About Salman Zafar

Salman Zafar is the Founder of EcoMENA, and an international consultant, advisor, ecopreneur and journalist with expertise in waste management, waste-to-energy, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainable development. His geographical areas of focus include Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. Salman has successfully accomplished a wide range of projects in the areas of biomass energy, biogas, waste-to-energy, recycling and waste management. He has participated in numerous conferences and workshops as chairman, session chair, keynote speaker and panelist. Salman is the Editor-in-Chief of EcoMENA, and is a professional environmental writer with more than 300 popular articles to his credit. He is proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on renewable energy, waste management and environmental sustainability in different parts of the world. Salman Zafar can be reached at salman@ecomena.org or salman@bioenergyconsult.com

Water Scarcity in MENA

The MENA region is the most water scarce region of the world. The region is home to 6.3 percent of world’s population but has access to measly 1.4 percent of the world’s renewable fresh water. The average water availability per person in other geographical regions is about 7,000 m3/year, whereas water availability is merely 1,200 m3/person/year in the MENA region. The region has the highest per capita rates of freshwater extraction in the world (804 m3/year) and currently exploits over 75 percent of its renewable water resources. Due to burgeoning population and rapid economic growth, the per capita water availability … Continue reading

الاستدامة البيئية في الإسلام

إن المعتقدات، التقاليد والقيم الإسلامية وفرت حلول فعالة وشاملة لمواجهة العديد من التحديات البيئية الحالية التي تواجه الجنس البشري. لقد أكد الإسلام على أهمية المحافظة على البيئة وحماية الموارد الطبيعية. ووفقا لتعاليم الشريعة الإسلامية, فإن العناصر الأساسية للطبيعة – الأرض، الماء، النار، الغابات والضوء- تعود ملكيتها إلى جميع الكائنات الحية وليس فقط للجنس البشري. إن القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية الشريفة يعتبران نبراسا في تعزيز مفهوم التنمية المستدامة في الدول الإسلامية، وكذلك في جميع أنحاء العالم. أمر الله سبحانه وتعالى البشر بتجنب إلحاق الأذى وهدر الموارد الطبيعية والذي من شأنه تدمير وتدهور البيئة. إن الله سبحانه وتعالى ميز الجنس البشري باستغلال … Continue reading

6 Tools And Products For Your Industrial Business

Commercial businesses sell tangible goods such as airplanes, vehicles, roofing materials, and more. Their price usually depends on their quality. Industrial businesses work differently. Instead of selling the final product, an industrial business supplies other companies with the goods necessary for production, such as raw materials, manufacturing parts, etc. What makes a commercial business unique is their take on innovation, but when it comes to industrial businesses, the company that supplies the highest-quality materials at the fastest rate will stand out while others are left behind. Unfortunately, production isn’t a joke, and it’s difficult to improve your current production efficiency … Continue reading

مقدمة في عملية التسميد

إن عملية التسميد هي  عبارة عن تفاعل معقد بين النفايات والكائنات الحية الدقيقة المتواجدة داخلها . الكائنات الدقيقة التي تنفذ هذه العملية تنقسم إلى ثلاث مجموعات: البكتيريا والفطريات، والفطريات الشعاعية . الفطريات الشعاعية هي شكل من أشكال البكتيريا مثل الفطريات التي تفتت المواد العضوية .المرحلة الأولى من النشاط البيولوجي هو استهلاك السكريات المتوفرة بسهولة عن طريق البكتيريا، مما يسبب ارتفاعا سريعا في درجات الحرارة . تليها  المرحلة الثانية التي تسبب فيها  البكتيريا والفطريات الشعاعية  انهيار السليلوز . المرحلة الأخيرة هي المرحلة  المعنية بإنهيار اليغنينس “lignins” الصلبة من قبل الفطريات . الحلول الوسط لهذه العملية تتخلص  بالتسميد بكلفة منخفضة دون التهوية … Continue reading

Top Eco-Friendly Roofing Options for Your House

Costs, performance, and design take priority when homeowners embark on a construction project. While these factors are important, it’s important to consider other underlying factors which are important as well. Sustainability is fast gaining traction in the construction industry due to unending advantages to the house owner and the environment. Below are top eco-friendly roofing solutions for your house: 1. Green Roof No, a green roof isn’t about the color of the roof. Instead, it’s about the vegetation and plants on it. Interesting, huh? Well, apart from the beauty it bestows upon the property it’s installed, another advantage is heat … Continue reading

The Importance of Environmental Education for Children

Environmental issues are one of the major problems of today’s world. We’re living in an era where the Earth is jeopardized on different levels, and the efforts we’re putting in to change that don’t seem to be enough. We’re struggling with preserving our planet, and we need to address that issue over and over again. In addition, we need to be more active and involved in changing our behaviors in order to be environmentally conscious. Many people seem to forget that everything starts with an individual. You don’t have to be part of an environmental movement or organization in order … Continue reading

How to Make Hunting Better for the Environment

Being environmentally-conscious and adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle is definitely a growing trend that is rapidly spreading across various layers of our society. A lot of the modern hunters are people who embrace an eco-friendly way of living just as much as they are interested in hunting. Therefore, it’s important to understand whether hunting can be eco-friendly and what steps need to be taken. The question of environmentally-conscious hunting is complex. On the one hand, it is about improving current regulations and making certain changes that will have a positive impact on nature and the future of our planet. On the … Continue reading

5 Eco-friendly Projects You Can Do At Home

The planet is our home and hence we need all hands on deck to maintain it. One of those ways is to carry out projects in our homes that are considered green and eco-friendly. To do that, we would also need instruments like the band saw. If you don’t have this piece of equipment yet, there’s hundreds of band saw reviews online that you can read. Now, if you’re ready to create your woodworking projects, here are 5 eco-friendly project ideas you should consider. 1. Kitchen Facelift – Adding a Jar Herb Garden Are you worried that your kitchen cabinet … Continue reading

What are the Best Renewable Energy Stocks to Invest in?

The term renewable energy is widely used in the modern age, with this referring to energy derived from sources or processes that are continually replenished. The most prominent examples of renewable energy include solar, wind and geothermal energy, with the demand for such sources rising continually amid projections that the vast majority of fossil fuels are now “unburnable” if we’re to successfully limit the threat posed by global warming. At the same time, it’s thought that existing fossil fuel sources will be depleted by 2060 at the current rate of burning, so there’s no doubt that businesses and investors are … Continue reading

A Guide to Sustainable Engineering Practices

As humanity faces an array of environmental challenges, from climate change to resource depletion, sustainable engineering emerges as a pivotal field dedicated to devising solutions that meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. This discipline integrates principles of environmental science with engineering to develop efficient, durable, and economical solutions, minimizing the ecological footprint of human activities. Sustainable engineering addresses a broad spectrum of environmental challenges. It plays a crucial role in combating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in managing waste to prevent pollution, in conserving water and energy, and in protecting ecosystems … Continue reading

Biogas from Animal Wastes

The Middle East and North Africa region has a strong animal population. The livestock sector, in particular sheep, goats and camels, plays an important role in the national economy of regional countries. Millions of animals are imported in MENA each year from around the world. In addition, the region has witnessed very rapid growth in the poultry sector. Animal Waste Management Animal waste is a valuable source of nutrients and renewable energy. However, most of the waste is collected in lagoons or left to decompose in the open which pose a significant environmental hazard. The air pollutants emitted from manure include … Continue reading

مكافحة تغير المناخ: كيف يمكنك المساعدة؟

بعد استغلال موارد الأرض واستنزافها لمئات السنين، أصبحنا الآن في مواجهة الواقع الصعب والقاسي المتمثل في تغير المناخ.  بدأت درجة حرارة كوكب الأرض في الارتفاع ببطء، الأمر الذي أدى إلى المزيد من حالات الطقس المتقلبة الى جانب ان العقد الماضي هو الأشد حرارة على الإطلاق. لقد حان وقت العمل الآن.  لقد حاول فنانين اثنين أن ينقلا إلى الناس مدى أهمية وعجلة هذه الرسالة من خلال انشاء  “ساعة المناخ”  في ميدان يونيون في مانهاتن.  يحذر هذا العد التنازلي من أنه إذا لم تتراجع الانبعاثات الحالية من الغازات المسببة للانحباس الحراري العالمي قبل الموعد النهائي فإن الضرر الحاصل سوف يكون لا رجعة … Continue reading