Gas Vs Electric Mowers: Are You Ready to Go Green?

There are many factors to take into account when deciding whether to purchase an electric-powered lawn mower or a gas-powered lawn mower. Today there are more options than ever due to advances in technology in both gas motors and batteries. As you weigh your options you should consider the size of your lawn and how you wish to mow it. Gas-powered mowers Gas-powered motors have traditional gas engines that use gas tanks and oil reservoirs. When operating they produce carbon monoxide, also known as combustion exhaust, which is detrimental to the environment. Also, you have to make sure you have … Continue reading

Introduction to Composting

The composting process is a complex interaction between the waste and the microorganisms within the waste. The microorganisms that carry out this process fall into three groups: bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes. Actinomycetes are a form of fungi-like bacteria that break down organic matter. The first stage of the biological activity is the consumption of easily available sugars by bacteria, which causes a fast rise in temperature. The second stage involves bacteria and actinomycetes that cause cellulose breakdown. The last stage is concerned with the breakdown of the tougher lignins by fungi. Central solutions are exemplified by low-cost composting, as discussed … Continue reading

The Art and Science of Caring for Our Trees

Planting a tree is just the first step of a lengthy journey of loving and caring for nature.  And in return, nature provides shade, food, clean air. Collectively, the trees in our garden, or community parks represent life, growth, peace and harmony. It is a serious undertaking. Caring for trees is both an art and a science. Planting a tree is a complex exercise. It is far more than digging a hole and setting the roots deep into the soil, watering and covering the roots and lower stem of the juvenile tree. It is going to need mulching, feeding, trimming … Continue reading

Tree Service Company Left Shavings – What Should I Do With Them?

After hiring a tree service company to work on your property, don’t be surprised if they left shavings behind. Whether you’re getting a tree removed, or perhaps a tree pruned, you’ll inevitably come across lots of wood chips on your land once the job has been completed. Like many others, you’re probably wondering what you can do with all of the shavings. Of course, you can put them in the trash, but wood chips can be used for many different things, so let’s take a closer look at some of the things you can do with them. Find a tree … Continue reading

How to Save Water in Your Garden – An Easy Guide

Water scarcity is not just a nationwide problem. It can be a very real threat on the domestic scene as well. Our home is our kingdom, our domain where many persons spend much time and energy working in the garden and caring for the lawns to produce beautiful blooms, fragrant scents, herbal delights and a bountiful supply of vegetables. But water shortages are becoming a real threat at the domestic scene,  as well as nationally and regionally across the globe. After having invested in plants, fruit trees, fragrant bushes and numerous bulbs, we want the delight of a full bloom, … Continue reading

What to Know About Having a Greenhouse

If you’ve ever been interested in greenhouse gardening, you aren’t alone. Greenhouse gardening lets you grow plants on an extended schedule or have things that you wouldn’t normally be able to grow in your area. If you’re thinking about greenhouse gardening, the following are some of the main things to know as you get started.   Types of Greenhouses There are a few main types of greenhouses you’ll initially choose from, including: A cold frame greenhouse is one designed to rely on natural heat from the sun. The sun’s heat creates a microclimate for plants that’s warmer than the air … Continue reading

Green Spaces in Middle East – Perspectives

Often dubbed as “pockets of green in a grey landscape”, green spaces such as urban parks, vertical gardens and street trees, are increasingly being incorporated into city plans and designs for their multi-functional benefits of ecological, physical and social nature. An obvious benefit from increasing green space within cities is the increase in biodiversity. Often serving as refuges and habitat corridors for wildlife, studies have shown increases in both native and endemic flora and fauna with the expansion of green spaces in cities. Infact it has been observed that city planners choose to incorporate green spaces, such as urban parks … Continue reading

How to Protect Green Spaces in the Middle East

One of the ecological benefits brought by green spaces is its capability to combat urban heat. The increasing urban heat is usually caused by the high number of heat reflective substances that are emerging in the cities. Green spaces such as gardens and parks can significantly reduce heat and promote natural cooling through an efficient ventilation and dynamic absorption. Some green spaces could even help prevent urban flooding, air pollution, and storm water run-off. So, how can we protect these beneficial green spaces in Middle East? Spread Awareness Dubai is expected to plant an estimated of 50 million flowers in … Continue reading

How to Start Your Dream Greenhouse

Gardening is one of the most interesting hobbies, especially for those who have some time to get their hands dirty every once in a while. As a matter of fact, gardening doubles up as an activity that can both be a primary source of income and a side hassle, especially when done from a greenhouse. Additionally, it also provides you with the opportunity to grow your own food in your backyard or plot near your home. From veggies to citrus fruits and ornamental plants, there’s a wide variety of crops you can grow in your greenhouse or backyard garden despite … Continue reading

4 Must-Have Eco-friendly Tools for Every Home and Office

We’re finally gaining awareness and are trying to make conscious decisions when it comes to purchasing and using eco-friendly products. There are plenty of eco-friendly tools that we can find out there, so being cautious about what you invest in is no longer a problem. You can now find many tools that are purely made out of materials that are not unhealthy for the environment. Here are some must-have environmentally-friendly tools for homes and offices: 1. Lawn Trimmer Maintaining your garden and taking care of it is something to be admired, but if you’re using a lawn trimmer that uses … Continue reading

How Landscaping Adds Value to Your Property

There is no way of predicting what might happen in your life. Not to mention, the housing market is always prone to fluctuations. In other words, the option of selling property is always on the table. This is why if you’re a person who thinks ahead, you should always be looking for ways to add value to your property. While there are a lot of ways, a simple, foolproof, way to boost your property’s value is landscaping. A proper, well-maintained garden can easily add up over a thousand dollars to the value of your property because, as you probably know, … Continue reading

5 Effective Tips to Keep Your Lawn Healthy

A beautiful, soft and green lawn is a marvel to look at, but can be hard to achieve. Assuming that you already have the right soil and the right type of grass growing on it, it’s a tedious prospect keeping your green as healthy as it possibly could, especially if you have to deal with weeds and other factors. But having a beautiful turf is not complicated; it just takes a bit of effort. In this article, we will discuss a few tips to keep your lawn healthy: 1. Prevention is better than cure Having to deal with weeds once … Continue reading