi. Types of Composting There are 3 broad types of composting methods—anaerobic composting, aerobic composting, … Continue reading

8 Majors If You Want to Help The Public

A growing number of people are choosing the direct paths of human services careers to make a difference in society. If you have a desire to contribute to society, then there are vast choices of majors and infinite possibilities that you can choose for your altruistic journey. Finding a career that allows you to be beneficial for the well-being of society is a noble pursuit to begin your journey with, but it can be equally challenging to select the degree, especially with the wide choices and resources each major offers. A public services job, such as teaching, nursing, or social … Continue reading

Energy Outlook for the Middle East

There are several problems confronting the world with respect to its fossil fuels-based energy supply. The first problem relates to the ever-increasing use of fast-depleting conventional sources of energy, like petroleum, coal and natural gas. The contribution of fossil fuels in global energy supplies is above 80 percent. Energy demand will certainly increase manifolds during this century due to industrial and developmental activities as burgeoning world population. Global Trends in Energy Sector The concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere is rising rapidly with use of fossil fuels leading to increasing emission of carbon dioxide which is having a … Continue reading

5 Environmentally-Friendly Ways to Improve Your Kitchen Décor

Environmentally-friendly design has become an even hotter trend in 2019. Architects and designers are shrugging off old impressions that recycled materials or eco-conscious designs are boring. More homeowners want homes that take sustainability seriously. They want their houses to incorporate green materials and contribute to global conservation. Kitchens are a key area of focus for environmentally-friendly remodels. They’re the highest energy consumers in a house, so focusing on energy efficiency there has the greatest payoff. Separating plastics isn’t the only option for homeowners who want an eco-friendly kitchen. Read on for 5 great ways to give your kitchen an environmentally-friendly … Continue reading

What is Vermicomposting

Vermicomposting is a type of composting in which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of organic waste conversion and produce a better end-product. It is a mesophilic process utilizing microorganisms and earthworms. Earthworms feeds the organic waste materials and passes it through their digestive system and gives out in a granular form (cocoons) which is known as vermicompost. Simply speaking, vermicompost is earthworm excrement, called castings, which can improve biological, chemical, and physical properties of the soil. The chemical secretions in the earthworm’s digestive tract help break down soil and organic matter, so the castings contain … Continue reading

كيفية التجنب من شرب المعادن الثقيلة؟

تظهر المعادن الثقيلة بشكل طبيعي في البيئة المحيطة بنا. لذا فهي ليست من المواد التي نريدها في أجسامنا. ينتج عن كل من المعادن الثقيلة الشائعة تفاعلات مختلفة داخل الجسم. في بعض الحالات قد تساهم بعض المعادن بالتسمم أو بعض الأمراض. إليكم ما نحتاج معرفته عن المعادن الثقيلة وكيفية تجنب شربها. الأعراض التي تسببها المعادن الثقيلة إن وجدت في ماء الشرب ليس من السهل دائمًا معرفة ما إذا كان لديكم معادن ثقيلة في مياه الشرب. تتراوح الأعراض المتعلقة بوجود كميات من المعادن الثقيلة من خفيفة إلى شديدة ، فهي تميل إلى التطور ببطء بمرور الوقت. تشمل بعض الأعراض الشائعة المرتبطة بالتعرض … Continue reading

The Problem of Used Lead-Acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries are widely used on a mass-scale in all parts of the world.  They act as power sources in a wide-range of equipment and appliances used by households, commerce and industry. Lead-acid batteries finds wide application in all modes of modern transport including cars, trucks, buses, boats, trains, rapid mass-transit systems, recreational vehicles etc. During power-cuts, lead-acid batteries provide emergency power for critical operations such as air-traffic control towers, hospitals, railroad crossings, military installations, submarines, and weapons systems. All automotive batteries and 95 percent of industrial batteries are lead-acid secondary cells. Harmful Impacts of Batteries Lead-acid batteries contain sulphuric acid … Continue reading

10 Different Types of Art to Help Celebrate Nature

Nature has always been a powerful source of inspiration and muse for artists throughout history. With countless forms, colors, and textures available in the natural world, creative individuals have found various ways to express their appreciation. They’ve also managed to show their fascination by transforming their experiences into captivating works of art. In this article, we’ll explore ten different types of art that allow for unique opportunities to celebrate nature, from painting beautiful landscapes to creating intricate botanical illustrations. 10 Types of Art That Celebrate Nature Here are 10 incredible types of art that celebrate nature and encapsulate its unquestionable … Continue reading

أفضل أماكن الإقامة الفندقية في الكويت.. لقضاء عطلة صيفية مذهلة مع أحبائك

عطلة صيفية تظل عالقة في الأذهان هو كل ما نتمنى تحقيقه عند التخطيط للسفر بصحبة الأهل والأصدقاء! لذا نحن خططنا لك جولة سفر الى دولة الكويت التي لديها الكثير لاكتشافه وتجربته سواء من مواقع تاريخية أو مناظر طبيعية أو حتى مغامرات مثيرة لمحبي التشويق والاثارة. بالاضافة الى أنها تمتلك عدد من الفنادق الساحرة التي تأخذك إلى عالم آخر بكل ما تحمله الكلمة من معنى!عند حجز فنادق الكويت لقضاء إجازتك الصيفية القادمة ستشعر بالراحة والاسترخاء في غرفتك أو جناحك الشخصي المصمم بأجمل الديكورات والاثاث، ناهيك عن الخدمات والمرافق الترفيهية من حمامات سباحة رائعة وغرف ساونا وبخار للحصول على قسط من الاستجمام … Continue reading