استخراج الطاقة من النفايات

انظمة التحويل الحراري (أو الكيمو حرارية) تبدا بتكنولوجيا تحويل النفايات إلى حرارة عن طريق تحويلها لوقود اولا بشكل غازي او سائل، كما يمكنها التحويل باستخدام تقنية التحويل الثانوية التحويلها الى اشكال أكثر فائدة من الطاقة( حرارية و كهربائية). هناك مجموعة واسعة من التقنيات موجودة لتحويل الطاقة المخزونة في النفايات إلى أشكال مختلفة من الطاقة. هذه التقنيات يمكن تصنيفها وفقا للناقل الرئيسي للطاقة المنتجة في عملية التحويل. اشكال الطاقة من غاز، سائل  أو صلبة، وهذا تعتمد على طريقة ونسبة الأكسجين في اثناء عملية التحويل (عادة هواء). الطرق الرئيسية الثلاثة للتحويل وفقا لآشكال الوقود الناتج هي الاحتراق المباشر في الهواء الزائد ، تحويل … Continue reading

How To Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly For The Winter

It is very important to remember that the planet needs to be saved and it is the responsibly of the people that live on it to do so. Everyone plays a part in global warming and if you make a few changes in your home then you’ll find that you’ll be able to reduce your overall carbon footprint. As the winter approaches, you should make sure that your home is ready but that it is also eco-friendly. In this article, we are going to discuss how you can do this. Make sure to keep reading if you’d like to find … Continue reading

5 Ways To Keep Your Home Warm This Winter

The year’s coldest and bitterest season can have us scrambling for room heater, extra jumpers, blankets and coats even within the comfort of our own homes. But it certainly doesn’t have to be the case. By making a number of incredibly simple changes, you can quickly replace the chill enveloping your home during the winter season with a welcomingly warm glow. 1. Eliminate draughts A warm home isn’t just the result of an excellent source of heat; it is also contingent on its ability to retain heat. This is where insulation comes in. To prevent heat escaping, vulnerable areas like … Continue reading

أحسن تدابير لتوفير الطاقة

الطلب المتزايد على الطاقة يضيف إلى الضغط على احتياطيات الطاقة المحدودة لكوكبنا. هذا يؤدي إلى استنزاف سريع لهذه الموارد ، مما يجعل المرء يفكر في مسألة خطيرة – إذا استمر هذا ، كيف سيكون مستقبلنا؟ ليس بالضرورة أن تكون الصورة قاتمة. على الرغم من صحة هذا ، إلا أنه لا يمكننا عكس الضرر الذي ألحق بالفعل ، ولكن يمكننا بالتأكيد اتخاذ موقف لتحسين الأمور. يمكنك توفير الطاقة إما عن طريق إجراء تعديلات صغيرة على عاداتك اليومية أو عن طريق إجراء تحسينات واسعة في بنية المنزل وفي داخله. في هذه العملية ، لن توفر الكثير من المال فحسب ، بل ستحمي … Continue reading

How Are Energy Alternatives All Over The World

A lot of fuss is going around fossil fuels and other non-renewable sources of energy, it seems that the focus was suddenly shifted towards renewables sources of energy. This could be explained by the eminent danger of running out of these sources while the whole world is still depending on them, not to mention the effect of global warming as well. The shift of attention towards environmental awareness all around the world led the industries to start adopting new approaches in the research and development of energy alternatives. We’ll be giving you a brief review of how the world views … Continue reading

8 Easy Tips For Heating Your Home Naturally

Providing heat in your home is extremely important, especially during the colder seasons. The human body is only able to take so much of the cold before it begins to show signs of incapacitation. It is for this reason that each and every household and business establishment in the country is equipped with its own heating system. Most of the home heating systems are currently being powered by electricity. With the price of electricity constantly on the rise, many people are looking for alternative methods to provide heat to their homes. People also are constantly looking to cut back on … Continue reading

Are Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles Really Environmentally Friendly?

There has been a great conflict between fuel efficiency and eco-friendliness in cars. Even though plug-in hybrid vehicles have for long been thought of as environmentally friendly because they use electricity, in the real world they are the opposite. As countries grapple with the issue of carbon emissions, the PHEVs global market growth shall be a shock if all indications are correct. Comparing carbon emission rates between eco-friendly cars like Honda Jazz that rely on petrol and plug-in hybrid vehicles, Greenpeace was correct by terming PHEVs as “Wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Contrary to automakers official tests figures of 44g of … Continue reading

Preventive Air Conditioning Maintenance: Why It Matters?

The lack of maintenance and cleaning in the air conditioner can cause a lot of problems. These can affect since the operation of the equipment and imply in a greater consumption of energy, and even favor the occurrence of health problems like migraines and irritation in the mucous membranes. Preventive maintenance and proper AC cleaning helps reduce the emission of pollutants in the environment, decreases the energy consumption of the appliance, increasing its life. Why Preventive AC Maintenance is Important? In order to have a good functioning of the air conditioning system, it is important to carry out a regular … Continue reading

الذروة النفطية…..بين النظرية و الواقع

  يعد النفط اليوم من أهم مصادر توليد الطاقة في العالم، بالطبع بعد اليورانيوم، وقد تم وضع الكثير من المواد تحت التجربة لتكون بديلآ للنفط و لكن لم تتك بالنجاح إلى يومنا هذا.و السبب الرئيس لذلك هو فقدانها الكثافة التي يتمتع بها النفط، فضلا عن أنها لا تحقق معدلات العائد التي يحققها الإستثمار في إستكشاف وإنتاج النفط،. وهناك أيضآ أبحاث علمية تشير إلى أن العالم مقدم على كارثة إذا لم يتوصل لمصدر بديل له، حيث لا يمكن للإقتصاد العالمي أن ينمو حاليآ بدون وجود كميات كافية من الطاقة تتماشى مع إحتياجات هذا النمو. وتتزايد النقاشات اليوم أكثر من أي وقت مضى … Continue reading

How Green Can A Condo Be?

Condo living is becoming a more popular and viable option with regard to residency as more and more people are now moving closer to cities for business and career opportunities. Condominiums offer sufficient space for living and close proximity to leisure establishments as well as the central business district. However, living in the city should not detach residents from the larger society and nature. How green can a condo be? Read ahead for tips to ensure greener living in a condo. 1. Gardening Gardens are serene and relaxing. They are also good for the environment. Many will say space in … Continue reading

5 Compelling Reasons To Switch To Biofuel

Biofuel is created from plant-based materials. Several studies prove that it can deliver performance that can rival the performance produced by fossil fuels such as diesel and petroleum. As a result, it’s no surprise that the use of biofuels has increased in popularity substantially in recent years as a leading petroleum alternative. However, if you are still a bit sceptical about making the switch, we have listed some compelling reasons to finally switch to the eco-friendly choice and start using HVO fuel. 1. Help Enhance Air Quality Diesel and other fossil fuels are undeniably bad for the environment as they … Continue reading