All You Need to Know About Carbon Monoxide and its Recycling

Carbon Monoxide is a chemical compound made up of 2 elements which are carbon and oxygen. The proportion of each element is equal which means for every 1 part of carbon, it has an equal part of oxygen. Carbon Monoxide is formed through a lot of processes. One of the most common processes is through the burning of wood or coal or other substances that occur naturally. Vehicles and exhausts also contribute to the creation of this chemical compound through combustion engines, which means every day, there are a lot of people contributing to the creation of carbon monoxide. However, … Continue reading

Recycling of Aluminium: Trends in Middle East

The demand for aluminium products is growing steadily in the Middle East because of their positive contribution to modern living. Aluminium finds extensive use almost all walks of life including transport, food and medicine, packaging, construction, electronics and electrical power transmission. Infact, the use of aluminum exceeds that of any other metal except iron. Aluminium is the second most widely used metal whereas the aluminium can is the most recycled consumer product in the world. Recycling Potential of Aluminium Disposal of aluminium wastes is a challenging task as aluminium exposed to fires at dumpsites can be a serious environmental problem in the form of poisonous gases and mosquito … Continue reading

Matthew Stone: Teysha Technologies Partners with the Kind Planet Company

In August 2020, Teysha Technologies announced that it was to enter into partnership with the Kind Planet Company, providing the skincare company with biodegradable lids for its new organic skincare range. Teysha Technologies has pioneered a second-generation bioplastic, developing patented technology as part of its mission to revolutionise the global packaging market. As Matthew Stone, Teysha Technologies’ Managing Director explained, an estimated eight million plastic items find their ways into the world’s seas and waterways every day. Teysha Technologies aims to help reduce global plastic waste, offering manufacturers biodegradable alternatives produced from sustainable materials. The Kind Planet Company supports marginalised … Continue reading

التكسير الهيدروليكي لطبقات التربة وآثارها

عملية التكسير الهيدروليكي, هي وسيله لتحفيز استخراج الغاز من الطبقات الغير مسامية عن طريق تدفق سائل بين الصخور في باطن الارض. وقد تمكنت التقنيات الحديثة في الحفر والتنقيب للوصول الي استخراج الغاز الطبيعي من طبقات ارضية كان يتعذر الوصول اليها سابقا باستخدام التقنيات التقليدية في الحفر والتنقيب. وتشمل هذه التقنيات ضخ سوائل غنية بالماء في بئر حتي يسبب ضغط السائل في عمق معين من التربة الي كسر وتشقق هذه الصخور. السائل الذي يتم ضخه يحتوي علي جزيئات صغيرة, مثل الرمال الغنية بالكوارتيز او مواد كيميائية التي تعمل علي خلق الشقوق والكسور في طبقات التربة الغير مسامية. عمليات التكسير الهيدروليكي في … Continue reading

How Does A Wastewater Treatment Plant Work?

Wastewater treatment is essential for minimizing water pollution that can disrupt delicate ecosystems, interfere with food chains, and transmit diseases. As the urban population continues to rise, this increasing population density can generate more organic waste and wastewater, which calls for proper treatment and more efficient wastewater treatment plants. A dwindling supply of clean water necessitates more cost-efficient, high-quality wastewater treatment systems. These modern treatment plants employ the latest technologies to decontaminate dirty water before funneling the water back into these ecosystems. What pollutants wastewater treatment removes? A wastewater treatment system harnesses the power of technology to facilitate wastewater treatment … Continue reading

7 Insights into Diamond Mining and its Environmental Impact

To make diamond jewelry, the gems we covet need to be mined. This practice is not without its problems, especially from an environmental perspective. So with that in mind, let’s look at what consumers need to know about the mark that mining leaves on our planet, and the alternatives that are out there for anyone who wants to minimize their own carbon footprint. Unveiling the Glitter: The Diamond Mining Process Diamond mining is a process shrouded in mystery for many. It starts with prospecting, where geologists search for kimberlite pipes, which are ancient pathways of volcanic activity that have carried … Continue reading

The Concept of Energy Management

Energy management is the best solution for direct and immediate reduction of energy consumption for businesses and households. For the last few decades we have been exploring various alternatives to conventional sources of energy like solar, wind and biomass energy. However, due attention must also be given to best utilization of energy, improvement in energy efficiencies and optimum management of energy resources. Infact, energy management deals with already existing sources and actual consumption. It includes planning and operation of energy-related production and consumption units. The main objectives of energy management are resource conservation, environment protection and cost savings. The central … Continue reading

Advancements in Tire Shredding: Enhancing Tire Disposal Efficiency

Disposing of old tires is a real challenge, especially considering its link to broader issues such as waste management and environmental care. With growing global concern, finding efficient ways to handle used tires is more crucial than ever. One approach gaining popularity is tire-shredding, a practical method to deal with tire waste that also minimizes environmental impact. Fortunately, the tire-shredding techniques of today have undergone numerous transformations, mainly owing to technological advancements. These improvements aim to make the tire shredding process more efficient, sustainable, and less damaging to the environment. This article explores these technological advancements in-depth, highlighting how they … Continue reading

CDM Projects in MENA Region

The MENA region is an attractive CDM destination as it is rich in renewable energy resources and has a robust oil and gas industry. Surprisingly, countries in MENA host very few and declining number of CDM projects with only 23 CDM projects registered till date. The region accounts for only 1.5 percent of global CDM projects and only two percent of emission reduction credits. The two main challenges facing many of these projects are: weak capacity in most MENA countries for identifying, developing and implementing carbon finance projects and securing underlying finance. The registered CDM projects in MENA countries are … Continue reading

Making a Switch to Circular Economy

All forms of wealth and security, including climate stability, biodiversity, resource availability, soil fertility, air and water purity and health, are depleted by the systemic error of running a linear economy. Linear economics consumes the basis for future growth so what is now growing fastest is unproductive activity, inactivity and instabilities. The credit crunch marks the withdrawal of faith in growth-as-usual and any reliable revival of growth and prosperity requires a switch of vision. Circular Economics The future for growth is circular economics where more economic activity would mean a faster pace of change away from waste-making and towards looking … Continue reading

Energy Efficiency in Saudi Cement Industry

Saudi Arabia is the largest construction market in the Middle East, with large development projects under way and many more in the planning stage. The cement industry in Saudi Arabia is evolving rapidly and annual clinker production was 75 million tonnes in 2018. The cement industry is one of the highest energy-intensive industries in the world, with fuel and energy costs typically representing 30-40% of total production costs. On an average, the specific electrical energy consumption typically ranges between 90 and 130 kWh per tonne of cement. Keeping in view the huge energy demand of the cement industry, the Saudi … Continue reading

The Popular Methods for Aluminium Recycling

The demand for aluminium products is growing steadily because of their positive contribution to modern living. Aluminium is the second most widely used metal whereas the aluminum can is the most recycled consumer product in the world. Aluminium finds extensive use in air, road and sea transport, food and medicine, packaging, construction, electronics and electrical power transmission. The excellent recyclability of aluminium, together with its high scrap value and low energy needs during recycling make aluminium highly desirable to one and all. The global aluminium demand is forecasted to soar to nearly 70 million tons by 2020 from around 37 … Continue reading