أفضل أماكن الإقامة الفندقية في الكويت.. لقضاء عطلة صيفية مذهلة مع أحبائك

عطلة صيفية تظل عالقة في الأذهان هو كل ما نتمنى تحقيقه عند التخطيط للسفر بصحبة الأهل والأصدقاء! لذا نحن خططنا لك جولة سفر الى دولة الكويت التي لديها الكثير لاكتشافه وتجربته سواء من مواقع تاريخية أو مناظر طبيعية أو حتى مغامرات مثيرة لمحبي التشويق والاثارة. بالاضافة الى أنها تمتلك عدد من الفنادق الساحرة التي تأخذك إلى عالم آخر بكل ما تحمله الكلمة من معنى!عند حجز فنادق الكويت لقضاء إجازتك الصيفية القادمة ستشعر بالراحة والاسترخاء في غرفتك أو جناحك الشخصي المصمم بأجمل الديكورات والاثاث، ناهيك عن الخدمات والمرافق الترفيهية من حمامات سباحة رائعة وغرف ساونا وبخار للحصول على قسط من الاستجمام … Continue reading

Top Tips For Balancing Your Social and Academic Life

Balancing school and friendships may seem easy on the surface. However, it gets challenging as school becomes more demanding and our friends’ needs evolve. It is normal to feel like you give more time to one than the other. But the best balance can be obtained by planning your time. Sometimes we find ourselves giving away our social or academic away due to poor timing and planning. Your social and academic lives are equally important, and thus, you should find a way to allocate an equal amount of time for all of them. Being distracted by friends can affect your … Continue reading

الاستخدام المسؤول للموارد الطبيعية لترتيب منزلك

تنظيف المنزل هو روتين يجب القيام به بانتظام بحيث يؤهل إمكانية العيش في بيئة مريحة.  يمكن لبعض الطرق المستخدمة لتنظيف المنازل أن تؤثر سلبًيا على البيئة بطرق مختلفة. لمنع ذلك  يمكنك اتباع طرق صديقة للبيئة. يمكنك التعرف علي من ٦ طرق المسماة بالطرق الخضراء لترتيب منزلك: منتجات التنظيف المحضرة في المنزل منتجات التنظيف منزلية الصنع بمكونات طبيعية مثل عصير الليمون والخل الأبيض وصودا الخبز وزيت الزيتون مثالية لتنظيف منزلك لأنها لا تؤثر سلبًا على البيئة. هذه منتجات آمنة وصديقة للبيئة  ويمكن استخدامها لأغراض مختلفة مثل تنظيف المطبخ والنوافذ والحمام. إذا كنت تريد التخلص من الحشرات والمخلوقات البكتيرية التي تظهر على … Continue reading

How to Make an Environmentally-Conscious Person

The public discourse on industrial pollution, climate change, global warming and sustainable development has made environmental protection a top priority for one and all.  Concerted efforts are underway from governments, businesses and individuals to make Earth a clean and green planet.  When it comes to sustainability, everyone has a role to play. We can contribute to the global environmental movement by adopting changes that are within easy reach. Here are some tips to prove that you are an environmentally-conscious person: 1. Use Solar Power Solar power is the most popular form of alternative energy. Worldwide, millions of businesses and households are … Continue reading

The Guide of an Eco-Friendly Pet Owner – Top Tips to Follow

This planet is all we have and, unless we start properly looking after it, we can lose everything from ecosystems to all resources, including our most precious – freshwater. However, selective recycling isn’t the only way to reduce pollution and help the planet. Owning a pet is a great responsibility but also a challenge since most of their accessories and food are made of plastic or packed in it. As one of the most vocal advocates of sustainability in the Middle East, EcoMENA pleads for a more responsible life and wishes to share some easy tips on how to look … Continue reading

How to Use Your Whirlpool Bath More Sustainably

We all know that whirlpool baths are truly a luxurious addition to any home bathroom. They offer a relaxing and soothing experience – an experience we all need in our ever-hectic and demanding lives. However, we also know that whirlpool baths can be quite energy-intensive and, thus, can significantly impact the environment. But fortunately for you, if you’re concerned about your environmental impact but still want to enjoy your whirlpool bath, there are several ways to use it more sustainably and in a more eco-friendly manner. So how can you use your whirlpool bath in a more sustainable way? Let’s … Continue reading

Tips for a Green Ramadan

Ramadan is quite different from other months in terms of activities, praying and eating habits. During this month, Muslims should abstain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset to boost physical and mental endurance and to understand the hardships faced by the poor and needy who do not have enough resources to satisfy their basic necessities. The true meaning of Ramadan is purifying ourselves, taking care of our body, soul, people, surrounding and ecosystems which is supporting us. The month of Ramadan is a golden opportunity to consider making a shift towards a ‘green lifestyle’ that is environmental-friendly, non-polluting, … Continue reading

Food Waste and the Spirit of Ramadan

In recent years, enormous generation of food waste during the holy month of Ramadan has been a matter of big debate in Muslim countries and elsewhere. As per conservative estimates, around one-fifth of the food purchased or prepared during Ramadan finds its way to garbage bins or landfills. This translates into thousands of tons of precious food which could have been used for feeding tens of millions of hungry people in impoverished countries of Asia, Africa and elsewhere. The staggering amount of food waste generation during Ramadan urgently demands a strong strategy for its minimization, sustainable utilization and eco-friendly disposal. Gravity of … Continue reading

The 4 Best Tips to Becoming an Eco-Friendly Pet Owner

Sustainability is a lifestyle that many of us participate in these days. Whether you take out your recycling every week or own reusable bottles and containers, it’s important to make an effort to stop waste in any way you can, even when it comes to taking care of pets. Whether you take out your recycling every week or own reusable bottles and containers, it’s essential to stop waste in any way you can, even for taking care of pets. If you own a pet, I am fairly sure you have thought of how to keep your pet healthy. Keeping a … Continue reading

Is Engineered Wood Flooring Good For The Environment?

Having become more aware of their lifestyles and the impacts they have on our ecosystem, people around the world are now becoming more environmentally conscious. They are now striving to lead greener lives that leave minimal carbon footprints. Of the many steps taken and the changes that have been made in a bid to save the environment, one of the lesser talked about topics is the use of engineered wood flooring instead of normal hardwood flooring in homes. Hardwood vs. Engineered Wood: What’s The Difference? While hardwood flooring brings a warm and classic feel to homes regardless of the form … Continue reading

Can Inflatable Hot Tubs be Used in Winter?

Although most of the time, it is not recommended to use inflatable hot tubs in air temperatures below 40 degrees F, it has become common for most people to use mobile hot tubs in the wintertime. It turns out that the experience is relaxing. Considering the diversity of the market of tubs nowadays, it might be frustrating for consumers to pick out the most suitable inflatable hot tub. Nevertheless, once you have figured out the best one and bought it, there are certain precautions you need to take. Key Considerations Testing inflating hot tubs has proven that these products can … Continue reading

5 Places Where You Can Use Cable Railing to Improve Home Style

People nowadays prefer to have a sustainable lifestyle and a green way of living and choosing eco-friendly items has become a norm. Therefore, you can find that people are using cable railing of stainless steel while taking up any kind of home improvement project. It is nowadays very common to see stainless steel railings in many different homes. Also, stainless steel can be quite durable and strong. The following are a few places where people prefer to use cable railings while considering home improvement. 1. Balcony and terrace Most of the home has a balcony area, where you can have … Continue reading