A Comprehensive Guide for Operating and Maintaining Butterfly Valves

A butterfly valve is a flowing regulated device which includes a rotational disk to operate the flowing liquid in a process. On a perpendicular location of the butterfly valve, there is a metal-based disc which operates the closing technique of the fluid flowing. The operation of closing off of this valve is quite same as that of a ball valve. The advantages of using it over a floating ball valve are: It is light weight; hence it don’t require much support It is less costly as compared to other similar valves with different designs. Parts Of A Butterfly Valve A … Continue reading

6 Industrial Hazards to Ethernet Cables You Should Know About

Industrial environments are not the safest of places. Chemicals, heavy machinery, hazardous processes, and the like are fairly common. There’s a very good reason that safety protocols in factories and other industrial sites are very strict and are enforced to the last detail. However, it isn’t just people that are under physical risk in an industrial environment. The cables that allow smart factory technology to function are also at risk in these places. There are many hazards and even the most toughened, protected cables might still get damaged. This is true for older, “legacy” factories and more modern ones, which … Continue reading

Non-Slam Check Valves – Types, Functions and Applications

Non-slam check valves are check valves used to prevent reverse fluid flow. Also, these valves are meant to eliminate or reduce water hammer and their associated effects. A water hammer is a high-pressure shock wave that happens when the fluid flow stops abruptly because of a pump or valve closing quickly in a piping system. When water hammer happens, the fluid flow reversal causes high stress on the piping system which endangers its structural integrity and may cause damage or rupture. Non-slam check valves are used to prevent water hammers and ensure fluid flows in one direction only. Non slam … Continue reading

Pump – Types, Functions and Applications

A pump is a device used to transfer fluid from one point to another. A pump is categorized as a hydraulic mechanical machine used to move fluid from a point of low pressure to point of high-pressure. A pump works adding pressure energy into the fluid. It is the pressure energy of the fluid that makes the fluid move from the interior of the pump to the required destination. All pumps work by creating a vacuum. This vacuum is responsible for making the pump suck the fluid into the pump so that it can be moved to the required destination. … Continue reading

An Introduction to Materials Recovery Facility

A Material Recovery Facility (MRF) is a building to receive, sort, process and store recyclable materials to be shipped and marketed to end-users. A materials recovery facility accepts materials, whether source separated or mixed, and separates, processes and stores them for later use as raw materials for remanufacturing and reprocessing. The main function of the MRF is to maximize the quantity of recyclables processed, while producing materials that will generate the highest possible revenues in the market. MRFs can also function to process wastes into a feedstock for biological conversion or into a fuel source for the production of energy. … Continue reading