Impact of School Closure on Marginalized Children

We are seeing schools close as a protective measure of reducing the potential exposure to the coronavirus across the globe. This is due to the fact that schools could be a major source of transmission from one child to another child within a classroom, from one classroom to the whole school, to within the families and the greater community. And all at a very speedy rate of transmission of Covid-19. The action of closing schools is an acceptable move in the more developed sectors of the global community as children tend to all have access to the internet, and in … Continue reading

Education for Sustainable Development: Key Challenges

The basic aim of 'Education for Sustainable Development' is to nurture an individual who is capable to solve environmental challenges facing the world and to promote the formation of a sustainable society. The first challenge is to have an ethos in schools that openly and enthusiastically supports the development of ESD (Education for Sustainable Development). This is partly down to the curriculum the school follows, but is mainly as a result of the interest and effort shown by senior management in promoting integration and whole school engagement; a critical element being teacher training. It is also down to the expectations … Continue reading

Academic Transcription – Best Ideas on How to Solve a Problem Quickly

Recording lectures, webinars, lessons, speeches are the best method of storing information for future generations. Transcription is used everywhere: professors to watch their lectures, students to refresh their knowledge, employers to show their business projects. The most profitable and convenient transcription is for students and professors, as this method helps them return to the lectures and understand what point was missed, what should be corrected or what is missing. However, listening to records is the most tedious part of learning. If you need to notate some information partially, the analysis of many hours of records is a waste of time, … Continue reading