Energy Efficiency Implementation in GCC’s Residential Sector: Actions and Technical Requirements

The huge existing stock of residential units in the GCC region, and the expected growth in residential construction projects, convey different challenges at the time of energy efficiency implementation. New developments require the definition and the enforcement of standards to be included at the design process; while owners and users of existing units require motivation and financial strategies to implement different levels of energy efficiency actions. A set of actions and requirements have been identified to improve energy efficiency in residential buildings, these include core management actions and specific technical requirements; and are defined for new developments and for already … Continue reading

Ways to Make Your Business Eco-Friendly

People are becoming more conscious of the effect of global warming and are thus finding ways to help in preserving the environment. Even companies in various fields do their share by going green. If your business has not adopted some measures or strategies to become more eco-friendly yet, it’s time that you consider this step. There are several benefits that you can get, including the following: Do your part in saving the environment. Improve your brand as more clients prefer businesses that support a good cause. Attract the right employees as they also tend to choose companies that care for … Continue reading

6 Environmental Tips to Consider While Establishing Your Office

As an entrepreneur, you need an effective operations center, perhaps one or a few that you can call your office/s. This is where you’ll handle most if not all the aspects of your business. However, an office is more than just furniture, computers, equipment, and stationery. The effective office setup may vary widely depending on the kind of business you own or are setting up. Additionally, there are quite a number of core considerations that are crucial when establishing your office. If you guessed right, environmental health and eco-friendliness are some of the most important factors to consider these days, … Continue reading

Green Building Sector in the UAE: Perspectives

The focus on sustainability is one of the biggest trends in the GCC’s building sector. This is underpinned by Dubai being ranked third in the list of global cities with the highest number of green certified buildings in the ‘Sustainability and Wellness in Dubai’ report by Core Savills with over 550 projects under LEED certification and the implementation of the Estidama framework in Abu Dhabi. Paving the Way In the UAE, the directives by the Federal and Local Government entities to establish a sustainable economy that advocates demand side-energy management, and water & energy use efficiency has encouraged real estate … Continue reading

The Benefits of Green Buildings for the Middle East

The Middle East region faces a unique set of challenges in terms of sustainable buildings and cities. For example, water shortage is mitigated by costly desalination and we are faced with high water consumption which leads to a higher carbon footprint and ultimately impacts climate change. Middle Eastern countries are at the top of the list of largest per capita ecological footprints. In 2020, Qatar has the highest per capita level of carbon dioxide emissions, at 37 metric tons per person annually. Kuwait is second with 20.83 tons, followed by Saudi Arabia with 17.97 metric tons. Therefore, integrating energy efficiency … Continue reading

المبنى الأخضر في الأردن – نافذة جديدة على البيئة

في  دول العالم المتقدم , أصبح الحوار الذي ينافس السياسة و القضايا المجتمعية هو البيئة . أصبحت البيئة محط أنظار الجميع الان بعد سنين طوال من السعي وراء التكنولوجيا و التطور و إهمالها بشكل ملحوظ . إن مفهوم البيئة لم يعد مقتصرا على النظافة و توفير المياه فحسب , بل أصبحت الدول و القارات تتنافس في مجال انتاج الطاقة النظيفة ( طاقة الرياح , الشمسية , الطاقة المائية , طاقة الحرارة الأرضية , طاقة المد و الجزر و طاقة الكتل الحرارية ) وذلك بعد الجزم بإمكانيتها في  تأمين طاقة يمكن الإعتماد عليها في شتى الميادين و بشكل رئيسي بدلا من … Continue reading

Green Roofs in MENA – Prospects and Challenges

Green roofs are emerging technologies that can provide a wide range of benefits to communities interested in enhancement and protection of their environment. The major benefits of green roofs are reducing energy use as well as air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing stormwater management and water quality, decreasing heat island effect by regulating temperature for the roof and the surrounding areas and providing aesthetic value and habitats for many species.   According to a 2013 MENA renewable energy status report, the Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) in Middle East and North Africa has reached about 800 million tons of oil.  This … Continue reading

How Science Helped our Homes be Energy-Efficient

Technology is advancing every day and the need for more energy is also increasing. The linear progression of energy consumption is going to be bad for us all if not handled correctly, so energy efficiency has become a priority for every industry. The more advanced technology gets, the more energy sources are utilized. Homes nowadays use about double the energy homes in the 80s needed. Trying to conserve energy has been the sensible course of action; for the environment is mostly polluted by non-environmentally-friendly energy sources. Conserving energy also means conserving money, it may be expensive to get all the … Continue reading

How are Eco-friendly Properties Revolutionising the Housing Market?

Sustainability has been a rising concern over recent years, and the term has become more familiar as carbon emissions and protecting the environment has soared to the top of people’s agenda. Due to the rising environmental concerns and public awareness, homeowners across the UK are relocating from traditional bricks and mortar to different types of property whereby eco-friendliness is the main concern. Developed using environmentally friendly materials, properties that aim to have a limited effect on the environment are built to be as self-sufficient as possible. Through the use of natural resources such as wind and light, sustainable homes can … Continue reading

نظم تقييم المباني الخضراء في الشرق الأوسط

الأبنية الخضراء لا تساهم فقط في بيئة أفضل وطرق بناء مستدامه، ولكنها تجلب ايضا الكثير من المنافع والفوائد لمالكي المباني ومستخدميها. فتكلفة الانشاء أقل، وتكلفة التشغيل أقل، وسبل الراحه أكثر، والبيئة الداخلية أكثر صحة، والعمر الأفتراضي أطول وتكاليف الصيانة أقل في المبنى الأخضر. توجد العديد من النظم لتقدير وتقييم المباني الخضراء حول العالم، مثل LEED  و BREEAM . فالاستدامة الان تعد هامة جدا في منطقة الشرق الأوسط ودول مثل قطر والامارات لديهم انظمتهم الخاصة بهم لتقييم المباني لتشمل السمات الاجتماعية والبيئية والاقتصادية والثقافية في العمارة الحديثة نظام تقييم الاستدامة الشامل (قطر) ان نظام تقييم الاستدامة الشامل (GSAS) المعروف رسميا باسم … Continue reading

ﻤﺒﺎدئ اﻻﺴﺘداﻤﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻌﻤﺎرة اﻟﺘﻘﻠﻴدﻴﺔ اﻹﺴﻼﻤية

تشتمل تعاليم الدين الإسلامي على الكثير من مبادئ الاستدامة التي تداخلت مع التنظيم الإجتماعي والسلوك الإنساني للمجتمع والتي انعكست على النتاج العمراني، والعلم الحديث قادرعلى تطوير قدرات الانسان من أجل استغلال المصادر الطبيعية بشكل يفوق ما حققته العمارة التقليدية، بيد أن ذلك يتطلب تطبيقا منهجيا للعلم ومقارنة شاملة بين الإنشاءات الحديثة والتقليدية، وإحياء المبادئ التي اعتمدت عليها الحلول التقليدية. بغير هذه الطريقة لا يمكن للعمارة الحديثة أن تتفوق بإنجازاتها الإنسانية والبيئية على ما قد أنجزته العمارة التقليدية، حيث أن الوسائل والأفكار المعمارية التقليدية قد تفقد أهميتها مقابل الراحة والسهولة اللتين توفرهما الحلول الميكانيكية، لكنها تسببت بالإستعمال غير المحدود للآلة والذي … Continue reading

Sustainability Principles in Traditional Islamic Architecture

Islam came with many sustainability and environmental conservation principles, which appeared in all aspects of the Islamic society. This green vision of Islam is also reflected in the city planning and traditional architecture. Infact, Islamic cities were shaped by Islamic beliefs on environmental conservation and sustainability. The traditional house adopted in Islamic architecture respects the environment in more ways than one: first by minimizing the impact of harsh natural environment conditions such as hot climate, relative humidity and solar radiation intensity, second by maximizing the potential possibilities of these conditions to achieve the thermal comfort of inhabitants and utilizing the … Continue reading