Preserving Biodiversity in Jordan

Jordan is situated at the center of unique biota, representing the biodiversity of dry lands. The natural ecosystems in Jordan support human activities in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, tourism, traditional and pharmaceutical health products, traditional medicine and many others. These ecosystems are also important for their intrinsic value, and for protection of overall environmental quality. The Levant states in general, and Jordan in particular, went through changes during the past two centuries from various anthropogenic activities. These changes are threatening the natural ecosystems, which have been destroyed to make way for agricultural, industrial, or housing developments. Species biodiversity have been … Continue reading

Education for Sustainable Development: Key Challenges

The basic aim of 'Education for Sustainable Development' is to nurture an individual who is capable to solve environmental challenges facing the world and to promote the formation of a sustainable society. The first challenge is to have an ethos in schools that openly and enthusiastically supports the development of ESD (Education for Sustainable Development). This is partly down to the curriculum the school follows, but is mainly as a result of the interest and effort shown by senior management in promoting integration and whole school engagement; a critical element being teacher training. It is also down to the expectations … Continue reading

Is Kiribati The First To Go – How Climate Change Is Threatening Life On The Small Island Nations

Life on an island in the South Pacific has long been considered an idyllic location. But that once reality is becoming a daunting nightmare for the people of Kiribati (pronounced Ke-ree-bas). This nation consists of three archipelagos in the centre of the Pacific Ocean. The total land mass is approximately 811km2 and is spread across 3.5 million km2  of ocean. Of the 33 island and atolls, two-thirds of these land masses are inhabited. The total population of 120,000 people predominantly live on the main island, Tarawa. With the growing trends in the changing global climate, this small Pacific community is … Continue reading

Things to Know About Habitat Loss in MENA

Habitat loss of native species in MENA region is increasing at a sensational rate as a consequence of natural and human causes. MENA has diverse ecosystems, including aquatic and terrestrial, with different climate patterns. The region have three globally recognized hotspots; the Irano-Anatolian region, the Mediterranean forest region and the Horn of Africa region. According to 2015 IUCN Red List, approximately 2476 species in MENA are under threat comprising of mammals, fishes, birds, mollusc, amphibians, reptiles, and other species.  28% of threatened species comprises of fishes, 18% plants, 12% birds, 9% mammals and rest others. IUCN data show highest threatened … Continue reading

World Wetlands Day – Celebrating Our Wetlands

World Wetlands Day (WWD) is celebrated on 2nd February every year. It marks the date of the signing of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands on 2nd February 1971. WWD was celebrated for the first time in 1997. Every year there is a different theme and the theme for World Wetlands Day 2018 is “Wetlands for a Sustainable Urban Future”. What is a Wetland A wetland is a land area that is saturated with water, natural or artificial, static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salty and include areas of marine water, the depth of which at low tide does not exceed … Continue reading

Extreme Weather Resulting From Present-Day Climate Change

Regardless of where one is on the globe, the effects of climate change are very apparent and extremely threatening to the local inhabitants. These climatic threats are presenting themselves in four main ways, namely extended heat waves, devastating flooding, persistent droughts and extensive wildfires. These are presently the most destructive impacts of climate change, but there are other natural event occurrences. As well as the geo-physical impacts, there are also the accompanying increasing health risks, anxiety and stress issues, fatigue and exhaustion, just to name a few resultant factors. Right now with the summer in full swing in the northern … Continue reading

The Art and Science of Caring for Our Trees

Planting a tree is just the first step of a lengthy journey of loving and caring for nature.  And in return, nature provides shade, food, clean air. Collectively, the trees in our garden, or community parks represent life, growth, peace and harmony. It is a serious undertaking. Caring for trees is both an art and a science. Planting a tree is a complex exercise. It is far more than digging a hole and setting the roots deep into the soil, watering and covering the roots and lower stem of the juvenile tree. It is going to need mulching, feeding, trimming … Continue reading

How Can You Help Nature Every Day

In the modern world, many people think that we need to take care of nature. Now in the world there are many initiatives to improve the environmental situation. The authors of such initiatives in social networks do not even buy Instagram followers to gain a large number of followers. Today we will talk about how you can contribute to saving nature. 1. Save resources Most of us do not notice how many resources are wasted every day. But saving electricity and water is a matter of a couple of minutes! Turn off lights and unplug electrical appliances. Even a smartphone … Continue reading

تأثير البيئة الطبيعية على صحتك العقلية

يقضي الكثير منا أيام العمل في الداخل تحت ضوء الفلورسنت مع اتصالٍ ضعيف أو معدوم بالعالم الطبيعي. لطيف كما يبدو للحصول على بعض الهواء النقي أو المشي بعد العمل، ولكن التفكير في الأمر قد يكون مرهقاً، خاصة عندما الأريكة تدعوك إلى المنزل بعد يوم طويل. لكن قضاء معظم الوقت في الداخل ليس جيداً لصحتك، وقد كشفت مجموعة متزايدة من الأبحاث المزايا العديدة التي يتمتع بها التواجد في الطبيعة على صحتك الجسدية والعقلية. تأثير بيئتك على صحتك العقلية في عالمنا الغربي الحديث، يقضي الكثير من الناس معظم وقتهم في الداخل. علاوة على ذلك، نحن نعيش في وقت يقضي فيه الكثير منا … Continue reading

The Impact of Natural Environment on Your Mental Health

Many of us spend our workdays indoors under fluorescent lights with little to no contact with the natural world. As nice as it sounds to get some fresh air or take a walk after work, the thought of it can be exhausting, particularly when the couch is beckoning you home after a long day. But spending too much time indoors is not good for your health, and a growing stack of research has revealed the numerous benefits that being in nature has for your physical and mental well-being.   How your environment affects your mental health In our Western and … Continue reading

A Message on Earth Day

Earth Day has now grown into a global environmental tradition making it the largest civic observance in the world and is widely celebrated event in which over one billion people from over 190 countries will participate by taking suitable actions for saving our mother Earth. The Earth Day was first organized in 1970 to promote respect for life on the planet and to encourage awareness on air, water and soil pollution. Each year a different theme or topic is selected. The theme of Earth Day 2018 is ‘End Plastic Pollution’. Plastic pollution is poisoning our oceans and lands, injuring marine life … Continue reading

Tips for Better Environmental Education

Education exists to prepare people for the world and for the future. Because of it, teaching students about the environment is essential for their personal development. We all depend on the environment, which makes it our obligation and our life purpose to sustain and improve it. This takes environmental education to a whole new level. This is why teachers bring nature into classrooms or teach their classes outdoor. Environmental education doesn’t cease when the classes end, but at least during formal education, it can be tailored to prepare and make students aware of the importance of environmental preservation. Benefits of … Continue reading