أداء الحج الأخضر

يعتبرالحج أكبر تجمع من الناس في العالم حيث يتلاقى المسلمون من عدة بلدان لأداء الشعائر الدينية، ويؤدي ما يقرب من ثلاثة ملايين مسلم فريضة الحج كل عام. إن اتخاذ الترتيبات اللازمة سنوياً لعدد الحجاج المتزايد يشكل تحدياً لوجستياً بالغاً للحكومة والسلطات المعنية المكلفة بتوفير احتياجات السكن والنقل والصرف الصحي والغذاء والرعاية الصحية للحجاج. للحج أثر هائل على البيئة. فأثناء الحج، تتولد كميات ضخمة من النفايات التي يجب جمعها وإدارتها بطريقة مناسبة. تتعلق الآثار الضارة الأخرى باستخدام المياه المفرط وإنتاج المياه العادمة ومركبات النقل التي تسبب تلوث الهواء ورمي النفايات والزجاجات البلاستيكية والحفاضات المستخدمة ومغلفات المواد الغذائية. كل هذه الملوثات ليست … Continue reading

Environmental Impacts of Seawater Desalination

Desalination is a process that removes salt and minerals from seawater and turns it into a potable resource. It is extremely helpful in areas experiencing rising water demands due to water scarcity, droughts, growing populations and increased water consumption. With the ocean covering most of the Earth’s surface, seawater provides a sustainable, long-term solution to a problem that won’t soon dissipate. By 2015, 18,000 desalination plants had cropped up worldwide, producing 22,870 million gallons of fresh water per day. Experts believe desalination, coupled with future advancements in technology, could be the key to establishing drought-proof communities worldwide. A clean source … Continue reading

Towards an Eco-Friendly Eidul Adha

Eidul Adha, like other religious festivals, often has a major impact on the environmental resources. Extra food, drinks and clothes are made, used and consumed which results in a major environmental footprint. The celebrations and festivity are often extravagant and cause pollution of different forms. The day starts with the special prayers whereby men, women and children gather to offer prayers. The site of praying after the ritual is often plagued by litter, rubbish and waste scattered all over the place and even blowing in the air and migrating to nearby safe heavens for unaesthetic and unhygienic accumulations. Muslims on Eid … Continue reading

The Relationship Between Climate Change and Natural Disasters

Many natural disasters are directly linked with the climate change including floods, hurricanes, heatwaves, droughts, wildfires and storms. Such disasters have claimed more than 600,000 lives in the past two decades. The frequency and magnitude of these disasters are increasing with time and is not going to subside even with the plans of reducing our greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and signing of climate change agreement at Paris. UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction recorded an average of 335 weather-related disasters between 2005 and 2014, an increase of 14% from 1995-2004, and almost twice the level recorded during 1985-1995. According to … Continue reading

10 Eco-Friendly Projects for School Students

We should take care of our ecology. We kill our nature every day and this tendency must be stopped. Many schools teach little schoolers on how to protect our nature. There are different ecological projects that are initiated to rescue nature. essay pro review has 10 eco-friendly project ideas for school students that will engage them in being “green”. Teachers may also find this information useful to generate more ideas. Firstly, we’d like to pay your attention to the main risk factors that negatively affect the environment. Take a look at the list below borrowed from online custom essay writing … Continue reading

العوائق والتحديات التي تواجه المؤسسات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم العاملة في القطاعات الخضراء

مع انطلاق كلمة “البيئة” ككلمة رنانة على مستوى جميع الصناعات والقطاعات، فان اتساع مجال التحول الأخضر في قطاع الأعمال وتطوير مهارات العاملين فيه أصبح ذا أهمية على مستوى العالم، والشرق الاوسط ليس بمنأى عن هذا التطور. إن المؤسسات الصغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم التي تعمل في قطاع التصميم البيئي ، العمارة الخضراء، الطاقة المتجددة وكفاءة استخدام الطاقة، والاستدامة بشكل عام كلها تعمل على توجيه الدفة نحو نحو التحول إلى الاقتصاد الأخضر في شتى القطاعات. إن قطاع المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة الحجم العاملة في المجال البيئي في الشرق الأوسط ينمو بشكل مطرد وإن كان بسرعة أقل من المتوقع. الإطار التنظيمي ان من أكبر العقبات … Continue reading

Eco-Friendly Solutions To The Homelessness Crisis

As the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the global economy is becoming more clear, many people around the world are at particular risk of homelessness. The spiraling inflation and growing unemployment are making life very difficult for people as prices of basic food items and utility bills are getting out of the reach of poor people. On the other hand, people are losing jobs or finding it hard to enter into labour market due to multiple social and economic reasons. With the result, there is a steady rise in homelessness which is going to increase in coming years. As per … Continue reading

The Importance of an Environmentally-Friendly Hajj

Despite the spiritual perfection of the rites of the Hajj pilgrimage, there are some deep issues with its practical implementation. In a journey where one is meant to recalibrate one’s consciousness of the one true Creator, it seems paradoxical that such an excursion should lead to environmental harm (or destruction). Why is it then that I walk the street of the Haram (sacred land) and find them littered with boxes of chicken and rice, strewn on the curb in front of beggars who offer to pray for you in exchange of spare change? A Deluge of Waste In 7:31, the … Continue reading

Recycling of PVC – Prospects and Challenges

PVC, also known as Polyvinyl Chloride or Vinyl, is one of the most widely used plastics worldwide due to its chemical stability and durability. PVC products have an average lifetime of 30 years, with some reaching 50 or more years.  This means that more PVC products are reaching the end-of-life and entering the waste stream, and the amount is likely to increase significantly in the near future. The Middle East will ultimately have to deal with increased PVC waste as it is one of the markets expected to have high growth rates for PVC consumption, with developing countries in the … Continue reading

Battling Climate Change: How You Can Help?

After abusing and depleting the Earth’s resources for hundreds of years, we are now faced with the harsh reality of climate change. The planet’s temperature is slowly rising and causing more erratic weather conditions with this last decade being the hottest on record. The time to act is now. Two artists have tried to communicate the urgency of this message by installing a ‘climate clock’ in Manhattan’s Union Square. This countdown warns that if our current greenhouse gas emissions do not slow down before the deadline, the damage we will have done will be irreversible. Given the looming window of … Continue reading

الثقافة البديلة في التسوق: الاطفال يستجيبوب

الحملة الموجهة للارتقاء بثقافة التسوق وتحفيز المجتمع في تبني الثقافة البديلة في التسوق التي تبناها عدد من المجمعات التجارية ومؤسسات القطاع الخاص وبعض المؤسسات التجارية المعروفة دعما لجهود التحول الى الاكياس الصديقة للبيئة بعد القرار الذي صدر بمنع الاكياس غير القابلة للتحلل شدت اهتمام الاطفال ذلك ما لمسناه في مبادرة الطفلتين زينب وفاطمة علي عبدالحميد الشويخ بدفع والدهم شراء الاكياس الصديقة للبيئة. اهتمام الاطفال بالحملة مؤشر ايجابي وذلك ينبغي أخذه في الاعتبار وقراءة مؤثرات العوامل التي حفزت الاطفال في التفاعل مع مبادرة الثقافة البديلة في التسوق والتفكير في تبني الادوات التشويقية ذات الطابع الفني التي يمكن ان تساهم في تحفيز … Continue reading

The Promise of Bioremediation

Ecosystems are permanently challenged with the abundant release of toxic compounds into the environment due to a wide range of anthropogenic activities. Apparently, contamination with oil spills and oily waste disposal are a major global concern since it’s extensively damaging the biodiversity, threatening the public health and has severe ecological and socioeconomic consequences. For example, in 1989, thousands metric tons of crude oil spill in Alaska, led to a massive loss in the marine life as well as several long-term environmental impact. Minor oil spills and non-point oil contamination are no less threats to public health, biodiversity and environment. Awareness … Continue reading