About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder of EcoMENA, and an international consultant, advisor, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise in waste management, waste-to-energy, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. His geographical areas of focus include Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. Salman is the Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA, and is a professional environmental writer with more than 300 popular articles to his credit. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability in different parts of the world. Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org or salman@bioenergyconsult.com

What to Know About Having a Greenhouse

If you’ve ever been interested in greenhouse gardening, you aren’t alone. Greenhouse gardening lets you grow plants on an extended schedule or have things that you wouldn’t normally be able to grow in your area. If you’re thinking about greenhouse gardening, the following are some of the main things to know as you get started.   Types of Greenhouses There are a few main types of greenhouses you’ll initially choose from, including: A cold frame greenhouse is one designed to rely on natural heat from the sun. The sun’s heat creates a microclimate for plants that’s warmer than the air … Continue reading

Benefits of Owning a Hybrid Vehicle

Hybrid vehicles are not new; however, their popularity has increased over time. Even though hybrid cars may seem hard to produce, the exact opposite is true. Hybrids are just cars with both gasoline or diesel engine and a battery-powered electric motor. A hybrid vehicle, such as the Toyota Prius and the 2022 Toyota Corolla, conserves fuel and emits less CO2 emissions. The purpose of two engines is to reduce fuel consumption and, therefore, to save energy. How Hybrid Cars Work Any vehicle with two separate power sources can be classified as a hybrid car. Due to the high expense of … Continue reading

إدارة المخلفات الطبية في دول الشرق الأوسط

قطاع الرعاية الصحية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط ينمو بوتيرة سريعة جدا، الأمر الذي أدى بدوره إلى زيادة هائلة في كمية النفايات الطبية في المستشفيات والعيادات والمؤسسات الأخرى. وفقا للتقرير الصادر من وزارةا لشئون البيئة المصرية، مصر انتجت 28,300 طن من النفايات الطبية الخطرة في عام 2010. وفي منطقة الخليج، يتم انتاج أكثر من 150 طن من النفايات الطبية والمملكة العربية السعودية وحدها تنتج نصف هذة الكمية تقريبا. هذه الأرقام تدل على حجم المشكلة التي تواجهها السلطات البلدية في التعامل مع مشكلة التخلص من النفايات الطبية في جميع أنحاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط. حجم المشكلة الكمية المتزايدة من النفايات الطبية زادة من … Continue reading

Living Room Furniture Options That Are Environmentally-Friendly

As of October 2017, the United States Green Building Council reported there were more than 370,000 green homes in the United States. Although green homes made up just five percent of all homes in 2005, the percentage significantly rose to 23% of all American residences in 2017. We’ve come a long way in going green in a short time. However, there is much more that we can do to make our home more environmentally friendly. While green activists focus on issues such as solar energy and recycled plastic, we have an often overlooked additional opportunity to make our homes green. … Continue reading

5 Tips For Making Your Business Operations Sustainable

The Earth’s condition is getting much worse than in previous decades; weather patterns are changing, temperatures are rising, the ozone layer is depleting, and polar ice caps are melting. Thus, the call for sustainable operations has become a high-level priority for many businesses. Implementing sustainability in business operations offers many benefits. Aside from having a good conscience from observing environmentally-friendly practices, many people may also appreciate the goodness you’re spreading by producing long-lasting, eco-friendly, and recyclable goods. They’ll support your business, purchase your products, and help your brand grow. On top of that, going sustainable also helps you minimize your … Continue reading

Smart Ways To Dispose Of Rubbish In London

Lately, London streets are full of uncollected waste spilling over from bin bags wheelie bins and, plastic recycling containers. Removing waste from our homes can be complicated at times, so it helps to know the greatest way to dispose of it.  Waste clearance can be a timewasting and costly affair if not done right and apart from that is important to end this process in an eco-friendly manner. There are some ways to take this stress out of your life so we’re here to highpoint some of the best options available to you.   Try to produce less waste The … Continue reading

Diaphragm Valve – Types, Functions and Applications

A diaphragm valve is a type of valve which uses a diaphragm component to control the flow of fluid. A diaphragm is a pressure-responsive component and it is used to provide forces need to open, close or regulate fluid flow. This valve is designed to use an elastic membrane to separate fluid flow from the closing part. Diaphragm valve manufacturer produce different varieties of diaphragm valves among other types of valves. Diaphragm valves are either automatic or manual valves. How does a diaphragm valve work? Diaphragm valve employs the pinching method to control the flow of fluid through these valves. The … Continue reading

How To Enjoy Luxurious Living Without Harming The Environment

They say that money cannot buy everything. However, it can buy quite a lot. It is suggested that all wealth is vanity; however, there is so much to admire about the lifestyle of the world’s billionaires and millionaires. From flying across the globe in expensive private jets, driving swanky cars, owning mansions all over the world, dining at the most luxurious hotels to wearing luxury brands; the rich people’s lifestyle is simply glamorous. It is the dream of many to afford that kind of lifestyle. Here is an interesting fact: According to economic research, the eight richest individuals in the … Continue reading

Knife Gate Valve – Types, Functions and Applications

This is a type of gate valve which uses a knife gate. This type of valve is suitable for use in slurries and viscous media since the knife gate can cut through such slurries or highly viscous fluids. The design of this valve helps to reduce contact between valve components. As such, there is minimal wear and tear between various components. Knife gate valve manufacturer design these valves for on and off fluid applications. These valves are not suitable for use in throttling applications. These valves can be automatic or they can be operated manually using the valve handwheel. Knife gate … Continue reading

Non-Slam Check Valves – Types, Functions and Applications

Non-slam check valves are check valves used to prevent reverse fluid flow. Also, these valves are meant to eliminate or reduce water hammer and their associated effects. A water hammer is a high-pressure shock wave that happens when the fluid flow stops abruptly because of a pump or valve closing quickly in a piping system. When water hammer happens, the fluid flow reversal causes high stress on the piping system which endangers its structural integrity and may cause damage or rupture. Non-slam check valves are used to prevent water hammers and ensure fluid flows in one direction only. Non slam … Continue reading

Pump – Types, Functions and Applications

A pump is a device used to transfer fluid from one point to another. A pump is categorized as a hydraulic mechanical machine used to move fluid from a point of low pressure to point of high-pressure. A pump works adding pressure energy into the fluid. It is the pressure energy of the fluid that makes the fluid move from the interior of the pump to the required destination. All pumps work by creating a vacuum. This vacuum is responsible for making the pump suck the fluid into the pump so that it can be moved to the required destination. … Continue reading

Plug Valve – Types, Functions and Applications

A plug valve is a valve designed with a cylindrical or conically tapered plug used to regulate, open or close flow of fluid. This valve uses a plug to control fluid flow. The plug rotates in the valve body. The plug is designed with one or more ports. When the plug valve is opened, fluid flows through the ports of the plug. Plug valve employ a simple design which makes them relatively cheaper. Plug valves do not have bonnets like other valves such as globe valves and gate valves. The simplest design of a plug valve is a bi-directional fluid … Continue reading